Pokhara, Nepal: attractions and photos

Between China and India is a small mysterious country, which recently began to receive tourists. In the 50s of the last century, exotic Nepal opened its borders to foreign visitors. Buddha was born on the sacred land - Prince Gautama, and this is the only country in the world where Hinduism is the official religion.

No region can boast such an amazing richness of the landscape palette, and travelers who appreciate an unforgettable experience will discover a lot in the small state. No wonder Nepal, proud of its ancient culture and the most vibrant landscapes in the world, is called the country of discoveries. In search of the unknown, they rush for impressions.

The resort, which became famous recently

Until the second half of the 20th century, Pokhara (Nepal) did not enjoy such fame, and only a few Western tourists decided to visit the ancient city. And only after the construction of a modern road that connected the village with the outside world, everything changed. The rapid development of the city began in the 70s, and after 10 years, the Phewa lake promenade was full of fashionable shops, comfortable hotels, inexpensive restaurants and travel agencies.

Pokhara city in Nepal

Guests who feel themselves outside of space and time find themselves in a fantastic place, where the usual ideas about leisure are crumbling, and the current state of the tourism industry is able to satisfy all the needs of travelers.

Natural attraction

Pokhara (Nepal) is a colorful city located near the capital of Kathmandu, on the beautiful Lake Feva. It is considered the main attraction of the paradise and its integral part. The calm waters of the true pearl of the country create a mysterious sensation of meditation. Numerous bases are located next to it, where you can rent kayaks, boats, canoes and set off on your own to contemplate local beauties off the coast. Unforgettable impressions remain after a meeting of sunsets and sunrises on a lake bewitching with its beauty: the sun's rays paint gloomy mountain silhouettes in different shades. Once Nicholas Roerich captured the amazing beauty on his canvases.

pokhara nepal

This area, where hot springs and Tibetan temples are located, is declared the Annapurna National Park. The city of Pokhara in Nepal is more famous for its amazing beauty of nature than for historical and architectural sights.

Relaxing atmosphere

Such a picturesque location, as well as proximity to the Himalayas, provided a quiet place with the glory of the country's best mountain resort. Trekking routes begin from here, and most tourists either prepare for a hike or rest after it, so life here is more relaxed than in other cities of Nepal. No one is in a hurry, there are almost no cars on the streets, and people walk and enjoy the silence.

Weather and climate

Due to the sharp difference in altitude (from 1000 to 8000 meters), the resort of Pokhara (Nepal) is one of the wettest regions. The weather in the city pleases travelers, since almost all year round you can walk in a T-shirt and shorts. The hottest seasons and the most suitable for mountain climbing are spring and autumn, but from mid-June to September it often rains, so you should definitely arm yourself with an umbrella. The average temperature in December is +15 degrees, and in July it can rise to +35.

Pokhara Nepal earthquake

Mountain Peaks Panorama

Of course, all the tourists are attracted primarily by the Himalayas, and an important tourist center is the very place where the most beautiful and majestic mountain range of our planet opens. On clear days, a truly stunning panorama of snowy peaks is observed, and when the silver fog thickens, everything looks ghostly and mysterious. The landscapes that open to the eyes are so mesmerizing that you can spend hours admiring the nature for which the fabulous Pokhara (Nepal) is famous. The height of this mountainous country above sea level is about 827 meters, which makes the local air healing.

Holidays for every taste

As tourists note, an unusual resort is characterized by a measured life. There are no high-rise buildings and fashionable shopping centers, but an unforgettable experience is guaranteed to everyone. In complete silence, you can admire the majestic nature, paraglide, go rafting, fish in the lake. Of course, trekking in the Annapurna National Park is very popular, of which Pokhara (Nepal) attracts with its picturesque landscapes. Photos taken during the trip are impressive.

Many people take tents and special equipment for hiking, as someone is satisfied with the usual walk, and someone is eager to test themselves on routes of great difficulty.

Tracking Annapurna Circuit

Trekking is another attraction of the resort. Local routes are not inferior to the most famous in the world. You can go on a hike lasting from three days to several weeks as part of a tourist group with a guide or on your own. And its duration depends on financial capabilities and physical fitness.

eagle and tails pokhara nepal

The most famous track is called "Annapurna Chain", and it is well known among true fans of mountain climbing. Travelers have a rare opportunity to get to the very center of the Himalayan mountain range, to get acquainted with the life and national traditions of local residents. The 300 km Annapurna Circuit route runs along paddy fields and subtropical forests. Tourists climb the peaks of Manaslu, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Thorong La, and such a difficult transition lasts more than two weeks. All villages located on the route survive only at the expense of tourists visiting mystical Nepal.

Pokhara: Kali Temple

Not far from the resort is the Dakshinkali temple (Dakshinkali), dedicated to the formidable goddess - the wife of Shiva. The multi-armed Kali requires blood, and twice a week residents make sacrifices. The life of animals and birds Nepalese pay for the mercy of the deity. As tourists admit, the faint of heart to go inside these days is not worth it.

What to see more?

Pokhara (Nepal) is the only city in the world to open a mountain museum, offering an exciting program for its visitors. The expositions are so saturated that in numerous halls you can spend the whole day. Guests get acquainted with objects of Nepalese life, fossils of the Himalayas, samples of stones.

At the top of the hill is the Buddhist stupa World Peace Pagoda. The cult monument attracts with a unique opportunity to touch the main spiritual shrine. The Stupa of the World is oriented on four cardinal points, and four Buddha statues brought from different countries are installed in niches.

pokhara nepal photo

In the middle of Lake Feva is the Barahi Temple (Barahi), consisting of two pagodas. The unique architectural structure testifies to the national traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism.

The Mahendra Gupha Lime Cave is a very curious place, decorated with clusters of stalactites and stalagmites.

From Mount Sarangkot, which offers stunning views of the surroundings, lovers of tickling their nerves fly paragliding, and lovers of beauty try to spend the night at the top to meet a crimson dawn, surprising with bright colors.

Unforgettable Pokhara (Nepal) gained fame thanks to Devi's fall - Devi waterfall, shrouded in ancient traditions. It got its name after the tragedy, when the Swedish tourist Davidson fell into the cave. The cascade is especially beautiful after the rainy season.

Nepal Pokhara Kali Temple

Nepal earthquake

In April and May 2015, strong tremors were recorded with magnitudes 7, 9 with the epicenter between the state capital and the city of Pokhara (Nepal). The earthquake claimed the lives of more than eight thousand people. An important tourist center, fortunately, was not injured. The country, which already opened damaged sights for its guests in June, hopes that the interest of tourists in the region will not be lost.

Earthly paradise

In the most popular educational program "Eagle and Reshka" Pokhara (Nepal) is presented as a quiet place with amazing nature. The presenters of the program visited sacred places, met good-natured Nepalese, saw with their own eyes the greatness of the snow-capped peaks, and set off on a hike to the mountains.

pokhara nepal height

The resort can be called another version of earthly paradise. Exotics makes itself felt at every step, and each guest, regardless of religious preferences, revises his ideas about the main human values. Tourists return home full of energy and again feel a taste for life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34602/

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