Fus ro dah: meaning

Many on the Internet met memes, demotivators and videos with the signature: Fus ro dah. Gamers know where this phrase came from, but to simple inhabitants, far from the world of computer games, this phrase does not say anything. Therefore, we will figure out where this exclamation came from and what it means.


fus ro dah
Fus Ro Dah owes its appearance to Skyrim. It was here that the hero Dovakin, before making a devastating blow, shouted this spell. There is no translation from English of these words, because the creators used a special dragon, close to English. As it became known, thanks to a large number of computer game lovers, Fus ro dah translation has something like this:

  • Fus is power.
  • Ro is equilibrium.
  • Dah is a push.

If you watch the video on which the moments of the application of this blow are captured, such a translation did not go far from the truth. The enemy, which fell under the influence of the cry of Dovakin, flies off several meters.


The game only translates from dragon language into English: Force-Balance-Push. The meaning is practically not distorted, all the same the use of force to push. In total, in the game Skyrim V, the hero has to collect sixty words for his roars. The result will be twenty types of scream for strikes. They act in a different way, and Fus ro dah was remembered by the players because, as a rule, they collect it first and by the method of its action.


fus ro dah
Dragon abilities, which pass on to the hero along with the tongue, are an addition to magic, skills and stealth. They do not require mana, but at the same time give the hero a significant advantage. Some allow you to imperceptibly approach enemies, while others slow down the time around the hero. If you are interested in the dragon language and its application, then just plunge into the magical world of Skyrim V, try to collect the words of the spell yourself and roar the cry that many have fallen in love with: Fus ro dah, to hit enemies. Perhaps this particular game will become your guide to the world of fantasy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34629/

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