What is the strongest deck on the Paladin?

The paladin is currently one of the most popular classes at Hartstone-2. But this was far from always. More recently, Uther was the most unclaimed character. Want to know which deck on the Paladin was able to give this class a second life? Read this article!


Throughout the Hartstone story, the Paladin hasn’t missed stars from the sky. In the days of vanilla cholesterol, he was unclaimed; few played for Uther. Pal was vulnerable to agricultural decks and did not have strong cards for late. It was assumed that further additions to the game will correct this deplorable situation. However, the developers again cheated the Paladin. Neither Nakskramas nor Goblins and Dwarves had powerful cards that could strengthen this class. For comparison: if the Warlock in GiG received Mal'Ganis, who can be safely called one of the best cards in the game, then Uther got a very situational Bolvar Fordragon.

Paladin Deck

The situation changed only after the release of the "Big Tournament". The developers finally remembered the Paladin and gave him very strong, somewhat imba cards. Want to know more about them? Welcome to this article.

Grand Tournament Cards

In this part of the article, we will consider the best Palovskie cards from the addon called "Grand Tournament". Any modern deck on the Paladin contains, if not all, then at least a few of the following cards.

Murloc Knight can rightfully be called a better lump in the game. For four mana we get a carcass with stats 3/4. Pretty weak. However, low stats fully justify the effect of the card. Using the hero’s ability, another random Murloc will be summoned to the table. It can be anyone, starting with the frail Oracle of the Black Scale and ending with the Old Dark Eye. Using the Murloc Knight, you can quickly flood the table. This card is very dangerous, and it is clear to any player. Therefore, often enemies use all possible ways to prevent Murlok the knight from breeding. And this means that the enemy without a twinge of conscience can spend a powerful remuval on this card.

Paladin's Secret

The mysterious challenger is a magnificent map that has founded a whole archetype around itself (you can read about Secretopal below). For six mans, we get a creature with 6/6 characteristics, which is pretty good already. In addition, we get a battle cry. When the Mysterious Challenger enters the field, he activates all the secrets that are in our deck. And this is a pretty strong effect. As you know, the Paladin has very weak secrets. They cost one mana and practically do not affect the game. However, when there are a lot of these secrets (which can be achieved by the Mysterious Applicant), they become incredibly dangerous. The community has repeatedly raised the question of the need to nerf this card. Nevertheless, the developers have not said anything about this.

The adversarial sprint is Paladin's next secret. This card is great for agrodeks. Spamming the table with small creatures like recruits, we can strengthen them with this secret. Thus, a couple of harmless 1/1 minions turns into a small army of 2/2 mobs, which can already be used for exchange. Among other things, the competitive sprint goes well with the Mysterious challenger.

Paladin Deck HearthStone

Paladin Deck HearthStone

Tired of playing at low ranks? Want to conquer the ranks one by one with the help of the Paladin? Then this article is for you. After all, here we will discuss the most popular and effective decks for this class. Want to know what is the strongest deck on the Paladin? Read on!

Paladin's deck for secrets

Secretopal is, without a doubt, the best deck of the Paladin HearthStone. She has a very high win rate. With its help, without any problems you can achieve high ranks and even take the Legend. What is really there. The Paladin’s secret deck is used even in professional tournaments. The key card in the deck is the Mysterious Challenger. In addition, the presence of secrets is important (the more the better). The remaining slots can be scored with anything, and this is another indisputable plus of the deck. Sekretodin can be both agro and midrange deck. It all depends on the preferences of the player.

Paladin Base Deck

Another advantage of the deck - low cost. Therefore, Sekretodin is a pretty budget Paladin deck. After all, all that is needed for her: two Mysterious challengers (400 dust each) and secrets (fall out of the booster packs). As mentioned above, other cards can be collected in the deck at your discretion. If you have a very bad collection, you can put base cards in the deck. Of course, the deck from this will become a little weaker, but nevertheless, it will still be competitive.

Paladin for beginners

But what if there is no dust even on Secretodin? There remains the only option - the Paladin base deck. Of course, with its help it will not be possible to achieve high ranks, but thanks to this deck you can understand the basics of the game, hone your skills. And rating is not the most important thing at Hartstone. You need to enjoy the game, enjoy the process. In addition, the base deck will allow you to carry on the dealers. And you can make good money on them in order to collect the Secretopal in the future. With the right approach and perseverance, you can scrape dust on the Paladin's Secret in two weeks.


Paladin's Budget Deck

Until recently, no one played for the Paladin, but now Uther is in the top 5 meta. This once again proves that the Hartstone meta is very unstable and changes with every addon. Is it bad? Of course not. To constantly play with the same decks would be boring. Therefore, from time to time, developers give players a shake-up, releasing add-ons for the game.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34639/

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