Vsevolod Vishnevsky - prose writer and optimist

In general, although everyone in our country is scolding the Soviet regime, it’s our story, and we need to learn from it. But time was truly heroic. How many truly great personalities and heroes-patriots were brought up who were ready to give their lives at any moment! Of course, the country was rebuilt, and a lot of terrible things happened, but a lot of positive things happened. Here is about one such famous person - Vsevolod Vishnevsky - and more will be discussed. This Soviet writer, playwright, prose writer and journalist created more than one literary masterpiece.

Vsevolod Vishnevsky: biography. Family, childhood

The writer was born on December 8, 1900, not anywhere, but in a family of hereditary noblemen in St. Petersburg. It should be noted that his father, Vitaly Petrovich Vishnevsky, was a private surveyor and a major engineer. Mom's name was Anna Alexandrovna (Golovacheva). Vsevolod studied at St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 1. His favorite subjects were Russian, history and geography.

Vsevolod Vishnevsky

In his gymnasium, he still at that time became the editor of the magazine "From under the desk." From childhood he taught himself to keep diaries (in the future this material became very useful for his writing work).

Publishing work

From the age of twelve he was familiar with printing and publishing, as in the house in which they lived, two printing houses were located. He knew workers who often invited the boy to him. Even his father dreamed of creating his own magazine, performing all the preparatory operations at home.

Soon after the First World War, Russia was increasingly plunged into chaos. The young and hot fourteen-year-old teenager Vsevolod Vishnevsky could not stand it and ran straight to the front as a volunteer to become a young man of the Baltic Fleet. He went through the war with dignity and became the foreman of intelligence, he even managed to get such awards as the St. George Cross and two medals "For Courage".

Revolt and revolution

He did not pass and an armed uprising in Petrograd. The October Revolution began. He joined the Bolsheviks and immediately came to the front of the war. It is impossible to imagine how strong the ideology of socialism was in order to go with a bayonet against their own.

optimistic tragedy

In 1918, Vishnevsky Vsevolod Vitalievich was enlisted as a fighter in the 1st coastal detachment. In 1919, he served as a machine gunner on the Vanya-Communist ship of the Volga Flotilla, then as a machine gunner of the Kommunar and Grozny armored trains.

Vishnevsky - writer

He publishes his first writings in the newspaper "Red Black Sea". After that, he begins his broad systematic creative activity.

He even began speaking in Moscow in front of the Soviet public, where he read his diary (the topic was devoted to service on the Ocean ship, because even then he taught navigational affairs).

we are from kronstadt

The fame “The First Horse” (1929) brought him national fame. Thanks to the work "We are from Kronstadt," he got into great literature. Then there were other, no less famous masterpieces. Among them, it is especially worth noting such works as “Optimistic Tragedy” and “The Last Decisive” (1933). By 1939, he was already working as a war correspondent for the newspaper Pravda. Then (during the Great Patriotic War, from 1941 to 1942), he took the post of editor of the journal "Banner". In recent years, he has worked on the documentary epic War. Vishnevsky died on February 28, 1951 in Moscow.

Vishnevsky Vsevolod Vitalievich

In 1936, according to the script of Vishnevsky, the film of the same name “We Are From Kronstadt” was directed by Yefim Dzigan. His popularity was simply deafening and comparable only with the “Chapaev” of the Vasilyev brothers. The film was approved by many literary and directorial critics (even S. Eisenstein, who shot the film "Battleship" Potemkin ", noted that this film continued the epic style of Soviet cinema).

Vishnevsky - the enemy

As it turns out, few people know that Vishnevsky not only acted as a writer, but was also a pessimistic critic. It is surprising that for some reason Zoshchenko and Bulgakov became his opponents.

Vishnevsky biography

Some literary publications point to the mention of Vishnevsky in the novel "The Master and Margarita" in the image of Mstislav Lavrovich. Like it or not, today history is silent. But the fact that he was absolutely intolerant of his colleagues in the pen, proved unequivocally.

Instead of a total

Of course, you can talk about the work of this unique writer in a very long time. It is worth noting that the “Optimistic Tragedy” has remained unclaimed. But any person of the past Soviet era can easily determine a picture showing even just a short period of the history of 1919, when a small contingent of sailors opposed the superior forces of Yudenich who besieged the then Petrograd.

But if we take literature into account, Vsevolod Vishnevsky sees himself in his role as a rather powerful author both in terms of the historian and in terms of journalism. It is not surprising, because he became an eyewitness of those events at a young age. And his subsequent views were formed precisely on the basis of these experiences and beliefs.

But what is most interesting, Vsevolod Vishnevsky was a participant in the hostilities in Spain in 1936 and the so-called Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. (before the start of World War II). At the same time, he did absolutely wrong, abandoning a number of poems by Anna Akhmatova, published in the journal Znamya, considering them to be inconsistent with Soviet reality and morality. He openly stated this in the publication of the Literary Newspaper of 09/07/1946. Whether he was right or not, it is not for us to judge.

But the creativity and life of this literary unique still cause completely inadequate reactions both from ordinary readers and from its adherents. But, as they say, history will judge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34642/

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