Elder Jonah of Odessa: biography, prophecies and interesting facts

The Odessa old man, Shiarchimandrite Jonah, was known for his wonderful deeds at the Odessa Holy Assumption Monastery. And just recently he was escorted on the last journey. Therefore, it is very important to once again recall the glory of the messenger of God in a single small corner of the monastery, where he was able to help thousands of people from different corners of the earth. Its visitors were both rich and poor, noble and ordinary people, young and old. Both believers and atheists respected the one through whom the Lord himself spoke to them. Indeed, because of our remoteness from the spiritual world, we can perceive only those who are deprived of negative qualities: anger, envy, whose heart is filled with selfless kindness and love. One of such messengers of God on this sinful earth was the perspicacious old man Jonah of Odessa.


the elder of ion Odessa

The secular name of the spiritual father is Vladimir Afanasevich Ignatenko. He was born on October 10, 1925 in the Kirovograd region (Ukraine). Mother Pelagius gave birth to a boy in the 45th year of life. He was the ninth child in a modest pious family. Father Athanasius named his son in honor of Prince Vladimir. They lived at that time poorly, but joyfully. There was a horse and two cows on the farm, and those were taken away by the authorities under the slogan of dispossession. But in truth - because they openly believed in God and attended the liturgy in the church. At school they taught that there is no god. But mother told the children not to believe the godless, and that in this world everything happens only by the grace of the Most High. From childhood, kindness, love, decency and hard work were inculcated in children in the family. “Prayer and labor will grind everything and without God is not up to the threshold” - these words of Volodya’s mother were always in his heart.

Hard times

predictions of the elder ions of Odessa

Power in the 30s fiercely waged a struggle with believers in God. Temples were destroyed and closed, monks were sent to Siberia at best. But in order to understand God and his plan for each person, you need to go through a series of difficult tests. Even in very ancient Vedic scriptures about Slavic peoples there is a section where it is written that the age of enlightenment on earth will begin with them, but the path to God will be opened to them through suffering. Because of this grace from above, in our countries there is such chaos, godlessness, vanity, deceit and war. People are not given to understand the plan of God, but we can take the right path only by listening to his disinterested servants. This is important for anyone to understand, no matter what country he lives in, what body he received, or what religion he professes. God is merciful and constantly sends us his faithful helpers to awaken in people the initial state of eternal happiness and love. Many people think that they can build the kingdom of God here on earth.

Teachings of the elder

prophecy of the elder, jonas of Odessa

But the elder Jonah of Odessa repeatedly said that there is a school, not a house, and everything is perishable here. The body and place of residence were given to us here during the training.

The clairvoyant elder also mentioned the fall of Russia. He said that in those days of the reign of the king, people were proud of their exalted position. The monks forgot about asceticism and acquisitions of the body to pacify, mired in pleasures. And God shed mercy, so that people would not sink further in pride and not disappear in the fiery hyena after death. Power was transferred to other forces, but when they bring people to a certain level of suffering, they have humility and patience. Then God likes it, and he returns to them again his best students from exile and from other places back for preaching.

God's revelation

Odessa elder Ion Ignatenko prediction

Therefore, from childhood, the Elder Jonah of Odessa prayed and worked tirelessly. He was waiting for his hour to reach people with a special mission. It’s easy to die, but living righteously is difficult. The Mother of God has always been the patroness of this amazing person. Once in his youth, working in the field until late at night, he fell asleep at the wheel of a tractor on which he plowed the field. And suddenly, waking up, he saw a woman in front of him in the headlights. Stopping abruptly, Father Jonah (then Vladimir) ran out of the tractor to see what happened, find out who it was. But there was nobody there, on the spot where he saw the woman, there was a cliff. Then came the realization that it was the Virgin Mary herself.

Serious illness

Working hard in various fields, not even graduating from high school (only four classes), by the age of 40 Vladimir had developed tuberculosis. I realized that the time has come when you need to think already about the soul, and not just about the body. And while in the hospital, seeing how many people suffer there and die, he vowed to the Lord that if he didn’t let him die, he would give his life to him and go to the monks.

Sheared monks

Odessa elder schiarchimandrite ion

And so it happened. Having learned that hermit monks live in the Caucasus, Jon went to those lands on foot right from the hospital. He received mercy from associating with exalted personalities and chose a spiritual teacher - Rev. Kuksha. Received initiation and tonsured monks.

With the blessing and instruction of his teacher, he went to Odessa, to the Holy Assumption Monastery. But immediately they did not let him go there. Jonah's father did not despair and settled next to him in a dugout, which he himself dug. Prayerfully and humbly waited for the opportunity. And now man's strength was needed in the monastery, and he was taken on rough work. It was very difficult, it was necessary to pass the test of humility and patience. But Father Jonah went from a novice to a schiarchimandrite. It was only later that the confessors saw in this the providence of God. In December 1964, Rev. Kuksha left this world, and the same year the Lord sent his disciple to replace him. Amazing deeds of the Lord in the name of the salvation of their children.

Interesting case

As the monk received the ranks, belts and mantles, we will not describe in the name of the glory of the elder Jonah, who also did not like to focus on this. Even the abbot from above (the late father Sergius) once again raised a scandal over the fact that, they say, the monks wear old shabby coasters. Jonah's father, humbly coming to the abbot for a blessing, bent down, wiped his hands (after fixing the tractor) on his new silk cassock, took the blessing and left. The abbot, however, understood and accepted the lesson from above with dignity. I didn’t say anything to anyone else about this, but I wrote out all the monks, including Jonah, as new gift coasters.

Prophecies of St. Jonah

old man ion Odessa biography

The holy father Jonah loved everyone very much. And these are not just flattering words, but heartfelt confirmations of all who have visited the old man at least once. His sonorous, divine voice has always instilled hope and faith in all. Humility and industriousness inspired even those spiritual brothers who were higher in rank. The holy father also possessed the gift of prophecy. It was the elder Jonah of Odessa who predicted the tragic events in Ukraine. High officials, ministers, presidents of countries, and ordinary people visited him. Lines were lined up in the morning or even in the evening to receive the mercy of Father Jonah. He did not let anyone go without a gift, blessing, and anointing with holy oil, which he replenished by visiting holy places. They invited him to stay in Athos, in the Lavra, in Jerusalem, but everywhere Jonah humbly apologized and said that the Virgin asked to remain in the Assumption Monastery. And how many wonderful stories are told by people who visited the elder! The predictions of the elder Jonah of Odessa have always come true.

Missionary activity

the elder of ion Odessa predicted

The Holy Father was very kind to all parishioners. Some visitors who had been in the monastery for a long time, the father recalled by name, and even knew relatives, gave instructions and certainly presented. In a small cell, the father slept on the floor, and on the bed lay books and offerings, which were replenished daily and immediately distributed. Saint Jonah gave everything without a trace - food, knowledge, books, icons, kindness, faith, anointed abundantly with holy oil. And most importantly - enveloped in boundless divine love. In a cold, standing in one cassock, he gave God's blessing to all who came to him, while he himself was already turning blue from the cold. He asked God to ease the suffering of people who themselves can not yet change their lives. Of course, part of the sins falls on the body of the supplicant. Because of this, such good personalities suffer greatly. Father, transferring ailments, never grumbled at fate, but joyfully met everyone and only gave good. It is impossible to describe all the acts of St. Jonah. He gave inspirational prophecies for all of Russia (that is, for all countries of the post-Soviet space). Something has come true already, something else will happen, but something will change. The prophecy of the elder Jonah of Odessa about the war was especially shocking. Everything came true exactly, as he said.

After his death, a great confrontation began. In which direction there will be changes depends on the people themselves, their thoughts and actions. If everyone will pray and try very hard to live by the laws, despite different languages, countries, religions, then on earth, although not completely, the kingdom of God will draw near. And all people will live happily even here, but this time will be short-lived, so it is better to hurry to accept the instructions of the holy personalities. After all, here is still not our home, and the Almighty wants us to be cleansed of what we do not need and return to his eternal abode of joy, love, happiness, where there is no suffering, disease and death.

Jonah's father left this mortal world at 88 year of life - December 18, 2012. He left the prophecies about the future war and the new righteous king. But it’s important to understand that just sitting and waiting for change is stupid. We need to pray and work - these are the two wings that will lead us to God. Thus St. Jonah bequeathed to us sinners. All considered his brothers and sisters or children the Odessa old man Ion Ignatenko. His prediction about the spiritual world on earth will certainly come true.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34643/

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