Ignatiev Cave: a natural monument shrouded in secrets

Not far from the village of Serpievka in the Chelyabinsk region is the Ignatieff Cave, which is famous not only in Russia but throughout the world. It is one of 9 unique monuments of the Paleolithic era, where the oldest drawings created by man were found. It is often compared with such famous caves as Altamira (Spain) and Lasko (France).

Ignatiev cave

Secrets of Ignatiev Cave

Ignatiev cave has been visited more than once by archaeologists from various countries. But only in 1980, a sensational discovery was made here: in one of the farthest parts of the indicated place, drawings of an ancient man were discovered . They were located on the ceiling and on the walls. From this moment, the caves of the Chelyabinsk region gained world fame. According to scientists, the found drawings were made 14-16 thousand years ago. In total there are about 40 groups.

Here you can see realistic images of a mammoth, a bull, a rhinoceros and other animals, as well as mysterious geometric symbols. But it is worth noting that the galleries with drawings are located in hard-to-reach places, far from daylight. Modern scholars are sure that in ancient times Ignatievskaya cave was a venue for ritual actions. Indeed, for a primitive man, the cave symbolized an intermediate state between life and death.

Surprisingly, the history of Ignatiev Cave did not end in antiquity. For centuries, it has been a place of shelter for both ordinary lawbreakers and Old Believers, hiding from the oppression of the official Orthodox Church. According to legend, this cave received its modern name from the name of the hermit Ignatius, who lived here in the 19th century.

At first Ignatievsk cave was his home, and then the burial place. Back in the 50s of the last century, one could see here the remains of a wooden log house where Ignatius lived. The latter, after death, began to be revered. So, during the time of Tsarist Russia, every 9th Friday after Easter, a large number of pilgrims flocked to the Ignatieff Cave.

caves of the Chelyabinsk region

It is still unknown who the recluse Ignatius really was. Some say that he was the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich who adopted the schema (brother of Nicholas I), while others believe that the retired Emperor Alexander I was hiding under the name Ignatius. Now only a small figure of a woman who is carved resembles the old man living here on one of the walls of the cave.

The microclimate of Ignatiev cave

caves of Russia

The constant temperature in Ignatievskaya cave is +5 ° . The flow of clean air in the cave is rather weak. At the same time, aerosols of magnesium, potassium and sodium are contained in the air. And, of course, there is a high level of humidity. Like other caves in Russia, this creation of nature is rich in calcite formations, stalagmites, stalactites and calcite rivers. In addition, you can find real cave pearls here. Thus, Ignatieff Cave will appeal not only to history buffs, but also to cavers. Moreover, not far from it is located the equally popular Essum Cave.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34649/

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