The nearest addresses of Kari stores in Moscow

A quality shoe store in your city is very convenient. If in one place you can buy it for men, women, adolescents and children, then this is just a godsend. Shoes for humans are a must. Knowing the addresses of Kari stores in Moscow, you can experience the charm of this network. Quality always has a higher price along with a cheaper option, for which no one gives a guarantee.

Kari Network

One of the most popular shoe stores, which has established itself on the positive side and has a huge number of regular customers, is Kari. It can be found in the cities of the CIS country, where there are fans of quality goods. In such stores you can buy not only shoes, but also a huge number of accessories. Having found out the addresses of Kari stores in Moscow, you can choose the nearest one so as not to waste your time. In order to please customers, a special program is offered, according to which, upon purchase, the percentage is returned to the buyer's card as a bonus. Also, the network often provides promotional discounts and programs.

addresses of kari stores in Moscow

A wide range of advantages suggests that each customer is very valuable, almost everything possible is done to achieve his pleasure from the purchase. In order to better understand what the operation of the chain of stores is based on, we will consider the main advantages that you get if you want to buy shoes at Kari. Addresses of stores in Moscow are below.

Customer Benefits

Buyers are always attracted by careful attention to themselves and their requirements, as well as discounts and other types of promotion. What are the benefits for store customers?

  • An individual approach - they are very responsible for the selection of personnel here, so loyal and respectful attitude to customers is a priority.
  • A wide range of products.
  • The ability to return or replace a defective product.
  • High level of quality.
  • Bonuses and promotions.
  • Reasonable prices.
  • If you are a fan of shoes under the brand name of quality โ€œKariโ€, then finding a store will not be difficult.
  • Prices for shoes are available to a wide range of consumers with different levels of affluence.
  • You can become a member of the Kari club program.

We all want to have confidence that the purchase will not give us a lot of inconvenience. The Kari chain of stores ensures that the buyer is satisfied with the quality of the purchased goods. Even if you have a marriage, you have the opportunity to replace it or return it by receiving your money back within 2 months.

kari shoes store addresses in moscow

How to find quality shoes in Moscow?

Regardless of whether you are a local resident of the capital or a guest, finding the necessary store will not be so simple, since there are a huge number of them with different prices and quality. How not to get lost and find what is needed? The following are the addresses of stores in Moscow, so you can save time on searches:

  1. 35 Borovskoye Shosse, Petrovsky Shopping Center , 2nd floor.
  2. Golovinskoye highway, 5/1.
  3. Warsaw highway, 160, Atlantis on the 2nd floor.
  4. Dmitrov highway, 163a / 1.
  5. MKAD, second kilometer, 2, Chocolate.
  6. MKAD, 24 km, 24.
  7. Prospect Andropova, 8, Megapolis, 2nd floor.

Addresses of Kari stores in Moscow will help you find what will really satisfy you in terms of quality, prices and location.

Kari shops in Moscow addresses with metro

If you use the subway ...

Moscow is a city with a frantic pace of life; finding in it what you need will not always work out quickly. If you often travel around the city, then it is advisable for you to find out where the Kari stores are in Moscow. Addresses (with metro) will be indicated below.

  1. At VDNH: address - st. Ostankinskaya 1st, 55. If you get off at the Vystavochny Tsentr metro stop, the distance to your destination is 250 meters, you can also get off at the VDNKh stop - you need to walk 500 meters from it.
  2. Water - address: highway Golovinskoye, 5/1. The metro station "River Station" or "Water Stadium". The second option is preferable, since the distance to the store is less than 300 meters.
  3. "Capitol", shopping center: address - st. Right Bank, 1d. Metro station "Planetary".
  4. "Fifth Avenue": st. Marshala Biryuzova, 32. Metro stop "Schukinskaya" or "October Field".

Knowing the addresses of Kari stores in Moscow, you can find the closest one, they are waiting for their visitors from 10.00 to 22.00.


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