Whitney Thompson - winner of the 10 reality show Tyra Banks

Recently, girls with figures that we see on the streets appear on the catwalks. They are overweight compared to standard models. One of the first corpulent girls who decided to become a top model was Whitney Thompson. Before her, 5 girls with non-standard sizes tortured happiness in a reality show. But they did not succeed. Whitney Thompson, having an attractive face, the correct proportions of the figure, has applied for participation in the show Tyra.

short biography

The girl was born on September 26, 1987 in the town of Atlantic Beach (Florida). Becoming a model was her golden dream. In her homeland, she appeared three times on the cover of Jacksonville Magazine. Persistent Whitney worked in elementary school, took care of children before and after classes, studied at Duncan University. Despite the fact that Whitney Thompson's height, weight and other parameters were unsuitable for the modeling business (178 cm, 85 kg, chest volume - 94 cm, waist circumference - 81 cm, and hips - 108 cm), Tyra and the judges drew attention to the green-eyed, chestnut-colored pretender.


From all states of America, 35 girls were selected from video and photographs. Each applicant briefly spoke about herself, and 13 girls were left who were supposed to take part in the reality show “Top Model in American Style”. Season 10 began with the fact that 8 applicants were taken to New York. All the girls were different, and at that moment Whitney Thompson was lost among them. She needed to change her appearance. For this, stylists began. They made a bright blonde out of her, increased their hair, and applied spectacular makeup.

whitney thompson


Every day, the girls were taken to the shooting. Accessories were very diverse, as was makeup that was applied to work with the photographer. Every day the high jury expelled one of the participants, and their number decreased every day. Models kept in suspense. Not always the relations between the girls were friendly. Some immediately said that it was a competition, and they would not have friends.

What did they do with the girls

  • In series 3 on a yacht near the evening Brooklyn Bridge on a sunny, cold, windy day, the beauties advertised underwear from El MacPherson. Everyone froze, but smiles did not leave their faces. This was the first real test - turning into a model under any conditions.
  • It was terrible to watch 4 episodes when the girls were brought to a meat factory and “dressed” in pieces of raw meat. The action happened so that the girls had to not only walk beautifully, but almost cuddle with raw carcasses hanging on hooks. Whitney did not particularly show herself: neither good nor bad.
  • In series 5, multi-colored paints flowed down the faces of the models. Girls in a dilapidated structure were invited to learn how to take various poses for a photo shoot. They had to show different feelings in the frame. Whitney Thompson tried, but she did not succeed. She, as the judges decided, posed reluctantly and did not show a strong desire for victory.
  • In episode 6, Whitney, capable of music, perfectly revealed the musical style of the melody. She was noted as the best in this competition.
    model whitney thompson

Goodbye America!

  • In series 9, the competition task consisted of going to a party. Everything was evaluated: tact, manners, the ability to present oneself in society and to conduct an easy unobtrusive conversation. The girls were warned that the next thing they had to do was fly to Italy. There was no end to the enthusiasm. At the airport, the next photo shoot took place. Together with their suitcases, they, climbing the ladder, took spectacular poses. Whitney was mean again.
  • In series 11, the girls were brought to the center of the gladiators. They put on armor, gave shields and swords and began to learn how to handle weapons, not forgetting to show all their beauty, strength, confidence and calm. After the training, a photo session was held in an old castle. Whitney was recognized as one of two finalists.
  • In series 12, the participants in black and white frames were supposed to pose in close-ups. Girls reincarnated as Italian stars who are hiding from annoying paparazzi. Many liked the work of Whitney.
  • A commercial for mascara made girls even more worried. It was necessary to speak in frames, talking about the merits of the carcass. Our heroine was a clear leader. Model Whitney Thompson did the job as a professional. The next thing the two girls remained in the final was shooting for the cover of Seventin.
    whitney thompson height weight
    And finally - the final defile in dresses by Donatella Versace. The girls held brilliantly, and yet Whitney was the best. Whitney became the 10th winner of the show. There were tears of joy, numerous pictures with the judges. And, of course, prizes!

Whitney Thompson Now

After the show, she changed her hair color and became dark, and then dyed again. Before and after reality, the girl heard a lot of talk that she was a “fat cow”. She stopped paying attention to it. Whitney was looking for an application for her strength and stopped at the fact that she opened a boutique for girls and women suffering from the fact that they are overweight.

whitney thompson now
In the photo she is wearing clothes from her collection. Whitney Thompson seeks to prove that ladies in the body deserve happiness. Their weight is not an obstacle to marriage and career. She believes that Britain represents in this sense a very interesting market for size plus. Whitney thinks that you should only wear clothing that is comfortable. She loves bright silk, leather and black jeans.
top american model 10 season
Thompson takes a bicycle and rides it, like all ordinary people. And she says that if she wants to, she eats steaks and chips and advises everyone whose weight is not too much higher than the norm, just listen to your body and enjoy life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34663/

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