How to steam a broom in order to enjoy the bath

From time immemorial, the bathhouse in Russia was not only washed, but also treated. But modern people either simply don’t know about these medicinal properties of the bathhouse or forgets. But if you know how to steam a broom correctly and how to steam it, you can not only have a good time, but also get great benefit. After all, the healing power of the bath is precisely in the ability to steam. And our people often go to the bath just for fun, or they will pour boiling water over a broom and well, quilting themselves.

True, among the fans of the bathing procedure, there are still real experts who lead endless disputes about how to steam properly and how to steam a broom. These disputes have always been and probably will last forever, and interestingly, both of them are right - there is simply not one way of steaming a broom, but several, and there are different brooms.

Broom broom strife. They are birch, linden, oak ... You can add juniper or larch branches to them. The healing effect is enhanced by various herbs woven into brooms, for example, aromatic, soothing, or vice versa - invigorating. It is not recommended to only add poisonous herbs. You can use pine needles.

The method of steaming also depends on whether your broom is fresh or dried.
A fresh broom is enough just to hold for several minutes in warm water. If the broom is overexposed, then the most useful substances from the leaves will be in the water, and the broom will become less fragrant. Coniferous brooms are used only fresh. To make the needles soft, the broom is lowered into boiling water for 20 minutes and covered with a lid or a second basin from above. You can use coniferous brooms three or four times.

And now how to steam the dried broom. Dry birch broom is first simply rinsed in cool water, and then placed for 15 minutes in warm water, covered with another basin on top. If the broom lies in the water for more than half an hour, then the leaves will swell strongly, become heavy and quickly crumble. The same will happen if you make a dried broom with boiling water.

Not everyone knows how to steam a broom properly if it is very dry. To revive such a broom, first you need to lower it for half a minute in hot water, and then hold it a bit on hot stones. The steam generated in this process will steam the broom. If the broom is not soft enough, then the procedure is repeated again. This method is also good because it forms healing steam. You just need to watch so that the leaves from the broom do not remain on the stones, otherwise the steam room will be filled with an unpleasant odor.

If there is still half a day before the bath, you can lower the dry broom for half an hour in cold water and then keep it in a wet rag until the bath itself. This method of brewing a broom is good because the branches become more flexible, and the leaves are fragrant and hold stronger.

There is another way of steaming a broom - contrast. For this, the broom is first poured with cold water, and then hot. After that warm and hot again. Having shaken, the broom is packaged in a plastic bag for several hours. So you can steam not only birch, but also other leafy brooms, for example, rowan, alder, ash, cherry, currant and others. Deciduous brooms should be used no more than two times, since biologically active substances leave the leaves and the broom loses its aroma and its usefulness.

Today, not everyone knows how to bathe properly. Here are a few completely uncomplicated, but quite important and effective rules that are desirable to follow: a broom should be regularly moistened with water in which it is steamed, that is, it must always be wet. You need to soar with light movements, and not quilting with all your strength, otherwise you can get a burn, g or traces will remain on the skin of the broom.

Better to steam together, alternately treating each other with brooms. In this case, the partner must also know how to soar with a broom, in what sequence and with what force, and not manipulate it anywhere and anyhow. It is better to soar with two brooms.

Bath procedure - not only good for health. Many of her fans claim that the pleasure received from visiting a real Russian bath is incomparable.


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