"Gingerbread Man" is a Russian folk tale. Plot, story, heroes

Tales of different nations - a storehouse of wisdom and fun for children of different ages. And in our kids they educate the ability to perceive the adult world, teach such simple concepts as friendship and mutual assistance, kindness and courage. Teaches the ability to recognize tricks, meanness and lies. Not for nothing that for many centuries they have been accepted with pleasure by many generations of the human race.

Kolobok Russian folk tale

Fairy tales for children

“Gingerbread Man”, along with “Little Chicken Ryaba” and many other works, is probably one of the most popular fairy tales among young children. The plot is easy to remember. Heroes are clear. The actions are simple. The only thing that obscures the story is the sad end of the protagonist. But every fairy tale should have morality, a lesson that is understandable to both a child and an adult. This tale teaches, for example, that being boastful and arrogant is not good, and it can end badly.

heroes of the tale gingerbread man

Gingerbread Man History

This word is a diminutive form of the Russian word "kolob", which means "big round bread or a thick cake." It was made in the villages in the form of a bread ball, swelling during the baking process. Interestingly, koloboks were not always baked, but only in the absence of certain supplies necessary for making ordinary bread. Hence the expression in the fairy tale “scrape around the guts”, that is, to use the remnants of flour and other supplies. They made the gingerbread man, which sometimes turned out to be incredibly and unexpectedly tasty.

Who invented the fairy tale?

Needless to say, The Gingerbread Man, a Russian folk tale, was invented by the people themselves. It was passed on by word of mouth, with all sorts of additions and changes, for many decades. But her collector of fairy tales Afanasyev recorded it, publishing the work in his collection of fairy tales. Retold folk art and A. Tolstoy. By the way, his text is considered the most famous and popular today.


"Kolobok", a Russian folk tale, with all the seeming simplicity of perception by a child, is one of the most talented creations of our people. In the course of the tale, the character was baked by Grandfather and Grandma. Then Kolobok runs away from them and goes into the forest, where he meets his various representatives-animals: hare, wolf, bear. They all want to eat it - the Kolobok is so rosy and mouth-watering with the old people. The character flees, singing a simple song that supposedly left all and will leave you. And he almost succeeds in this with ease. Kolobok’s only worthy adversary is the Fox, whom he cannot escape from. Result - The gingerbread man is eaten by the sly Fox.

tales for children gingerbread man

Heroes of the tale "Gingerbread Man"

The characters of the work are traditional for Russian fairy tales. Grandfather and Baba act as the "parents" of Kolobok. A hare represents simplicity, a wolf represents strength, a bear represents straightforwardness. And all together, the heroes of the tale "Gingerbread Man" is a small model of human society, where the hero is constantly waiting for any intrigues and troubles. But the protagonist is self-confident and even admires himself to some extent, boasts of his virtues over the rest. For which he paid. At the end of the tale, the Fox eats it. So ends “Gingerbread Man”, a Russian folk tale. A special role is assigned to the Fox. She personifies the trick, while being a tool for punishment for excessive courage and boasting of Kolobok.


The Gingerbread Man, a Russian folk tale, is one of the most widely read fairy tales in Russia. Every kid, probably, repeatedly hears this tale from his own parents and in kindergarten. Thus, the child learns to adequately perceive the world around him. In addition, the simple plot and the funny song Kolobok attract and make you turn to this story again and again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34681/

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