Hat Monomakh tomato: grow on the garden

The Monomakh hat tomato variety is an early ripe variety intended for cultivation in open ground or under shelter under a film. The plant belongs to the category of indeterminate. The fruit size is large enough, weighing up to two hundred grams, the shape is flat-round, the fruits are ribbed and fleshy. The color of the fruit is saturated red. The fruits are great for eating fresh, as well as for making pasta, ketchups and juices.

Hat Monomakh tomato: growing conditions

When growing this variety of fruits, it is worth abandoning pulling out weeds, digging the soil, chemistry, including manure and mineral fertilizers.

Weeds do not have to be pulled out, they need to be cut off with a plane cutter three or four times, after which they stop growing, begin to decay directly on the surface of the beds, and the roots rot in the ground and are processed by bacteria. Sometimes its weeds are few, so you need to mow them in the neighborhood, then using them in the form of mulch between plants. The quantity of microorganisms, as well as nutrition for plants, depends on the amount of mulch. Earthworms also feed on this grass . Over time, a fertile layer forms in the beds, which is constantly growing, as the soil inhabitants quickly process the mulch, so it needs to be added weekly. It is better to use grass in dry form. If you decide to grow a hat of Monomakh tomato, then without mulch it will not work to create the necessary conditions for obtaining a large crop.

It is necessary to refuse digging the soil. Here everything is connected with the fact that aerobic microorganisms live in the upper layer of the soil , for the normal functioning of which oxygen is needed. They all die when they dig in the lower layers of the soil. And anaerobic microorganisms from the lower soil layer, after falling into the upper layer, saturated with oxygen, also die. Over time, the entire soil layer becomes acidic, since every year the lower podzolic layer is involved in it, the acidity of which is very high. A hat of Monomakh tomato cannot grow in such soil, as it becomes acidic, very few microorganisms remain in it that process plant residues. At this time, its enhanced fertilizer with mineral additives begins, which is why it acquires an even more acidic level. If the soil does not spread, its structure will be preserved, and fertility will become more significant. To carry out processing to a shallow depth, you can use the Fokine plane cutter.

Monomakh hat tomato: harvesting land

The land in which seedlings will be grown must be harvested in the fall. It should be taken directly from the beds, since there it is fertile and healthy. It is worth taking in late autumn, when an ice crust forms on the soil. It should be placed in sugar bags, which are then installed on wooden chocks directly in the open, this is done so that they do not freeze to the soil. Bags with soil in the garden are until the end of February, and then brought home, placed on the balcony. If there is snow, it should be added to the bags.

When it comes time to sow the seeds, you need to bring the soil into the room, warm it and put it into makeshift cardboard boxes, the dimensions of which are 20 * 20 centimeters and the height is 12. The soil and roots in these boxes breathe very well. You should not use plastic jars and bags of milk for growing seedlings, since in such conditions the earth does not breathe. Now you need to wait for the appearance of weeds, remove them, sow the seeds. Ten seeds are placed in each box; picking of plants is not required.

Monomakh's cap is planted in open ground for 50-55 days, so you need to calculate the time of sowing seeds. The box is covered with a film that is removed only after seedling.

With the right approach to growing this variety of tomatoes, you can get very large fruits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34682/

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