Best Esoteric Books: List

The best books on esoterics - useful reading for those who want to change their lives for the better. This term implies teachings on the processes that occur in the universe, the secret mystical essence of objects. What works have already helped thousands of readers, gave them secret knowledge, which allows them to be called the best in this category?

Esoteric teachings: Vadim Zeland

“Reality Surfing” is a series of works authored by the mysterious Vadim Zeland, little is known about the past and present. If you list the top 10 books on esotericism, you can not help but pay attention to the work of this author, who has already won thousands of followers. Zeland offers readers a powerful technique. Armed with it, they get the opportunity to take control of their lives, instead of continuing to go with the flow.

best esoteric books

"Reality transerfing" is a teaching based on a model of options. From books belonging to this series, a person learns that he can easily realize his dreams without expecting success for many years. The reviews indicate that the followers of Zeland discover talents that they had not previously known existed.

Osho and his Awareness

Remembering the best books on esotericism, it is impossible not to pay attention to the work of this author. Osho is a famous philosopher, mystic and spiritual leader from India. He claims that the average person spends his whole life's journey in a state of somnambulism, from birth to death. Osho encourages his readers to finally wake up from sleep, start living and acting.

Top 10 Esoteric Books

What exactly does the author suggest? Osho insists that every action must be done consciously. After reading his works, people will learn how to achieve this. What attracts readers to the book “Awareness. The keys to life in peace of mind "? Feedback from Osho's followers suggests that his teaching helps to get rid of jealousy, hatred, anger, as well as confidently go to his dream, enjoy every minute lived in the world.

Vladimir Serkin and his “Shaman Laughter”

“The Laughter of the Shaman” is also a work worthy of attention of those who are looking for the best books on esotericism. Vladimir Serkin is an author who claims that modern humanity has a misconception about its essence. The former psychologist insists that his literature will help readers easily correct this error, as well as learn how to “create reality” correctly. The book contains unconventional psychological practices that will give a person previously unknown experiences.

esoteric books for beginners

Getting acquainted with the work, readers get the opportunity to "talk" with a real northern shaman, who has an amazing view of the world. People who like the book praise it for its versatility. “Laughter of a shaman” covers various problems, talks about how to live in a modern city. However, there are those who reproach the works of Vladimir Serkin for excessive vagueness, a minimum of practical recommendations.

Teachings of Louise Hay

The best books on esotericism are works that help people change their lives. Great success in this was achieved by Louise Hay - a woman who, from her own experience, learned what real grief is. Her book “Heal Your Life” will help those who believe in the possibility of self-healing from serious illnesses. The work also contains valuable recommendations to successfully combat psychological problems and win.

esoteric books the best

It is known that Louise Hay managed to overcome cancer, using her own recommendations. The author encourages readers to give a task to their subconscious, which can defeat any problems. Reviews of thousands of people show that Hay's work really helps to heal the ailments of the body and soul. Also, Louise's literature is praised for the abundance of practical recommendations, an accessible form of presentation of the material, a lively language.

"Conversation with God"

What other fascinating esoteric books are there for beginners? The best of these works are discussed in this article, including “Conversation with God,” authored by Neil Donald Walsh. Can a person talk with God asking his questions? The author of the work claims yes.

top esoteric books reviews

Followers of Neil Donald Walsh’s teachings praise the author not only for the fact that his book is full of practical recommendations with which you can change your life. The writer offers his fans also to give healing to the whole world, to make their contribution to this difficult task.

"Dream Hackers"

What else can be called the best books on esotericism? Listing them, it is difficult to forget the work of Andrei Reutov, whose “Dream Hackers” are becoming increasingly popular. An increasing number of people are joining a team of "hackers" who dream of understanding all the secrets of the universe.

What will be the useful book of Andrei Reutov for the average reader, who is just starting his acquaintance with the world of esotericism? The reviews of those who liked the work claim that the author invites people along with him to embark on the path of honesty, selflessness and purity. The writer also debunked the words of the teachings of internationally recognized authorities, he invited readers to find their own path in this world.

Teachings of Natalia Pravdina

One cannot fail to mention the work of Natalia Pravdina, which is very popular in our country and abroad, if we are considering the best books on esotericism. Reviews about the works of this author are very controversial. Many reproach Natalya for the fact that her recipes for a happy life are borrowed from the works of other esoteric writers, for example, Louise Hay. However, Pravdina has thousands of fans who claim that her literature really helped them.

esoteric teachings

What is the main idea of ​​the author’s works? Natalya Pravdina encourages her readers to stop devoting their lives exclusively to caring for others, to love themselves. The books are full of practical recommendations, magical rituals and exercises that contribute to this goal. A lot of time is devoted to the author and the art of visualization, which helps to achieve the desired. The writer also introduces readers to such a mysterious field as feng shui, talks about how to use the tools of this teaching in everyday life.

Natalia Pravdina has written many books, each of which is focused on a specific area (love, family, career, finance, health). The most popular is her work "I Attract Success."

“The messenger. A true love story

Of course, far from all the esoteric teachings worthy of attention are named above. “The messenger. A True Love Story ”is a fascinating work authored by Klaus Joule. The writer claims that his work is aimed at people who dream of moving forward, but do not know how to achieve this. The author offers readers to go with him on a magical journey through the world of love.

The main advantage of this work, if you focus on the opinion of those who read it, is a description of an effective technique for fulfilling wishes. With the help of Klaus Joule’s creativity, many readers have learned to love the world and the people living in it, to change their lives for the better.

the best esoteric books

Taisha Abelard and her "Magic Transition"

What else to read to people who are attracted to esotericism (books)? The best work in this category is the Magic Transition, written by Taisha Abelard. The author promises readers that together with her they will go to the world of magic, learn how to use its secrets in real life. Abelard also talks about how to disclose his energy resources, choose youth and health. The praise of thousands of readers proves that the book is worthy of attention.

Finally, you should read the book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, written by Dan Millman. The book tells about how to awaken the “warrior of good” within himself and prevent him from falling asleep again.


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