What is a butterfly effect? How many sciences and human life are intertwined?

Modern scientists have long proved that all natural sciences are in incredibly close relationship with each other. Events that take place within the framework of certain natural objects entail changes that affect other spheres of life. Since then, people have been interested in the question of what is the butterfly effect. Of course, in the old days this phenomenon did not bear such a poetic name, but it definitely took place in history and science.

The origin of this concept

Now there is a phrase that has a global character, and it reads as follows: "A wave of the butterfly wing in Singapore can lead to a strong tornado in North Carolina." These words are familiar to almost every person, and, it would seem, they are as old as the world. But in fact, they were first spoken by a mathematician and meteorologist named Edward Lorenz. The scientist was one of the founders of chaos theory, and he also actively studied what the butterfly effect is within the framework of this mathematical apparatus. The fact is that deterministic chaotic systems are very shaky and unstable. Even the smallest leap in one place entails a storm of change in another. Lorentz described such instability and sensitivity not only from the point of view of science, but also understandable to every language, using a metaphor. That is why the phenomenon of “butterfly effect” is so called and is simple and affordable even for a child.

What is a butterfly effect?

Chaos theory

Our ancestors believed that the human environment is something stable, a certain substance that always lives according to clear laws and standards. However, the notorious Lorentz discovered a new model of being, called dynamic or determinate chaos. In the category of systems that are, so to speak, in a chaotic mode of operation, he took literally everything that surrounds us - the atmosphere, water bodies, tectonic plates and even the human body.

In the middle of the last twentieth century, of course, this became a huge sensation, which many accepted with skepticism, but soon thanks to this discovery, scientists were the first to be able to connect mathematics, physics, biology, and other fields of knowledge. An important aspect is also the fact that Lorentz explained what the butterfly effect is in chaos theory. If the whole biological organism called the Earth, its bowels, inhabitants and atmosphere live and interact in a chaotic manner, then the slightest fluctuations can cause global changes.

why the phenomenon of the butterfly effect is so called

How does science fiction border on reality?

The book theorems of the Greek sages, the physical laws that were discovered in the Middle Ages, in our days are faced with facts that completely refuted them. Within the framework of such sciences as quantum physics and mechanics, it was proved that parallel lines can intersect at infinity, time can go both forward and backward, and teleporting particles to large distances is a very real phenomenon. Such experiments have somewhat turned over our idea of ​​what the butterfly effect is, supplementing this phenomenon with new, it would seem, paranormal aspects. If a particle can go to the past, it can behave there differently than last time, which will entail a temporary paradox. In other words, this is a butterfly effect, as a result of which the particle appears in the past, and its actions entail a complete change in the present, and as a consequence, the future.

What is the butterfly effect in chaos theory

Human life and its device

As you may have guessed, the above phenomenon also has a place in the daily life of each of us. What is the butterfly effect in everyday life, was shown in the 2004 film of the same name. The main character of the picture literally changed reality, embodying a small one. The screen clearly showed how just one phrase of the child completely changed his future, as well as the future of his friends and relatives. A similar example was also shown in the movie "Mr. Nobody."

The choices we make at the moment are changing not only our lives. It completely changes the picture of the future. For a good example, you can take the choice of profession. A certain Mr. X decides to become a doctor. Passing training at a medical university, he does not pull. Nevertheless, by all means this person receives a doctor’s diploma and occupies the corresponding position in a certain clinic. Probably not worth saying how many lives will be at risk in this situation. However, Mr. X could have stopped his studies in the second or third year and transferred to that university where he would be taught what his soul really lies to. As the saying goes, both the wolves are fed and the sheep are intact.

butterfly effect what does it mean reviews

And yet, the butterfly effect - what does it mean?

Reviews of ordinary people who have a little penetrated into this segment of science are completely identical. They argue that this phenomenon, according to their own observations, occurs both in everyday reality and on a larger scale (climate, the work of organizations and firms, etc.). But at the end of this article, I would like to add that the flap of the butterfly's wing, namely, its consequences, is more evident in the distant future. In the first seconds, metaphorically speaking, only ripples in the water can go. An hour later, a high wave will come ashore, and the next day, residents of the coastal town will notice that the air temperature has dropped significantly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34736/

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