Where are the Dying Light saves and why is it hard to find saves of your favorite games

Before we talk about Dying Light, the saves where they are, we need to mention what game saving is in general in any games.

What is conservation? This is a file containing the status, status of the player at a particular point in time. It may include: location (if it is an open world), rotation angle, sight position at the time of saving, check point (if it is a linear game with preset save points), the number of completed tasks, the number of points killed, health, magic (if we are talking about fantasy), stamina, the number of rounds, arrows, the changed position of the NPC, the position of the items where the player threw the inventory, changes made in the game world. Usually these save files are not read through text editors (they are encrypted in binary or, as it is also called, binary code). There are, of course, programs for editing saves, but they do not work with all games. They need to be written separately for each application.

Tip: if you want to fix something, it’s better to use Artmoney or any similar program during the game or download from the proven trainer website with a lot of rescue tools for saving, and not only. We use trainers to save the save. For example, if you have gone far, but made the only unsuccessful save with a small amount of health, and after loading you immediately die, fall, and so on.

A simplified view of save

If the save files were readable, they could look something like this.

But storing in the form of open text slows down loading, so developers usually store all the data in binary files.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to the save file, there may be a profile folder to which all these saves are attached. Usually, when a user enters a game for the first time, they are asked to create a profile, and only then saves are hung on it.

Where are usually save games?

Usually they are in the same folder as the installed game, and the other location is [YourSystemDisk]: \ Users \ [As the Windows User Name] \ Documents \.

After the Documents folder, usually comes the name of the game or the development company.

Typically, a system drive is drive C, although it is not uncommon for a system to be placed on other logical partitions other than the first. Usually - by mistake on another drive, or if more than one operating system is used on this PC.

By the way, the Users and Documents folder is translated by the latest versions of Windows into the installation language, and it is quite possible that the folders will be named “Users” and “Documents” in Russian.

Which drive is the system drive? Just look at the icon.

Why is it difficult to find a place to save games?

Typically, Steam does not call games their Latin names; instead, it uses an identifier, for example, for DyingLight, it is 239140 (an application in the store database). If you copy these numbers into a search engine and start surfing, you may find that the first links lead to DyingLight The Following, since at the time of writing this article is the latest update for application number 239140.

Therefore, if nevertheless you come across a case of a different location of the Dying Light and any other games, try to find a folder with the name 239140.

  • Where are the preservation of Dying Light? Before deciding on a location, you need to understand which version of Dying Light is in question. Is this the official Steam? Or do you use a tablet from ALI213, 3DM, RELOADED?
  • Where are the Dying light Steam saves? The installation location of Steam Dying Light, where the profile is saved in the licensed version of the game: \ Steam \ userdata \ User Dependent Number \ 239140 \ remote \ out \ profiles \ default.pro.
  • The place to save the cooperative mode: \ Steam \ userdata \ NumberDepends onUser \ 239140 \ remote \ out \ save \ save_coop_0.sav.

Well, for the pirates, where would without them

You can, of course, pretend that piracy does not exist, and everyone has a licensed version of the game. But we will be honest with each other - this is not so. If you like the game, please pay the authors for this masterpiece. Well, for now, you’re trying - these are other places of possible saving for those who have not bought it yet, but will definitely buy a game (at least we hope so), because if we don’t buy and thank the developers for the high-quality content, then good games will become less and less, poorly made somehow, conveyors - more. Nevertheless, let’s see where they get to.

  1. For Ali213: \ Dying Light \ Profile \ ALI213 \ Saves \ out \ save.
  2. For fans of Chinese "medicines" from the 3DM vendor: the path to the root of the game \ Dying Light \ 3DMGAME \ Baracuda \ remote \ out \ save; \ Dying Light \ 3DMGAME \ 3DMGAME \ storage \ out \ save.
  3. For Realoaded: The path to the root of the Steam folder is usually [yourSystem Disk]: \ programData \ next \ Steam \ RLD! \ 239140 \ storage \ out \ save.

The Following instructions are suitable for the addition of The Following that’s mentioned above, since the developer is the same and the paths will be similar to those indicated for the usual original game.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34737/

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