Governor's ball of graduates-medalists in Krasnodar (photo)

Where does childhood go? Boys and girls who graduated from the 11th grade this summer have repeatedly asked themselves this question. And with sadness they suddenly realized that they would never sit at the school desk again.

Tough competition

On June 20, 2015, the Governor's ball of graduates was held in the capital of the Kuban. This is a great event not only for school. Its meaning is much broader.

governor's ball
Getting on him was not easy. Firstly, it was necessary to study well, to have a silver or gold medal. Secondly, to show oneself brightly in something good.

The day before, qualifying rounds were held in the regions. The honor to arrive at the Palace of Sports "Olympus" was awarded to the best students of Kuban schools. These are those who received 100 points on the exam. Also, medalists, winners of sports competitions, scientific conferences - at home and abroad, laureates of creative contests and festivals, young inventors, volunteers. Only three thousand graduates.

This year it was a score of 10 Governor's Ball (anniversary). The organizers have already gained experience. And still there was a lot of new and even unexpected in its implementation.

Everybody dance!

The lucky ones who received an invitation to the Governor's Ball should have been able to dance. And not somehow, but excellent. The difficulty is that they had to perform a waltz. This is despite the fact that many have never waltzed before.

And those who were scheduled to perform in a concert had to master as many as 12 dances. This, in addition to the traditional waltz, polonaise, tango, Kuban polka, quickstep (a type of foxtrot), hustle and others. The most groovy is a jive. In his incendiary, mischief and gaiety, he is most consistent with the mood of young people.

Each participant in the performance mastered more and more new pas at home, under the guidance of local choreographers. It was not easy. Some of them were very tired from their habit. Others even put calluses on their feet. Still others were forced to run away from classes for the sake of classes. The fourth refused to rest and went to learn dancing.

It was necessary to master nine compositions. After hard training for 4 months, all the guys were ready to speak. There were rehearsals in Krasnodar.

Alumni Governors Ball

Last run

Here Anna Zentsova, an honored cultural worker of Russia, the main choreographer of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", whom she has been managing for 30 years, studied with graduates.

The schedule was incredibly busy. Pupils studied in the hall from 11 to 18 hours. At the same time, there were 1,200 people.

To come from their hometown to a rehearsal, the children traveled hundreds of kilometers. This is not an hour's journey. But they worked with joy, persistently honed complex dance figures. After all, it was simply impossible to speak badly!

After classes with Zentsova on the eve of the celebration, they made the last run. Everything was honed, verified, harmoniously. Not for nothing that they were preparing for four whole months!

Surprises for the uninitiated

Although the organizers of this holiday have already gained some experience, the program for the anniversary Governor's ball of medalists was different from all previous ones. Many unexpected things were invented. For example, unusual musical pictures, a flash mob and a "live star" in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. All this is the creative of Anna Zentsova. The staff of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Territory also did a lot of work.

Details of the holiday program were not disclosed to anyone. Otherwise, it would be uninteresting! Each graduate should receive as much positive emotions as possible on this special and unique day in his life. After all, the school graduation ball will never happen again!

governor ball photo

Therefore, everything was shrouded in mystery. It was announced only that the fireworks will certainly be, as well as a disco. And the song β€œVictory Day” will be performed all together. The organizers of the ball could not fail to take into account such a large and significant date in the life of the country as the 70th anniversary of the Victory. That is why for the first time at such an event a choral performance of a solo song was conceived.

Like Natasha Rostova

Preparations for the ball took place in a somewhat nervous atmosphere. The guys were worried about the results of the unified state exams and were preparing hard for them. Their future fate depended on it. Well, of course, they thought about graduation. Girls were especially worried. After all, the dress code is the appearance of a young countess from War and Peace. So, the dress is on the floor, the gloves are long, the jewelry is expensive. And the corresponding behavior.

Graduates from different places of the Krasnodar Territory decided to designate their unity with a soft blue ribbon, tying it around the waist like a belt.

Finish and start

Finally, the long-awaited day has come - Saturday, June 20. The boys dressed in solemn black costumes, the girls in ball gowns. Everyone came to Catherine Square. Such an unusual picture in the historical center of the city, where it was founded, can be seen only once a year. The guys are school graduates. They gathered at the Governor's Ball.

From here from the square, smartly-dressed young men marched along the st. The guard. This parade lasted several kilometers. The guys were loudly greeted by passing their car drivers and residents. It was fun. Even the pouring rain did not spoil the joyful mood. Graduates joked: rain on such a day is a good omen.

governor's ball medalists

The columns arrived at Olympus, the Sports Palace. Here, they were already waiting for the leadership of districts and cities, distinguished guests, journalists, university rectors, and townspeople. Employees of the Ministry of Education said that surprises were prepared for the heroes of the occasion.

The holiday was a success

Graduates, as usual, were congratulated by their teachers, university professors. With a loud applause, the hall was greeted by Veniamin Kondratyev, who is acting as governor of the Kuban. By the way, he stayed with graduates to the very end. As soon as evening fell and it got dark, he launched balloons with the guys into the sky - as a symbol of the start of their new life. Together they admired the salute. And they even took a selfie.

Smiles, music, dancing, flowers - all this is the Governor's Ball. Krasnodar was transported to the XIX century for one evening. The sports house became like a palace of the king. And the dances were like under the emperor. Confetti was falling from above, like melting snow. Pyrotechnic fountains created a fabulous atmosphere.

And in the end - a modern disco. Other music. Only the ball participants are the same. No, a little different. They changed their status. Already not schoolchildren - graduates. And future students.

It can be seen that the walk in the rain suddenly started and the cheerful, rhythmic music β€œwarmed” them up so much that everyone danced at the farewell ball to the school. The one who did not have enough space in the center of the hall danced rhythmically near his chairs. What? After all, behind are lessons, long-awaited changes and exciting exams. Ahead is the beginning of not adult, but adult.

governor ball Krasnodar

Elite edge

Still, it's an unusual day! Both joyful and sad. He sums up and makes plans for the future. In a word, a wonderful tradition is the Governor's Ball. Photos taken on it and selected for this article, better than any words will tell about its emotional richness. After all, the holiday really was a success.

One of the highlights of the year - the Governor's Ball - is coming to an end. It ends with a firework in honor of the best young people - the future elite of the region who have just said goodbye to childhood.

10 governor's ball

In just ten years of this celebration, it was visited by almost 20 thousand talents: boys and girls from all over the Kuban. This is the color of the edge. The governor's ball started the graduation evenings in all educational institutions that took place the very next day, on Sunday.

In Kuban, in 2015, a little more than 22 thousand children parted with a school desk.


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