The Neva Masquerade breed is a cat for those who love animals with a thick, beautiful coat

Do you know the breed Neva Masquerade? This cat is very beautiful and smart. This breed is a Siberian variety with an original color. Its history began back in 1992. To this day, not all international associations recognize the color-point version of the Siberian cats. To date, the Neva Masquerade breed is very popular. This cat, in addition to being distinguished by its unusual appearance, has a marvelous character. Another highlight of her - a sense of tact and self-esteem.

breed neva masquerade cat
Cat breed Neva Masquerade

Her representatives are very beautiful. All over the world such animals are famous for good health and a rather long life span. These cats weigh about ten kilograms. By cat's standards, these are quite large animals. The body of the Neva cat is very massive, medium in size, with strong legs (there are tufts of wool between the fingers). Her coat has water-repellent properties.

Such cats got their name thanks to the “masquerade” mask on their faces. Large rounded eyes and full cheeks give the “Nevka” an incredibly cute appearance, and a chic fur coat complements the image of a fluffy beauty.

The coat of the cat is dense, long on the panties, chest and tail, and on the shoulders it is short. The integumentary hair is shiny, solid. In cats, depending on the season, the double undercoat changes: in the winter season it is very thick, dense and plentiful, and in the warm season it is rare, short and snug.

Neva Masquerade
These cats can be of different colors that are characteristic of color point, not counting the shades of lilac, faun, chocolate, Abyssinian ticking and cinnamon. Any combination with white is possible.

Outwardly, such animals seem impregnable, even severe, but they have a calm, balanced character. For their owners, they become loyal friends, and for children - great buddies in any games. In addition, they themselves can be quite patient toys in children's hands. Cats patiently treat kids' pranks, but still you need to explain to the child how to handle the pet.

The breed Neva Masquerade is very unusual, its representatives are very calm and even, you might say, polite creatures, they will never insistently demand attention, unlike other cats. Are you looking for a faithful companion? Then you need the Neva Masquerade breed. A cat of this breed is very sociable, she is always ready to purr to the owner about her affairs and she will listen to it with pleasure. If he is upset, then she will reassure him with her purr.

cat breed neva masquerade
This amazing breed has won a lot of fans thanks to a harmonious combination of a high level of intelligence, beautiful appearance and aristocratic character. One who once met such a creature will never give up on him.

Now you know this wonderful breed. Neva Masquerade cat will become a real pet, she will give you a sea of ​​affection and love.


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