Kamennomostsky, rest: addresses, accommodation options and conditions

This amazingly beautiful place, located in the mountains of Adygea, is located near the railway station Hadzhokh, in connection with which the locals also called their village. This ancient name, often used in the speech of local residents, is translated from Adyghe as “burial place”. And in fact, in the vicinity of this settlement, many soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War were buried. Today this village has a different name - Kamennomostsky.

The main waterway of these places is the Belaya River, which in some places crosses stone bridges created by nature itself, which have an unusual shape. It is because of this that one of the settlements received the name Kamennomostsky.

Rest in Adygea today is very popular among tourists. One of the most favorite places is this area.

General information

Kamennomostsky is one of the most popular and sought after tourist corners of Russia. The indescribable majestic beauty of the mountain landscapes, fresh clean air, the atmosphere of amazing calm and silence attract many tourists to these places who want to improve their health and spend their time actively.

This area has a rather good location and excellent climatic conditions. The close proximity of the railway station and the main natural attractions of Mountain Adygea make this corner of nature an important tourist attraction.

Mountain Adygea

Features of climatic conditions

Rest in Adygea (Kamennomostsky) - a great pastime during the holidays, especially summer. The weather here is stable and with little precipitation.

Due to its favorable location, Kamennomostsky boasts a good climate. The village is protected by high rocky ridges covered with fairly dense vegetation. These hills become an obstacle to strong south-westerly winds, which bring squally snow and rain.

Kamennomostsky Village

Rest in these places is magnificent. Amazing natural creations of the environs of the village of Kamennomostsky, located in the Maikop district of Adygea on two sides of the Belaya River, attract a considerable number of tourists here for recreation, in sharp contrast with holidays in large resort towns. Here you can enjoy the tranquility and tranquility of the local attractions and natural charms in peace and quiet.

Kamennomostsky Village

The distance from the city of Maykop to the village is 45 kilometers, and the city of Belorechensk from the village can be reached by train. The doors of hotels and recreation centers of Kamennomostsky are wide open for tourists. On the territory of the village in tiers on the mountain slopes are residential buildings, cottages and administrative buildings. Everything here is immersed in the greenery of lush vegetation, so Kamennomostsky is often called the "garden village."

Natural attractions

The village and its environs can be safely called “Little Switzerland”, and this is quite deserved. Rest in these places leaves a lot of positive emotions from visiting and exploring wonderful natural sights:

  1. Meshoko Gorge is a wonderful open-air museum. This is a huge canyon, striking in its beauty and extraordinary. The height of Meshoko in some places reaches 70 meters or more. In the gorge you can find caves, waterfalls and grottoes. Also, a cable is pulled over it, on which tourists ride, observing the surroundings of Kamennomostsky.
  2. Rufabgo Waterfalls is the greatest natural site. Rest in Kamennomostsky is impossible to imagine without visiting this miracle of nature. Of the 10 waterfalls formed by the course of the river of the same name, only 6 are accessible to tourists, and the rest are located out of reach.
  3. Hajoch pillars are the result of strong earthquakes. They are also called the Stone labyrinths of Rufabgo due to the fact that they are located near the waterfalls of Rufabgo, and numerous grottoes and caves are intertwined in them.
  4. Kamennomostsky canyon of the Hadzhokh gorge. The formation of this stunning natural monument has been going on for decades. The Belaya River washed rocks, making its way. On the territory of the canyon operates a beautiful zoo, which is inhabited by wild birds and animals.
Hadzhokh Gorge

The valley of petrified mollusks or ammonites, the Aminovskoye Gorge with 15 waterfalls and many caves, the legendary Lago-Naki (plateau) with mountain glaciers and alpine meadows - all this captivates with its stunning beauty.

Entertainment and tourist accommodation

Holidays in Kamennomostsky can quite afford people who love comfort and good conditions, since the village has everything. There are shops and a supermarket, a market and pharmacies, banks with ATMs, mountain bikes and ATVs with jeeps and a variety of accommodation options.

Such types of active and extreme activities are developed here, such as mountaineering, rock climbing, rope jumping, rafting, caving, mountain biking and ATVs, hang gliding, canyoning, horse riding, free fall jumping and much more. There is also an extreme club.

Private accommodation is in great demand as accommodation. Also, many tourists use the services of hotels, hotels and guest houses located closer to nature. The following are some of the recreation centers of Kamennomostsky. Adygea is rich in a wide variety of similar institutions.

The recreation center "Activation"

It offers excellent service with comfortable accommodation and reasonable prices.

The base is located in a picturesque place of the village of Kamennomostsky. A wonderful vacation is organized here for tourists who love active holidays with health benefits. Accommodation - spacious rooms in a variety of cottages.

Entertainment on the basis of "Activation"


  • rafting on the mountain river Belots on rafts;
  • canyoning - swimming along river gorges with climbing equipment;
  • jipping - traveling in hard-to-reach places on an SUV to waterfalls and other interesting natural corners;
  • horseback riding and more. other

On the territory there is a dining room (separate payment), gazebos with barbecue facilities, a Russian bath, etc. Rest in Kamennomostsky with accommodation in the Activation base leaves an unforgettable experience.

Base address: Kamennomostsky village, st. Noisy, building 6.

Guest house "Edelweiss"

In a quiet area of ​​Kamennomostsky, not far from the mountain river, there is a very cozy guest house, which has 10 luxurious rooms with fireplaces, two saunas (one with a pool) and a common dining room-kitchen.

Guest house Edelweiss

On the territory surrounded by greenery of coniferous vegetation, there are 4 gazebos with barbecue facilities. Near the guest house are a market, a pharmacy, a hypermarket and a cafe.

Address: Kamennomostsky village, st. Merry, d. 17.

Holiday Village "Farm"

This is a place with excellent houses with all the amenities built from a log house. Here you can have a great time relaxing with a group of friends. On the territory there are spacious gazebos with barbecue facilities, a bathhouse. Living at the base, you can take fascinating excursions to waterfalls and wild caves, go rafting on the river. Belaya with an experienced instructor and enjoy the clean air and stunning scenery.

Active holidays in Khutorka

This recreation center in Kamennomostsky works at any time of the year and is one of the ideal vacation spots for tourists who want to visit the mountains of Adygea.

Rates may pleasantly surprise: per day per person - 500 rubles on weekdays, 700 rubles - on weekends. Other services (excursions and rafting) are paid separately. Base address: Republic of Adygea, p. Kamennomostsky, st. Cool, 2-in.

The recreation center "Solar"

There is a base between the slope of the mountain and the Belaya River, near the legendary Hadzhokh gorge. This place is located away from the highway, so the air here is very clean and pristine silence.

Base solar

In total, there are 10 guest rooms located in log cabins on the territory of the base. Each of them has a gazebo with barbecue facilities. There is a children's and volleyball court in the green courtyard. There is also a sauna, a billiard room, a tennis table and a shared kitchen for those who wish to cook their own meals. The banquet hall of the base seats 40 people.

The doors of the recreation center are open year round. Here you can relax with the whole family at affordable prices. Address: Maikop district, the village of Kamennomostsky, st. Solnechnaya, d. 23.

Camping "Comfort"

The recreation center "Comfort" in the Kamennomostsky village is located in its very center. Surprising is the clean and comfortable area, which houses beautiful two-story wooden houses. For children there is a playground with carvings and swings. Located in the sauna, and each room has a gazebo with barbecue facilities. There is everything you need for cooking (firewood for a fee).

Campsite Cosiness

According to many vacationers at this campsite, there is a great atmosphere, friendly and caring staff. They welcome guests here all year round.

The address of the recreation center: Kamennomostsky village, st. Cool, d. 2

Tourist base "Mountain"

On a very beautiful and cozy base, all conditions for a good rest of tourists are created. Excellent service and comfortable accommodation with nice rates will appeal to many vacationers. The base is located in a picturesque place, on a rocky high bank of the river. White among the picturesque nature. Adjacent to this place is the famous canyon of the Hadzhokh gorge.

It offers cozy and fairly spacious rooms for living. The buildings are located in the old orchard with fabulous sculptures. On the territory there is a sauna with a pool, a playground, a dining room, gazebos with barbecue facilities, a cafe, a family center for leisure activities (tennis, billiards, a cinema, a children's corner, etc.). There is a beach on the river for swimming with a convenient descent from the living area.

Mountain hostel


Recreation facilities in Kamennomostsky - the best place to accommodate tourists who want to retire among the silence of beautiful nature. There are many unique attractions, both natural and made by human hands. A lot of positive emotions from what he saw, the healing effect of the purest local air and many interesting things awaits guests in Kamennomostsky.

In conclusion, it should be noted that previously the village was Circassian. Then the inhabitants of these places were mainly engaged in gardening (growing vegetables and fruits), which was facilitated by excellent natural conditions. Today, some of the residents of the village are engaged in mining and timber processing, and many earn their living by providing various tourist services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34748/

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