Entertainment in Izhevsk - tips for children and adults

Izhevsk is the capital of the Udmurt Republic. The city is a modern administrative and cultural center.

entertainment in Izhevsk

He is famous throughout the country due to his status as the weapons capital of Russia. It was here that the remarkable domestic designer M.T. lived and created world-famous models of small arms. Kalashnikov. The Museum of Weapons is still operating in Izhevsk today. However, the city is famous not only for its traditions of creating weapons models, but also for other attractions. Entertainment in Izhevsk can be found for every taste for both adults and children.


Udmurtia zoo

The zoo of the capital of Udmurtia is a state cultural institution. Its purpose is to familiarize residents with the animal world. In addition to the entertainment function, a lot of scientific work is being done at the zoo to preserve endangered species of animals and study their habits. Udmurtia Zoo occupies a vast territory with an area of ​​more than seventeen hectares. It is divided into sectors according to geographical feature or habitat of one or another species of the animal world (“Pond”, “White North”, “Far East”, “Udmurt village”). Themed expositions telling about the life of exotic animals have also been created.

Some entertainment in Izhevsk is incredibly informative. The emblem of the zoo is a wolf living in local forests. At the entrance is a statue of the wolf Akela, which is the symbol and mascot of the zoo.

Keeping animals

events in Izhevsk

Great importance is given to creating comfortable conditions for animals. They are kept in open-air cages, ranging from five hundred to one thousand three hundred square meters. In such cells there are no lattices depressing their inhabitants. I am glad that such entertainment in Izhevsk does not harm the environment. As fences, ditches, artificial ponds, electric fences are used. Visitors have the opportunity to observe animals while standing on bridges and walkways.

Visiting Conditions

Udmurtia Zoo is a place that enjoys constant popularity among residents and visitors of the city. The greatest interest of his exposure is in children, for whom meeting with animals will be interesting and informative. The cost of tickets is relatively low and amounts to one hundred rubles for an adult and fifty rubles for a child aged six to fourteen.

A number of categories of the population has the right to preferential visits to the zoo. These include children under the age of five, brought up in large families, people with disabilities and those accompanying them, as well as a number of other categories of the population. Preferential tickets are purchased at the box office upon presentation of a document giving the right to a discount.

State Circus of Udmurtia

State Circus of Udmurtia

Another attraction of the city is the circus, which has become in its long history an integral part of the cultural life of the republic. For many years of work, famous circus artists (Nikolai Gladilshchikov, Mstislav Zapashny, Valentin Filatov and many others) performed at his arena.

The circus building today is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. Technical equipment is also at the level of the best world standards. The presence of modern sound and lighting equipment helps to increase the entertainment performance. The circus complex also includes the Arena Hotel, opened in 2006.

The popularity of the circus among the audience is evidenced by the attendance indicators of the performances. Over three circus seasons, circus performances were attended by over nine hundred thousand spectators of all ages. A long-standing circus tradition is the opening of a new season in September along with the start of the school year. The State Circus of Udmurtia shows its first performances to first-graders of the city’s schools. Perhaps this tradition brings annual success to the whole circus collective.

Astronaut park

cosmonaut park Izhevsk

The park is a favorite family vacation spot in the city. Despite his relative youth, he already earned the recognition of the townspeople, who liked the convenience of location, functionality and compactness. Numerous green spaces effectively protect from the scorching sun and gusty wind.

Cosmonauts Park (Izhevsk) offers visitors a wide selection of attractions - both old ones, proven by their reliability, and the most modern. Interest for residents and tourists is the annual "Red Festival", well-known far beyond the city limits.

The highlight of the park are space-related projects. This is a smaller model of the solar system (project "Billion"), as well as a mobile video attraction (digital planetarium). Spectators have the opportunity, sitting comfortably on soft chairs, to watch the stars. Image using modern equipment is projected onto the walls of the dome. Tours are accompanied by comments from a professional guide. In winter, an ice rink is poured on the territory of the park and skate rental is available. There is also a tubing track. For children and adolescents, the Cosmonaut Park (Izhevsk) is of particular interest.

Cinema Center "Roliks"

movie center
The modern multiplex, consisting of five halls, is rightfully considered one of the best cinemas not only in Udmurtia, but also in the Volga Federal District. It is located in the building of the shopping and entertainment complex "Capital". The cinema has modern equipment (JBL Dolby Digital Pro sound processing system, projection equipment). In five rooms accommodating nine hundred and forty guests, several films of various genres and age categories are simultaneously rented. Zoo, circus and cinema are the most popular entertainment in Izhevsk.

Fun, interesting and comfortable.

Spacious cinema halls are equipped with comfortable, comfortable soft chairs. For the convenience of the audience, they have stands for drinks and popcorn. In the halls there are special places for the disabled. Two halls have modern cinema equipment that allows you to watch movies in 3D. Excellent image quality, excellent sound and clarity will bring the audience a lot of vivid impressions.

In the cinema, visitors will find a sea of ​​special offers for spectators of various age categories. Various competitions and lottery draws are regularly held. The visitor forgets about time, plunging into the magical world of art in the halls of the Roliks. The cinema center operates both in winter and in summer. This is a great opportunity to have a great time even in bad weather.

Izhevsk provides a lot of opportunities for relaxation and getting positive emotions. City guests will appreciate the modern technical equipment of local entertainment industry establishments. Interesting events in Izhevsk take place quite often, so guests of the capital of Udmurtia will definitely not be bored.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3475/

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