Cart of newspapers in the home

A basket of newspapers can be easily made at home from improvised means. In the process of creating you will need a set of newspapers, glue, scissors and a piece of wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm 2 . Each hostess has all this in stock, and with him

Basket of newspapers.
there should be no problem. In extreme cases, the latter component can easily be replaced with a knitting needle or a sushi stick.

Start with the model

Before you begin, you need to decide what you want to get at the end. That is, what shape should the basket of newspapers get at the end. This can be a regular container in the form of a truncated cone upside down, and a regular cylinder, and any other that will please your soul. It is desirable that you have a ready-made copy in your hands - this will greatly simplify the work.

We make blanks

At the first stage, it is necessary to make blanks, with the help of which then a basket of newspapers will be made - bars from the newspaper. To do this, it is cut into strips of a certain width and length. Then a wire or its substitute is taken, and then this blank is wound tightly on it. At the end of the strip, its edge is smeared with glue and fixed. Then it must dry, after which the wire is removed and

How to weave a basket of newspapers?
a new blank is made in the same way. This procedure is performed until the required amount of source material for the manufacture of the product is obtained.


The next step is to make a bottom. To do this, the obtained newspaper twigs are stacked in a checkerboard pattern. Moreover, they must be very tight to each other. Laying is done until the required bottom size is obtained. It is usually equal to the area of ​​the base of the container. For example, if a basket of newspapers is made in the form of an inverted truncated cone, then we must get its bottom one to one. If the length of one workpiece is not enough, then another is glued to it. After this part of the work is completed, you need to give time to dry the workpiece.

Side walls and cover

At this stage, you need to carefully install the model on the bottom obtained in the previous stage, so as not to damage it. Then the protruding paper rods from below are bent in its shape. If any of them is short, then it lengthens in a way,

Weaving square baskets of newspapers.
indicated in the previous paragraph. Then, in a checkerboard pattern, workpieces begin to stack one after another. This operation is performed until the required height is reached. It does not have to be the same as the original container. Once this condition is met, you need to get the form and give the basket time to dry. At the same time, a cover can be made in parallel. It is made similar to the base. Its dimensions should be the same as at the top of the received paper fake. Further, all this is connected using a coupler. Moreover, if weaving square baskets of newspapers is carried out, then there should be 2-3 screeds (depending on its size). But for the round and one will be quite enough. Then you need to give time again so that the glue hardens. At the final stage, the resulting basket is covered with paint. For this, it is best to use a spray can. After it dries, the craft is ready, and it can be used for its intended purpose, for example, to store things.


This review article is about how to weave a basket of newspapers. A simplified algorithm for its manufacture is given, practical recommendations are given.


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