The best varieties of sweet cherries for gardeners

For amateur gardeners, it is no secret that plants originating from warm countries have been prescribed on their sites. But despite the fact that breeders are making efforts to develop varieties of cherries resistant to frost, this fruit tree is only rarely found in Russian gardens. There are approximately four thousand of its varieties in the world. In Russia, forty-six varieties are cultivated that can be grown in our climate, more than twenty of them are grown in Ukraine and the Caucasus.

To choose the best varieties of cherries, get acquainted with the plant closer. The pulp of the fetus may be soft or cartilaginous. In accordance with this characteristic, two groups are distinguished: these are gini and bigarro. The main quality of the former is juiciness and great taste. They are best consumed fresh. As a rule, varieties from this group are early ripening. The second, due to the dense consistency of the pulp of the fruit, are good for canning, they make jams and compotes, since the berries do not boil.


Cherries are distinguished by the color of the fruits and their weight. There are trees with dark red berries: "iput", "jealous", "adelin", "veda", with pink - "fatezh", "Bryansk pink", "early pink". With yellow fruits - "red dense", "chermashny", with orange - "pink pearls". Fruits can weigh from four to six or more grams, depending on the variety. The most famous varieties are bred in Ukraine. We can mention the high-yielding variety “Aprilka”, which has large berries weighing up to nine grams “Valery Chkalov”, with maroon fruits - “Melitopol black”.

varieties of cherries with a photo

Choosing sweet cherry varieties for the Russian climate, it is necessary to choose its zoned varieties adapted for growing in specific natural conditions and, most importantly, frost-resistant. Fruit tree can be more than three meters high. The variety "Bryansk pink" reaches such sizes. It does not require pruning, since the crown has a wide pyramidal shape. It tolerates low temperatures, is not susceptible to diseases - moniliosis and coccomycosis. For pollination it is necessary to plant in the garden such varieties as “jealousy”, “iput”, “ovstuzhenka”, “tyutchevka”.

Varieties of cherries with yellow fruits will complement your garden. These include a variety called "Chermashnaya". It is suitable for the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. Sweet and juicy berries can reach a mass of four and a half grams. Harvest can be harvested in the 2nd half of June.

the best varieties of cherries

Variety of medium height - “rechitsa”. A tree with a pyramidal crown tolerates frosts well, is not susceptible to fungal diseases. To pollinate this variety, its neighbors should be such varieties of cherries as "poetry", "iput", "pink pearls", "adelin", "ostuzhenka". At the end of June it is already possible to pick berries. Large fruits weighing up to 6 grams are dark red in color. Their cartilaginous flesh is very sweet in taste. Even if there is a wet summer, the fruits do not crack, remain dense and beautiful. These fruit trees can be grown in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Considering the varieties of cherries with photographs, you can notice how beautiful the plant looks, and how attractive its fruits. They seem to glow from the inside, inviting them to taste their juicy pulp.


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