Stern Boris Gedalevich: a brief biography and curious facts from life

Stern Boris Gedalevich (books of this author were reprinted in English, Spanish, Swedish and other languages ​​of the world) is known in the post-Soviet space as a Russian-speaking author, who wrote in the style of "literary fiction."

The author of Psychosis (the first published short story by Stern) was born in 1947. He celebrated his birthday on February 14th.

Stern Boris: biography

A native of Kiev, he was born at the very beginning of Valentine's Day - at 00:30 hours, during the Stalinist reform. This historical event, in his opinion, influenced his future fate - there was always not enough money.

Stern Boris Gedalevich spent about seventeen years of his life in Odessa, where he lived, studied and worked.

Stern began his professional career after graduating from Odessa University (Faculty of Philology). One of the first professions mastered by Boris Gedalevich is an artist in a cinema.


Having visited the Eurocon festival of science fiction lovers (held in the Romanian city of Timisoara) in 1994, Stern Boris Gedalevich was awarded the title of Europe's best science fiction writer (previously only the Strugatsky brothers and Stanislav Lem were carriers of this title ).

Stern boris biography
Over the years, Boris Gedalevich Stern was awarded domestic literary awards: “Start”, “Wanderer”, “Bronze Snail”, “Chumatsky Way”, “The Great Ring”.

Stern Boris: books

Stern Boris
In 1971, Boris Stern dared to show his works to Boris Strugatsky and received from him an approval and advice to publish his works. This was not easy: Stern belonged to the category of people who thought that it was better to do less work, focusing as much on the quality of labor as possible.

The author’s first book is called “Whose planet?”, She was published in 1987: Stern Boris Gedalevich at the time of its publication reached forty years. “Whose planet?” - This is a collection of original science fiction stories praising the best human qualities and ridiculing vices.

The second book of the writer - “Fish of Love” - was published in 1991. This included several new stories and the fantastic story “Dinosaur Notes” - a biography of the editor-in-chief of a popular science publication that made a deal with the devil ...

Interestingly, Stern himself did not consider fiction to be literature, calling this genre a reflection of the author’s attitude.

From the pen of Boris Stern came not only fantastic stories - sometimes he published realistic works. Boris Stern is also the author of fabulous and satirical short stories, novels and poems.

In 2002, when Boris Stern was no longer alive, the publishers AST and Stalker published his Ethiopia with the latest amendments by Stern himself and supplemented the publication with the memoirs of E. Lukin. In the same year, the book "Tales of the Serpent of Gorynych" was published - a collection of works included in the cycle of the same name, supplemented by Stern's correspondence with B. Strugatsky and the last interview with Boris Stern.

The Adventures of Bel Amor, with a preface by Boris Strugatsky and an autobiography of Boris Stern, was reprinted in the same year 2002. This book also includes the never-before-published novel, Go Ahead, Stable!

Book “The second of July of the fourth year. The latest materials for the biography of Anton P. Chekhov ”was printed in the publishing house“ Svinin and Sons ”in 2005.

Interesting details

Stern boris books
Stern Boris Gedalevich was always especially wary of "business writers." So he christened the first Soviet "information businessmen", who wagon the fruits of his creative thought. Stern himself never tried to sell his own works and considered this occupation unworthy of a writer.

When the writer was still a youth, the Odessa gypsy who “hunted” in the Moldavanka region guessed his short life - up to 63 years. Such a “forecast”, according to Stern himself, completely satisfied him. Since then, the writer no longer turned to fortune-tellers, but knew that in 2010 he would have to “collect things”. However, death overtook him much earlier - in 1998.


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