Erawan waterfall: description, photo and interesting facts

Most of our compatriots have visited Thailand more than once. This country attracts with its exotic beauty, hospitality of local residents and, what to hide, very affordable prices. Therefore, it is not surprising that every second Russian family, planning their holidays, makes a choice in favor of Thai holidays. In addition, there are quite a few attractions that you can rediscover for each new arrival. Erawan Falls, located some distance from the noisy tourist Pattaya, definitely falls into this category. But it is here that everyone who wants to get to know the natural beauties of Thailand closer wants to get here.

Erawan Waterfall

What is Erawan?

If you've never had the pleasure of visiting the Kingdom of Thailand, Erawan Falls will be the first thing a guide at the hotel will offer you. You will meet this name every time you contact the numerous street travel agencies or start asking other tourists how they spend their holidays in the country and what they have time to see. So what is this mysterious Erawan, and why is it necessary to see it?

Keep in mind that Erawan is the National Park of Thailand, which has the most beautiful waterfall in the country, with seven levels. Each of them is beautiful in its own way, so tourists try to see them all. The park itself also represents a protected area where wild animals live, including intrusive monkeys. They always jump out to meet tourists and inspect them with great curiosity. But this is far from all that an amazing place can present to its visitors.

Erawan Falls photo

National Park: Short Description

Of course, most tourists come to the National Park to see the Erawan Falls. Thailand belongs to the countries where each excursion includes a real range of entertainment. Therefore, for many guests of the park, it turns out to be a real discovery that, in addition to the waterfall, there is something to see in the national park.

The protected area consists of five hundred and fifty square meters of jungle, rivers and waterfalls. The foundation date of the park is considered to be 1975, and at that time Erawan became the twelfth such place in Thailand.

It is interesting that the territory of the park is protected by a mountain range, therefore, it has its own, special climate. It contributes to the fact that the flora and fauna of Erawan is rich and extremely interesting for tourists.

Convenient paths are laid through the dense jungle, and before entering the park, all groups are told about the rules of behavior when meeting with wild animals. Keep in mind that there are no predators here, they are successfully replaced by cute monkeys, which can also rob a gaping tourist.

But all this is worthless trifles when you will find a unique and bewitching Erawan waterfall. It will be discussed in the following sections of the article.

The meaning of the name of the park and waterfall

You probably already noticed that the national park and the famous waterfall have the same name. Surprisingly, it was the latter who gave the name to the reserved lands, and not vice versa, as is usually the case.

The fact is that Thais have seven cascades of a waterfall associated with a mythical animal - the elephant Erawan. According to legend, this animal is the main among all the elephants in the universe, it has thirty-three heads and can fulfill wishes. Thais themselves portray Erawan with three heads, in Bangkok there is even a museum built in the form of the body of a mythical elephant. Tourists say this building is just an incredible sight. In addition, it is surrounded by a magnificent green park with ponds where fish and turtles live.

But let's get back to our majestic waterfall.

thailand waterfall erawan

Erawan Waterfall: where is it located

The national park, where the famous cascade of waterfalls is located, is located near the city of Kanchanaburi. More precisely, they are separated by about sixty-five kilometers. Usually this journey takes more than one hour, but if you go on an excursion with good guides, then this time flies by unnoticed.

Those traveling to Erawan Falls from Pattaya will have to spend about four hours on the road. Children do not tolerate such a long journey, so they should not be taken with them on an excursion. But for adults, this trip will be a pleasure.

General description of the waterfall

If you are going on an excursion to Erawan Falls, photos from your trip will be the envy of friends and acquaintances who have remained at home, or simply have not gone with you. It is difficult to describe in words these incredible cascades, each of which has its own character and, as many say, even mood. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First things first.

The total length of the waterfall is almost two thousand meters, and the vertical height is just over eight hundred meters. Each of the seven tiers has its own name, features and color of water. Those who have visited the Erawan Falls more than once claim that the water constantly changes color from cool menthol to deep and rich turquoise. Some pools have a bright emerald hue.

On all tiers you can swim and sunbathe. Almost the entire length of the cascades from the first to the seventh are locker rooms, toilets and coffee houses. So there will be tired travelers where to rest and relax under the pacifying noise of the water.

It is interesting that many tiers are equipped with numerous special viewing platforms, which offer stunning views of the entire park and waterfall. An asphalt path leads to the first cascade, then it turns into a path, and a bamboo staircase leads to the very last tiers. It is worth noting that not every tourist can climb so high into the mountains, because the climb is quite steep and makes you sweat seriously. But those who master the road will be rewarded with the most amazing landscape in their life. In all its glory, they will discover the National Park, the surrounding area and, of course, the majestic Erawan Waterfall lying at the very feet.

The rarest daredevils have photos from this point, and they are really magnificent. Only here is a person witnesses the birth of a waterfall formed by two small rivers - Mong Lai and Omtala. They have crystal clear water, which remains so on all seven tiers of Erawan.

waterfall erawan thailand

First tier

Cascades at a waterfall are considered to be from the bottom. Therefore, we will not depart from the general rule. The first tier is called Lai Khun Rang, and it is the most popular among locals. It is equipped with sun loungers, tables and simple arbors. Therefore, Thais themselves often come here for no picnics and to bathe with children. Deserted on the first tier never happens, so tourists have to climb much higher if they want to fully enjoy the beauty of the waterfall and plunge into its clean refreshing waters. An asphalt road leads from the entrance to Lai Khyn Rang , and the climb itself seems rather gentle.

Second tier

To get to Wang Mach, the second cascade is called, tourists will have to cross the checkpoint. The fact is that it is strictly forbidden to carry food and drinks above the first tier. They must be left in the storage room, the only exception is a half-liter bottle of water per person. But for it you must leave a deposit, which is returned when on the way back you show the guard empty containers. Thus, the park administration ensures that the protected areas do not turn into a landfill.

kwai waterfall erawan

There are also quite a lot of local residents on Vang Mach, although they are much smaller than on the first tier of the waterfall. In the bowl of the pool live fish, who are happy to nip off dead skin from the tourists. Such a peeling is a rather pleasant pleasure if you do not swim deep. There the fish are already of a different size, and they bite more noticeably.

Third tier

An already narrower path, winding between the curved roots of trees, leads here. All tourists try to get to Pha Us Tog, because here the water breaks down visas from a ten-meter height, forming a beautiful translucent water wall. Swimming in the cascade bowl is a great pleasure. The pool is quite extensive and tourists frolic in the water do not interfere with each other enjoying the beauty of these places.

Erawan waterfalls how to get

Fourth cascade

The fourth tier - Ok Nang Phisia - is usually very popular with the kids. Right under the streams of water are two smooth boulders, from where you can slide right down the hill. Laughter is always heard here, because no one expects to see such an attraction in nature.

It is interesting that on the way to Ok Nang Phisia there is a tree entwined with colored pieces of fabric and bright scarves. According to legend, a young woman died at this place once. Now her spirit is forever attached to a waterfall, so locals try to appease him with beautiful ribbons tied to a tree trunk.

Fifth cascade

The rise to this tier is already becoming steeper, many do not want to spend energy and turn to the path leading down. But if you definitely decided to climb to the very top, then Bya Mylong - the fifth cascade of the Erawan waterfall awaits you.

There are much fewer tourists here, many are no longer swimming. After all, their goal is the very top, to which you need to overcome two more tiers.

Sixth Cascade

Dong Phlyksa is the sixth tier of the famous waterfall. It is located in a dense forest and the stream has several branches. This gives the pool incredible charm and uniqueness.

Seventh tier

A narrow steep bamboo staircase leads to Phu Pha Erawan. This is the hardest and steepest climb all the way, but, believe me, at the top you will instantly forget about fatigue and scorching heat. The sight opened up to your eyes will become that picture about which you will enthusiastically tell all your friends.

On the seventh cascade there is a wide stone platform, which is partially the bottom of the river, therefore it is flooded. But this does not interfere with tired travelers at all; rather, on the contrary, it gives the coveted and refreshing coolness.

In order to go down to the foot of the waterfall, tourists need to go to the other side of the site and go down a separate trail. Many argue that there are also several cascades above, but visitors to the park are not allowed there because of the height and danger of falling.

kwai river and erawan waterfall

Rules of conduct at the waterfall

In order to have a good rest on Erawan, it is necessary to observe the simplest rules established by the park administration:

  • Do not bring food and drinks with you;
  • do not litter;
  • be careful when climbing and descending;
  • Do not rise above the second cascade after four in the afternoon (this is prohibited);
  • move around the park only along paths and paths;
  • when meeting wild animals, be calm and careful (monkeys quite often bite tourists who are too active).

If you manage not to break a single rule, then an excursion to the waterfall will bring you many pleasant moments. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you visit the Erawan Falls. How to get here on my own or as part of a group? We will be happy to tell you about this.

Erawan waterfall: how to get from Pattaya

Typically, most vacationers in Thailand spend time in the resort of Pattaya. Therefore, excursions are sent from this point. Erawan Falls can be reached in several ways:

  • as part of the excursion "Kwai River and Erawan Waterfall";
  • by public transport through Bangkok;
  • direct flight from Pattaya to Kanchanaburi.

Each method is good in its own way, so we will not give them an assessment, but we will talk about them as thoroughly as possible.

The easiest way to find yourself in such a desirable place is to buy an excursion to the Kwai River. Erawan Waterfall is an indispensable part of the two-day program. It is worth noting that this excursion program in Pattaya is quite well worked out, so in any case you will be satisfied with your extreme trip. You will spend two days rafting, spending the night in a hotel on the water, visiting museums and unusual reserves. The impressions received during the tour will be enough for you for a long time.

For those who do not want to travel as part of a tourist group, our following methods are suitable:

  • From Pattaya you need to travel by public transport to Bangkok. Several buses leave from the North Station a day; the ticket costs a little more than a hundred baht. After two hours of travel, you will find yourself at Bangkok South Station, where you buy a ticket to Kanchanaburi for one hundred baht. The interval of movement is thirty minutes, the travel time is two hours.
  • From Pattaya you can get to the waterfalls and direct flight. At a small bus station located at the intersection of Central and Third Streets, two days before the trip, you can buy a ticket for a direct bus to Kanchanaburi. Ticket prices vary within four hundred baht, and the journey takes seven hours. Two buses leave the bus station per day - morning and evening.

For many tourists, Thailand is becoming a favorite country, which is interesting to rediscover after several visits. Therefore, if you have never been to Erawan before, then be sure to go there when you pay your next visit to the Land of Smiles. Perhaps in your list of the most beautiful places on the planet will appear another new line.


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