Terry gloxinia: care, cultivation, reproduction.

Terry gloxinia are small indoor plants that are rightfully successful with all flower growers: those who are just starting their acquaintance with the flower world, and those who have been growing various plants for many years.

terry gloxinia
This small flower is completely unpretentious, knowing the features of caring for it, it is not difficult to achieve constant and abundant flowering. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So, you bought this amazing plant and are considering where to place it. Terry gloxinia love warmth and diffused light, and they also need a high level of humidity. It is recommended to water the flowers with warm, settled water. In no case should the plant be sprayed - this can greatly harm it. Even when watering, try not to drop drops on the foliage. This is such a water-resistant plant.

Terry gloxinia, the care of which is carried out properly, has continuous flowering - from spring to about the end of summer. Be sure to remember that a flowering plant spends several times more energy than during dormancy, and therefore needs additional nutrition. The earth in the pot must be constantly loosened.

gloxinia terry care
In the fall, gloxinia gradually begins a period of rest. The leaves begin to dry, so they must be carefully removed. You should also reduce the intensity of irrigation.

When the earth in the pot dries, remove the pot into a cooler room. Watering during wintering is possible, only it should be done very rarely (it will be enough two times). Around February, the first sprouts should appear. In early spring, it is recommended to transplant gloxinia into new soil.

Terry gloxinia, advice from gardeners

  1. The plant does not require a deep pot; its root system develops in width.
  2. To produce more flowers, the plant should provide plenty of space and bright scattered rays.
  3. Gloxinia should be watered on time, excluding the bay or overdrying of an earthen coma of the flower.
  4. Avoid direct sunlight on the plant.

Terry gloxinia. When is it better to transplant?

It is optimal for transplanting a newly awakened tuber with small sprouts.

terry gloxinia seeds
Before planting, prepare gloxinia tuber: it should be washed, old roots removed and thoroughly inspected for damage. If you find rot spots and other possible damage, they must be carefully cut. Next, you need to dry the tuber (no more than a day), and then soak in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

Terry gloxinia propagates in several ways - seeds, tuber division, leafy cuttings.

Terry gloxinia seeds are sold in almost any flower shop. Sowing is carried out in December - February.

Leaf cuttings are placed in a container with water and wait for the roots to appear, then planted.

And by dividing the tubers propagated in the spring. It is cut into pieces (each must have at least 2 sprouts), crushed coal is applied to the slices and placed in different pots. For two days, the plants are not watered.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34784/

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