Slavic symbols and their meaning. Slavic symbols. Slavic charms

A particular person, like the whole nation, constantly lives in a system of symbols. The same language (or speech) is a system of symbols. If you say "Man runs (creeps)", then there is little symbolism. And in the phrase "A man runs (crawls) to work" the emotional attitude of a person to his work is already symbolically expressed. And there are many similar examples.

Symbolic code of gender

Slavic symbols and their meaning
There are no words or even sounds in any speech that would not reflect the symbols of both the race and the people. Moreover, all languages ​​of the world are derivatives of the symbolic reflection of the world in human consciousness. The Slavs are a mighty and great people, and it is natural that such a people had their own symbols, charms, talismans. Moreover, their history is much older and richer than is now commonly believed. Slavic symbols from the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples cannot disappear while the Slavs are existing in this world. Saying the word “okay”, we recall the god Lado, “maybe” - Mokosh, “ardent”, “old” - Yarila. The core of speech and language is 450-500 word-symbols, which are the primary code of the people's body itself, which is woven into the realities of life, and which came to the present from such a distant past that no physical memory can hold. And speech in a symbolic form has all this in itself to the smallest detail.

Modern historians need to look for things in the earth, excavating. More effort is needed to decode speech in order to know the true story. It is enough to realize with what derogatory symbolic meaning the word “collective farmer” came into our speech, for example, to understand what a collective farm was in the life of people.

Own place in the world

Slavic symbols
What does it mean for us to understand Slavic symbols and their meaning? It is to find its place on planet Earth, it is to remember that the Slavic period in our history is just not a very long segment for a much larger history, it is to remember our beginnings, sources. And then our choice of development paths of a kind in the future will not be wrong.

Kolovrat, a Slavic symbol, having entered the consciousness of the people, is capable of sweeping away everything false from our life in a single moment, leaving only the right and the right. The meaning of this symbol is that everything in the Universe has a repeating, cyclical nature of development. What contradicts Kolovrat disappears, what follows him will be repeated forever, that is, it will become immortal.

On the life of peoples and clans

Today, big-headed scientists with a huge aplomb about a new understanding of the essence of human existence say that all living beings, including humans, are, figuratively speaking, children of the Sun. And it is presented as something new and deep. But it’s enough to remember that Yarilo is shining above our heads, and we are God's grandchildren, and the earth is irrigated by rains, and at one moment everything falls into place. We are the descendants of those who gave rise to the very civilization of people on Earth precisely by creating a symbolic representation of the world in the minds of people. And we must inherit and continue their noble activity in the universal civilization of our ancestors.

Slavic gods and their symbols

The ancient hymn says: “Svarog is nothing from which everything is generated, and everything returns to nothing. First, he spawned a wondrous garden, and put grain in his land, from which the tree of life grew . And he left it to his children, whom he brought out from the garden, so that they keep it and grow it. Yar gave power, Dazhdy - affirmation, and Mare - the rule how to bring things out of nothingness into being, how to return things from being to nothingness. But Svarog himself is always existing and always not existing. He neither comes nor leaves. He is being and not being. He is and he is not. He is endless and powerful. therefore does not show power, so Yav herself is his word to us. "

Slavic gods and their symbols
In the Sea of ​​Azov there are Stone graves, in one of the caves of which there is an entry on the wall: "Ar, your hands are on the rally, next to your hands are the hands of your gods." And below are Slavic symbols, a whole series. The record, which has been read by the Slavs for over 15 thousand years without translation. To understand world history, this antiquity is more important than all the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Therefore, the historian and theologian to study Slavic symbols and their meaning is simply necessary. And they are being studied, only the results of these studies do not fall into the public eye. And those who do this on their own initiative are persecuted right up to the killings. The reason for this state of affairs is the false concept of human development. But the canon of Kolovrat is inevitable, and the fierce era will be replaced by the era of melting information ice.

Worldview concepts

Their humanity has a little, only five:

  1. Vedic. The core, seed and word of this concept - man is a potential god, the creative efforts of the soul lead him to divinity.
  2. The concept of Torah is the God's chosen people for priesthood over all of humanity. Why, no explanation.
  3. The concept of attenuation - good was once poured into before evil and now, being dissolved, it is dying out. Fatalism.
  4. The Godless concept - a man fights with his creator in order to obtain the right to create and not to be subject to him as a worker and slave.
  5. The concept of unconsciousness - believing, you will gain.

Representatives of the Vedic concept constantly cognized the world, and their knowledge was fixed in symbolism both in verbal form and in graphic form. Therefore, Vedism has such a rich symbolism. Other concepts took this symbolism and transformed it, no more. Slavic symbols are introduced into our peoples by representatives of the Vedic concept of worldview.

Slavic symbols and charms

Religions were created by concepts to bring these concepts to the brains of the general population. The Vedic concept of knowing the world has never been hidden, and therefore its religion is also called the Vedic, because secret knowledge, and even more so knowledge, is evil. Slavic gods and their symbols are the most complete variety of the Vedic religion, which is why such close attention to it of other religions, which are based on other worldview concepts. They simply take its symbolism and rethink it, often completely disregarding the fact that the Universe is cognized through symbols. The same cross never before Christianity symbolized the instrument of torture and the death of the Savior. On the contrary, the cross is a symbol of the Savior, and the phrase “put up the cross” meant to affirm something, to make it unshakable.

Slavic religions

They are very diverse. And not one of them claimed to be superior to everyone else, because this contradicts the Vedic concept of cognition of the world. Medieval Pomors knew otherwise in principle, absolutely not the same as the inhabitants of the Black Sea and Tauris did. They didn’t even have an analogue of Perun, because a thunderstorm and lightning were a rare and not formidable phenomenon for them. Among the Dnieper Slavs, it’s difficult to call Stribog even a god, because here people rarely saw such winds so that the oaks turned upside down. But Dana, the goddess of water and the Dnieper itself, so generous, blessing, bestowing and loving people, that many songs even began with its glorification: "Dana, Dana, Given, happiness will come because of the Danube" (that is, the river). Although the song itself was sung by a girl about a guy who loves her and will only come on a date in the evening.

Slavic symbols of wealth
And all the rivers were called: Don, Dniester, Danube, Donets and the like. And the saying: "All the rains are silver, and on Great Day (March 22) Dana is golden." Slavic symbols and their meaning so simply and clearly tell us, living in the 21st century, about the life and life of our ancestors that there is no need to read multivolume and boring works on this topic.

Why the Slavic peoples have spread so much around the world and why they are so quarrelsome among themselves, has a clear, mythological and figurative explanation. Here is this myth (mit, label, meta, since there was no “f” sound in Slavic speech until the 18th century):

“It was such a time that the Slavs became so powerful that they ceased to need Svyatogra (personification of light, holy power). And their clans converged on the Molochnaya River (milk rivers, jelly banks). And they began to find out in endless martial arts which of them more powerful. Only one Rus refused to pour his native blood, and left the fertile land to the north, to the temple of his totem sign (attacking falcon - Rerik, Rurik), which was on the island of Ryuyan. And the rest of the clan continued their martial arts. the Polovtsian clan turned out to be the most powerful. lkhvs said: "Not for good did you become the first among equals. All angry and scatter in different directions, taking offense at you. And this insult will outlive you, they will look for you in each other even when the memory of you descends from Earth. And Rerik will return and return Svyatogor. And you, the Polovtsian clan, will lose your militancy and will be offended by many until Svyatogor turns his eyes on you. Then you will be the first among equals, but not by your strength, but by love. "

So the vocation of the Rurikovich to reign (not to reign) in the Slavic lands is a religious act, not a culturological one. And it is interesting that this myth, created according to real events in the III century of our era, drew the main line of development of the history of all of Europe. All the main events of 2000 years (including the two world wars) took place on the lands of the Polovtsian clan, which lost its name, but acquired high moral standards that are not yet accessible to anyone in the world. And he suffers for the whole world, bearing upon himself all his sins.

Religious symbolism for the masses

Ordinary people could never understand the whole depth of the Vedic concept of understanding the world and the Slavic religion. And not because it is complicated. The inhabitants are simply deepened into reality so much that they simply do not need everything that goes beyond these limits. Slavic symbols were created for them, and their meaning was explained through the segmentation of large images. In this way, the magi introduced the knowledge that was necessary for their life and the struggle for this life.

Kolovrat Slavic symbol

Rituals, hymns, songs, graphic and sculptural images of religious symbols introduced into the minds of people a community of interests, culture and ideas. Without this, two blood brothers are more likely to become enemies than two strangers, because the brothers communicate constantly, and strangers from time to time. Without religiosity, not only large, but also small human communities cannot exist. That is why the family magicians are so important, which serve as the native religion for the existence of the people in the world.

Slavic symbols and charms, the system forming

  1. Kolovrat is the main, initial symbol of the Vedic religion. It symbolizes the flow of heaven (Swa - heaven) power to the Earth.
  2. The symbol of Svarog himself. This swastika has the name "fern color", which, as you know, blooms once a year - on the night of June 22. But this is a popular understanding of the religious Vedic symbol. In fact, it symbolizes the unknowable principle, it is a fiery symbol of purity of spirit. It helps people seek true wealth in their souls.
  3. A tree, the grain of which Svarog himself threw. Slavic symbol of the genus. It grows from the past to the future. It connects the times and parts of the genus: the departed, living, future parts. The veneration of the ancestors began precisely with the glorifying hymn to this tree. “Palm Week” is not a Christian term, namely the Vedic, where the Mother of God is the Upper Baba. It was to such ancestors that the Getian Faust descended and derived from there the images of Paris and Helen in front of the emperor.

The amulet is a certain action that puts a limit to something evil and aggressive, which contradicts the canons of being. Symbolically, it can be indicated by a graphic image or word. The system formed by graphic symbols is suitable for all people, because the flow of celestial force puts such limits (banks) that nothing can overcome. With other signs, you need to behave with an understanding of what you are doing. Slavic symbols and charms required a meaningful approach.

The society that was created by the sorcerers of the Vedic religion

The whole society was divided into two parts: twice born and once born. The first birth is understandable, and it is inherent in all people. Slavic charms were different for all twice-born. For the second time, to be born meant to be ranked as one of the strata of society:

  1. wise men, magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers - in this layer of society there is no hierarchy, everyone fulfills the role to which he is called;
  2. princes and warriors - there is a strict hierarchy, but the prince is accepted by soldiers and is not appointed by anyone;
  3. the Arians, they are the army men, that is, in modern plowmen - the phrase “Nordic Aryan” means only a farmer from the northern regions, in which the harsh nature of the north brought up special tenacity and stamina, no more; Aryan culture is an agricultural culture; there is no hierarchy among them, but depending on their material situation, each of them played a certain role in the affairs of society, it was they who called on the princes to guard their labor;
  4. stinks are all kinds of artisans, craftsmen, buffoons, merchants, slaughterhouses and other people who fed on special labor with farmers; the word "smerd" is not derogatory, many of them were rich, but did not take part in the affairs of society, had no right to possess land; they could come and go from the community at their own discretion, and that Aryan, who became a stink, lost the rights of a community member;
  5. once born - all those who are not capable of any of these types of activities.

In this society, the prince did not have the right to order the Aryans, and they had the right to call themselves princes. And when the descendant of Rus (Rurik) was called for reign, it was said “there is no dress in us” as opposed to other lands where there was already a “dress”, that is, there was no self-government, and kings and kings ruled. When Askold and Dir were killed in Kiev by representatives of Rurik, there was something between the princes, it did not affect the Aryans in any way.

Slavic symbols of wealth

Neither the magi nor the warriors wore such symbols. These are not their symbols. Once born, they could wear anything. There were no canons for them. The arias protected themselves and the results of their labors with a symbolic image of a plowed field with the symbol of the goddess Dana (these are two parallel lines crossed perpendicular to the other two parallel lines, and above them and below them were two oblique lines). Smerds had a wide variety of amulets to attract wealth. And the gate, and arrow, and half-clenched palm ... But such amulets to the Vedic religion have nothing to do. This is the creativity of the people themselves. It was not prohibited by anyone. Vedism generally has very few prohibitions. Ancient Slavic symbols were always interpreted by people freely. That's why there are so many of them. The canon differs from the law in that the canon must be executed because it says that it is impossible for a person to change, and the law is executed only out of fear of punishment.

Magi's court

I wonder how the magi judged. If a dispute arose between people, then they turned to the sorcerer. He listened and delivered a verdict. If both did not agree with that verdict, then both of them led to the stake of Right. This is a defined circle, in the middle of which the sword of Right is stuck. Two tents were set up on two sides. Debaters came into each of the tents at sunset. The one who considered himself right did not take any weapons with him, but only painted on his right hand the Slavic symbol of good luck - the sword of the Right.

ancient slavic symbols

In the morning, when the sun was rising, the one who considered himself right came out in one underwear clean shirt with his soul wide open. The one who came out armed must wait until his opponent takes the sword of Right. This was followed by a battle. If the armed man died, then everyone believed that Rights were with them. If a man died with the sword of Right in his hands, then the sorcerer executed this sword and replaced it with another. No claims were made to the winner.

Slavic symbols, the photo will tell the truth

  1. An ax on two sides is a symbol of strength. Warriors loved him very much. And the fiery sign - the Slavic symbol of the sun - they considered a guard of warriors from shame.
  2. Magus, Kolovrat on whose head symbolizes his knowledge of the canons of Svarog.
  3. Virgin Lada with a wreath of virginity on her head, the goddess of love. Preserved young and unmarried girls. Only the one to whom she wishes to surrender has the right to remove this wreath from her, the Slavic symbol of love, and to donate to the goddess Lada.
  4. The Slavic symbol of the wolf depicts a warrior whose task is to protect the magician. There were warriors who dedicated themselves to this occupation. Usually these are old, wise, experienced warriors. The decision was made only by them personally.
  5. A magus who goes to become a kind of Savior. There were circumstances in the life of the clan, when it was necessary to go personally to the gods to the sorcerer, to ask them for a kind of intercession. Then he personally made a fire and before sunrise he sent a signal to a special pipe. She is depicted in his hand. He hung himself with silver products that his relatives had bestowed on him for his life, and went to this fire. He stood on him and burned himself. It was believed that by the rays of the sun he went directly to Iry to the gods, where he could ask for his kind. And the droplets of silver that melted and then cooled down were the strongest charm for the people of the clan, for which their magus to the gods went along the rays of Yaril to ask.

The meaning of the Slavic charms

In our symbols, with incredible completeness, the whole essence of human being was reflected. There is no sphere of life that would not be figuratively and symbolically meaningful. Some symbols disappeared, others replaced them. But the constant, inexhaustible creativity of the people lived and revived them. They helped people individually and collectively as a community. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this process of folk art for the formation of world Slavism. Nowadays, from an understanding of the native ancient charms of symbolism, one can draw such spiritual wealth that will immediately endow us with other, material wealth. It is the massive impoverishment of souls that leads to poverty.

And this is already happening. Such a modern deep philosophical trend as “Russian cosmism” (this is the term) arose precisely from the bowels of the Vedic concept. In this philosophical stream, the whole wealth of the Vedic Slavic religion is comprehended. Free folk art could not but give rise to a great variety of understandings of the world. Therefore, it became the basis of the philosophy that will not allow humanity to disappear from the universe.

It is unfortunate that in the current chaotic stream of present life it is quite difficult to attach the future generation to communication with ancestors, to plunge headlong into the postulates of the Vedic concept, morality and morality.


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