Charoite stones are mined in the only place on the planet

Charoite stones are considered unique, since their deposit is the only one on the planet and is located in Russia on the Char River, in Eastern Siberia. The name of the river flowing along the border of the Chita and Irkutsk regions gave the name to the mineral. Due to its unusual lilac color, the stone instantly advanced to the first positions in jewelry and craftsmanship.

charoite stones

Charoite Price

Charoite stones, due to their small numbers, are highly valued in the international markets of precious and semiprecious stones. Elite jewelry and expensive interior items are made from it. It can be pendants and bracelets, earrings and rings; caskets and vases, table decorations and wall panels.

In recent years, the cost of the mineral has been cut out by 300 percent due to limited resources. Up to $ 150 per kilogram comes the price of raw charoite stone. The price of the ring or earrings is from $ 50. The cost of cabochons is estimated at $ 5 per 1 gram. A desk clock will cost from $ 1,000, and a vase of 30-40 cm - up to $ 20 thousand in international markets. In Siberia, charoite stones are still somewhat cheaper.

Polished charoite stones are usually trimmed with silver or gold. A ring or ring of this opaque mineral is worn on the ring fingers. Products from it must be protected from impacts, since the stone can crack or crack apart. Washing is recommended with warm water and soap.

charoite stone Price

Color and composition

Charoite stone consists of silicon, oxides of aluminum, sodium, strontium, barium, manganese. The color of the mineral can vary from a gentle lilac tone to a deep purple hue with all kinds of transitions and patterns. In the polished stone, a fine-fiber structure is clearly visible, which fascinates with its bizarre overflows. Sometimes a cat-eye effect is present in stones. Due to its unique features and rich color gamut, charoite stone, the photo of which is presented here, is called the β€œSiberian lilac miracle”. And sometimes they even consider an opaque form of amethyst, which is wrong.

The healing and magical properties of charoite

Healers recommend wearing this mineral to people with unhealthy kidneys, heart, and liver. They also claim that it relieves various inflammations. Charoite pendant or beads will remove a headache, relieve tension and strengthen immunity. In order for the lilac polished amulet to help faster, it must be placed on the area of ​​the diseased organ.

charoite stone photo

Mages believe that charoite is able to create peace of mind and peace. It increases vitality and makes relationships between people more harmonious. To do this, for 30 minutes every day, just admire its intricate patterns, looking for something new each time, completely abandoning the outside world.

Jewelry with charoite can give its owner calmness, endurance. In addition, help strengthen the marriage. They endow their masters with clarity of thought, strengthen judiciousness and prudence, and contribute to the philosophical perception of the world.

Charoite talismans are suitable for people who, according to the zodiac sign, belong to Libra and Gemini.


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