How to clean the sewer pipe with your own hands? Simple ways and reviews

Sewer pipes may become clogged over time. There are many reasons for this. If such a nuisance arises, urgent action is required. There are many options for cleaning the sewer pipe. To quickly solve the problem, you need to use the advice of specialists. They will be discussed in detail below.

Why is the pipe clogged?

There are many ways to clean your sewer pipes at home. First of all, it should be established for what reason the water does not come off. This will allow you to choose the most suitable method for cleaning. Specialists distinguish three types of blockages. These include operational, mechanical pollution. Also, such a nuisance can be caused by an incorrect angle of inclination of the pipes.

What is the best way to clean sewer pipes?

If mechanical clogging has become causal, foreign objects enter the system. The drain is blocked almost at once. In this case, wool or hair, cloth, thread, any waste can clog the passage inside the pipe. If the siphon is not selected correctly (there is no special filter in it), it will be necessary to eliminate such blockages often. Experts recommend purchasing the correct siphon.

Operational blockage, in contrast to the previous variety, appears gradually. Inside the pipe, fat and dirt gradually accumulate. They are increasingly blocking the passage. Over time, there is absolutely no way out for water. She stagnates in the sink or bath. Often, such a nuisance happens when installing cast-iron pipes. It is the slow development of this problem that produces operational blockage.

Other reasons

How to clean sewer pipes at home? To do this, determine the cause of poor runoff. With operational and mechanical blockages, one of the common methods will help. If the cause of the trouble was the incorrect pipe slope, you need to solve the problem radically. In this case, it will be necessary to consider the redevelopment of the entire sewer system.

Otherwise, after removing the blockage, dirt and grease will again accumulate on the pipes. The procedure will need to be carried out often (approximately once a year or even more often). Due to the incorrect slope, the presence of corners in the system, dirt accumulates in the places where the pipes turn. Here, over time, a cork forms.

Redevelopment will help solve the problem. Stock will be good for a long time. Such plugs are the most stable type of blockage. In some cases, no action can be effective other than disassembling the system. In this case, each section of the pipe will need to be cleaned separately.

Types of cleaning methods

Studying how to clean sewer pipes in a private house or apartment, you should pay attention to the most popular and effective methods. They can be divided into several groups. Methods for eliminating blockages are mechanical, thermal, chemical. A separate category includes hydrodynamic approaches.

How to clean a sewer pipe with soda

To choose the right approach, you need to know exactly where the tube formed in the tube. It is also worth knowing what caused this problem. Sometimes the blockage is not even in the pipe itself, but in the sewage system, which leaves the sink or bath. In this case, simple techniques will help.

If the blockage is far away in the pipe, more effective, radical approaches should be applied. Most often, plugs form at the junction of the pipe from the toilet to the main riser, in the area from the bathroom to the sink in the kitchen, as well as in the sink. It is also worth considering what material the pipes are made of. Some methods for plastic communications are not acceptable. However, such pipes are less likely to clog.

Description of methods

Choosing a way to clean the sewer pipe in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you should consider the features of such a procedure. Almost every host heard and even used such devices as a plunger and a cable. These devices allow mechanical action to eliminate the cause of blockage. However, they are not suitable for thin-walled communications (you can make a hole).

Thermal methods (hot water treatment) are only suitable if the pipes are resistant to high temperatures. In addition, this effect is more suitable for blockage in the kitchen. Fat accumulates here, which is washed away and removed from the pipe by hot water.

Special chemical compounds are recognized as a more universal method. Folk recipes can also help deal with clogging. But only the cork should be near the drain. There are other ways that are quite creative.


Considering how to clean the sewer pipes at home, you should pay attention to such a tool as a plunger. This is one of the mechanical cleaning methods.

How to clean sewer pipes in a private house?

The plunger will help get rid of the blockage that appeared near the drain hole. In this case, all elements of the system must be firmly adjacent to each other. Sometimes with increasing pressure, which creates a plunger, the joints can be depressurized.

The plunger must completely close the drain hole. It should be borne in mind that if there are two holes in the sink (including overflow), they must be closed. For the bathroom, closing the overflow is optional.

The use of plunger

Studying how to clean sewer pipes, it is worth saying that using a plunger is relatively simple. Its rubber bowl is installed on the drain hole, pressing it down tightly. Water is collected in the bathroom, sink or sink. Its level should be about 2-4 cm. After this, energetic movements are performed by the plunger. You need to move the handle up and down.

How to clean sewer pipes at home?

Pressing is performed abruptly. Then the rubber bowl of the instrument should take its original shape. Because of this, the pressure in the system rises. Gaps just come off the walls.

After the procedure, you need to drain the water, rinse the system with hot water. If the actions were unsuccessful, you can try to perform the listed actions again. Otherwise, you need to try a different technique, which will be more effective.


Choosing how to clean the sewer pipes in a private house, you should pay attention to such a tool as a plumbing cable. It is suitable for punching traffic jams in communications in the apartment. This tool will help to remove the blockage that has formed far in the pipe.

The length of the cable is selected in accordance with the place of blockage. It is best to use a tool during operation that has a brush on its end. So the procedure will be performed faster and more efficiently.

How to clean the sewer pipe?

One end of the cable is pushed into the drain hole. You need to constantly rotate it to make the promotion process easier. So the tool can easily overcome areas with bends. It is the rotation that allows you to push the cable further.

When the tool stumbles in a pipe in a pipe, rotation must be done exclusively clockwise. The rotation is performed until the barrier is overcome.

Other mechanical procedures

Choosing the best way to clean the sewer pipes, you can consider other techniques. Perhaps they will help solve the problem. Sometimes blockage appears in the siphon. To eliminate it, you need to substitute a bucket under it. The cover is carefully untwisted with a wrench. Then you can dismantle the sump. The inside of the siphon must be thoroughly cleaned.

After that, the device is assembled again. In the sink or bath you need to draw water. You should pay attention to whether there are leaks at the joints. If water drips, it is necessary to lubricate the joints with a sealant (sanitary).

Sometimes a vacuum cleaner is used to purge, which can blow air. The rubber cup is disconnected from the plunger. They put it on the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The nozzle is pressed against the drain hole. Next, air is pumped into the system. After that, you need to check it. They collect water, and then watch how it descends. If everything is in order, you can operate the plumbing. Otherwise, the procedure is repeated again.


How to clean sewer pipes? On sale are different compositions that corrode different blockages. They can be liquid, gel or dry. The most popular and effective are recognized such chemical compounds as Ravak and Mole.

How can I clean sewer pipes?

When choosing the composition, you need to consider what material the pipes are made of. The product must not harm sewers. The composition is poured or poured into the pipe. In some cases, granules must first be dissolved in water. The manufacturer's instructions are carefully studied.

After a set time, the system is washed with hot water. During operation, we must not forget about the safety rules. The product should not get on the skin. If it splashed into the eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water and go to the hospital.

Thermal techniques

There are several options for cleaning the sewer pipe. Thermal effects on the system are quite effective. They allow you to cope with body fat. Therefore, they are used to clean the drain in the kitchen. In the bathroom, these techniques will not be effective.

How to clean sewer pipes at home

First you need to boil the kettle. Boiling water is gradually poured into the system. It is advisable to pour in before this means to clean the stove and remove cooking oil. This composition is washed off with boiling water. When the water begins to slowly descend, the flow must be increased. So the fat will gradually warm up. It will begin to emerge from the pipe. The positive effect will enhance the use of a plunger or vacuum cleaner with reverse traction.

Mechanical blockages such a way can not be eliminated. But in the kitchen, hot water is needed to eliminate body fat. As a preventive measure, you can periodically flush the system with hot water. To do this, open the tap for a few minutes. Detergent can be pre-poured into the system. During such prophylaxis, blockages will not form in the kitchen drain.

Effective folk recipe

Many owners of houses and apartments are interested in how to clean the sewer pipe with soda. This substance allows you to remove blockages that have formed near the drain, including in the pipe. Soda reacts with vinegar. As a result, even mechanical obstruction is removed.

Pour a glass of soda into the drain. Next, the same amount of vinegar is poured here. The hole is tightly closed so that the reaction moves further down the pipe. After 20 minutes, the drain can be opened. Hot water is poured into it. This allows you to flush the rest of the cork. You can repeat the procedure again if the result was not high enough.

The use of soda and salt

Choosing how to clean the sewer pipe, you should consider another effective folk recipe. It will also require soda. The fact is that a violent reaction occurs when this substance is mixed with salt and water. This can be used to eliminate blockage.

To prepare the product, you need to mix half a glass of salt and half a glass of soda. Dry backfill is added inside the system. Then you need to leave it for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the kettle boils. It is necessary to prepare about 4 liters of hot water. After 20 minutes, boiling water is poured into the sewer. The drain must be closed. Next, the reaction will go down the pipe. Even medium blockage can be removed using this technique.

Preventive actions

Blockages appear at regular intervals. To increase the interval between cleanings, it is recommended that you perform a few simple preventative actions. If you washed greasy dishes in the kitchen, you need to wash off a certain amount of hot water into the sewer. To do this, open the tap for a few minutes.

Do not pour water into the bathroom, sink or sink with the remains of building mixtures. They quickly clog pipes. You need to purchase a special strainer. It fits onto the drain, preventing the ingress of rags, hair and other similar components. The strainer is periodically cleaned of debris.

If you want to drain heavily dirty water into the sewer, it is better to do this in the toilet. Here the pipes are much wider (diameter 110 mm) than the bathroom and the kitchen (diameter 40-50 mm). Therefore, the likelihood of clogging with proper installation of the system will be minimal.

Having considered the recommendations on how to clean the sewer pipe, you can quickly deal with clogging. Plumbing can be operated on.


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