What materials are varnished coffins made of? Product Description

Lacquered coffins are used for wealthy citizens. They are usually made from more valuable tree species with beautiful color and texture.

First impression

It is necessary to send another deceased to the world according to Orthodox customs in a coffin. The first thing that relatives and friends pay attention to when they come to say goodbye to a person is the quality of the product in which the deceased lies.

varnished coffin

The appearance of the coffin, its decoration and the sophistication of the lines can create the necessary atmosphere and indicate the attitude of relatives to the deceased.

Production Material

The most common material for the manufacture of coffins in Russia is solid wood. The budget version of the design is made from such local conifers as spruce, pine and larch. If close people want to buy a product of a more expensive class, then middle-hardwood is chosen for its manufacture. As a rule, most often the choice is stopped on a linden, as it is convenient to process and does not have major drawbacks.

Lacquered coffins are made from walnut, beech or cedar. However, not so long ago they began to use aspen to create coffins. For the simple reason that linden is growing very slowly, due to which the regularity of supply is reduced.

Making lacquered coffins

Coffins are made of high quality material and polyurethane varnish. From the outside, the product is primed and several times coated with varnishes of different colors. This is done in order to give the lacquered coffin an individual appearance. On the inside, the coffin is sheathed with expensive material impregnated with a soft layer.

wooden varnished coffin

Finishing and color of the product

Coffins are varnished or lined with cloth. Medium-priced products are upholstered or draped with inexpensive material. The coffin can be fully upholstered or partially combined.

Designs are traditionally ordered in red or blue with black decorative elements. But recently, among grieving citizens, the unwritten rule has been violated. Increasingly, coffins upholstered in green, white, or black are popular. Not only the coffin itself is made out, but also its lid. With wooden varnished coffins, as a rule, everything is much simpler. Since the material in question cannot be spoiled by awkward colors.

Lacquered coffins are distinguished from upholstered products by a more solid appearance. Varnished constructions can be decorated with columns or bas-relief.

The shape of coffins is divided into several types:

  • Rectangular This form is considered the simplest, it is usually chosen for a Christian and Jewish burial.
  • The coffin in the shape of a hexagon has a strong narrowing to the head. In former times it was believed that this form was intended only for Catholics, but now they have abandoned this custom.
    manufacture of varnished coffins
  • Product with hinged lid, equipped with handles. This option is chosen by residents of European countries, from where the tradition has come to make structures in two parts.
  • The coffin is in the form of a deck. In ancient times, such a construction was understood to mean a coffin, which was carved from a trunk of wood. The final version has a simple rectangle shape with slightly beveled corners.
  • Muslim product. A simple version of the design, which initially according to the ceremony provided only for the presence of a shroud.
  • Coffins for children are usually made to order. Such designs are made to a given size, in the decoration they prefer to use light colors.

The price of the finished coffin is made up of what its shape is, of what material this or that product is made. The cost is also affected by the fabrics that the coffins are upholstered with, the used paint, the decorative elements involved and the fittings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34794/

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