The contour of the picture is one of the main elements of the paintings from the test.

Many women like to craft, and even some men. This is not only a hobby, but also a great opportunity to make your loved ones an original gift. There are a lot of types of needlework. One of these is a picture of salt dough. How to make such a product?

Beautiful picture - knead the dough, picked up the plot

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the dough (one glass of salt and flour, plus the required amount of water for the density). However, there are other compounds, however this one is the simplest.

drawing outline
After that, you will need to select the plot of the picture. It can be vases with flowers, and angels, and animals. In short, any picture can be made from dough.

How to crop a picture along the contour without ruining the future product

So, the necessary picture is selected. First you need to print the outline of the drawing, then cut it out (very carefully along the outline). Next, a board or cardboard is taken, wrapped with foil. Next, the dough rolls out - its thickness should not be more than a centimeter. A picture is attached to it. How to make a contour of a picture? It is enough just to leave point traces with a needle, piercing every detail of the picture.

It remains only to decide how to crop the picture along the contour. The easiest way, of course, is to cut along with the workpiece. Although, this is not necessary. Self-confident masters will be able to cut out the pattern and remove the stencils, focusing only on the dots left by the needle.

how to crop an outline
Do not forget also about the voluminous details. Fashioned from dough, they are glued to the finished drawing with ordinary water.

Product drying

Once everything is ready, it remains to proceed to drying the product. Someone does this in the open air for two to three weeks, and someone in the oven. The main thing that you should not forget when drying in the oven is about bloating the dough and bending the future crafts. Set the temperature to approximately 70 degrees. The figure will be baked for about nine to ten hours.

Product painting

Once the figure has hardened and dried, it can be brought into proper form. It must be painted, but before that, the product will also need to be coated with PVA glue. The surface, accordingly, becomes smoother, smoother, and the paint is not soaked into the dough so much that I had to cover the base with another layer.

Also, glue fills the dots from the needle, outlining the outline of the pattern that will be applied to the product. It is advisable to put them closer to each other. As a result, drawing the same outline will be much easier. You can paint the product about ten minutes after the glue dries.

After that, it remains only to choose a suitable frame. The picture will look great! Such a frame, by the way, can be bought ready-made, but you can also make it yourself.

Example of a picture for a gift to a woman

So, you decided to make a DIY gift for your beloved girl, sister, girlfriend, mom, aunt, grandmother ... A good option would be a picture with a bouquet of flowers from salt dough. He will delight his owner for many years, because he will never fade. By the way, you can slightly depart from the above basic recommendations for needlework and make the picture a little different.

To begin with, the chipboard is pasted over with colored paper, on which, after that, the outline of the pattern - daisies - is applied with a pencil. Next, the stems and petals are laid.

The dough for the stalk is pre-painted in green, rolled out by sausage and transferred to a greased base. After that, leaflets are made (they need to be rolled up into a ball, from which a drop will then be fashioned). The veins on the leaves are made with a cutter.

After that, the petals are created. White dough rolls into a sausage. It, in turn, is cut into several parts (along the length of the petal). The lower edges of each of them roll down, the rest is flattened. Petals are stacked in two rows.

how to crop an outline

To create a center, you need to pre-color the dough in yellow, then push it through a strainer. After all the elements are glued to the base, the edges of the petals can be slightly shaded with blue gouache. Before placing the picture in a frame, the product is varnished.

Such a gift will help express a lot of emotions and feelings for a woman. But most importantly, a hand-made thing is the most unexpected and pleasant surprise.


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