Penguinarium in Dzhubga worth a visit!

Located sixty kilometers from Tuapse, Dzhubga is a small village, for many years chosen by lovers of beach holidays. Since 1966 he was given the status of a resort. The village is famous not only for its beach, but also for the sights, which are quite a lot. The resort runs Tuapse - Dzhubga shuttle buses, as well as shuttle buses. It comes mainly to those who prefer to combine a beach holiday with an informative pastime.

penguinarium in dzhubga


There are many places to see in Dzhubga. This is a dolmen, and a dry beam, and a colonel’s waterfall, and the Guam gorge. Tourists often climb to the top of the mountain under the amazing name "Hedgehog", which offers a magnificent panorama. In the village there is a water park and a penguinarium. It has been open for a long time in Dzhubga. Here you can see not only penguins, but also dolphins. These creatures, which are mostly familiar to children from cartoons, are quite funny.

The penguinarium in Dzhubga is located in the building of the Nemo Dolphinarium. It is here that these funny inhabitants of the Arctic latitudes live in a separate aviary. They were brought to the penguinarium in Dzhubga from one of the European nurseries. Visitors, especially children, are attracted to how these creatures dive and swim, how quickly they jump ashore, staging a real show. Here you can not only admire these fairly intelligent and somewhat comical inhabitants of the northern latitudes, but also take pictures with them. The screen, which is located above the aviary, in which these amazing birds swim, shows interesting and very informative information about their life.

Tuapse Dzhubga

Helpful information

The penguinarium is located in the Tuapse district, in the village of Dzhubga. You can get to it along the Novorossiyskoye Shosse federal highway. Of course, not only penguins can be seen in this amazing place. There are also dolphins with which visitors can also swim, as well as seals. But most of all people are attracted by the penguin. It is a symbol of such a vast region on Earth as Antarctica. And although this part of the planet is practically not populated by people, these creatures are well known not only for adults, but also for children, since they are considered one of the most popular representatives of the bird world. This is also evidenced by the fact that almost every tourist who comes to rest on the Tuapse coast necessarily visits the penguinarium in Dzhubga.


The cost of visiting this amazing aviary is 350 rubles per person. Children under the age of five are admitted free. The penguinarium in Dzhubga is open daily from nine in the morning until six in the evening without a break. Designers and architects created interiors as close to natural as possible. The ice expositions convey precisely those natural conditions in which penguins in the wild live in their native, but very severe climatic zone. Thanks to the intention of the developers, visitors to the aviary can personally observe the behavior of this bird, which is quite fast, despite its apparent clumsiness. Here you can find out that the maximum speed that penguins develop is 36 kilometers per hour, and they plunge to a depth of two hundred meters. In addition to this enclosure, visitors can also visit the dolphinarium and the aquarium, as well as pavilions with the names "Jurassic Park" and "Miniature World".

Penguinarium in Dzhubga prices


Many people call visiting the penguinarium in Dzhubga not only entertaining, but also informative pastime. After all, children and adults here fall into an unforgettable fun underwater adventure and get acquainted with such funny creatures. The Dzhubga penguinarium, whose reviews are mostly enthusiastic, is organized so that visitors can watch these waterfowl during their stay on land and under water. If you put your hand on the glass wall of the aquarium, then inquisitive penguins will follow it, thereby causing incredible joy in children.

Dzhubga penguinarium reviews

A visit to the penguinarium, judging by the reviews, gives both adults and kids a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, in high season, tickets here must be bought in advance. Visitors note the low price of tickets. The only drawback, according to some, is the small area of ​​the exposition with penguins, which is why it is too humid and stuffy in the room during the daytime.


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