Speakers - who is this? Or what?

For people and even that there is an unquestionable pun, technical devices that say something or sound out loud, the term "speaker" is coined. Where and when is it most often used?

Variety of interpretations

The word comes from the English verb to speak - "speak." In a general sense, this term refers to any subject who says something in the form of speech. Speakers are (in one of the possible interpretations) people talking about something in public or, for example, who have become the heroes of a magazine interview.

Speakers this

There are interpretations of the term related to completely different areas. For example, speakers in everyday life are called ordinary speakers. The appropriateness of the use of this word, therefore, depends on the context.

Speakers in politics

At the same time, there is a political interpretation of the term: in modern democratic countries there are speakers of parliaments (the highest bodies of representative power). In this meaning, the word is used, perhaps, most often.

Vice Speaker is

In government structures of different countries, however, speakers have significantly different powers. If, say, in Russia a person in a given parliamentary position can play a significant role in the hearings, then in the USA, as a rule, the speaker is not entitled to interfere in the discussion of legislative issues.

Excursion to parliament: who is the vice speaker?

Along with the person who “moderates” the sittings in the country's parliament, there is an official who replaces him. Most often, his official naming is “vice speaker”. This person, as a rule, is called upon to replace the chairman of the hearing due to the absence of the latter at the workplace. The procedure for its appointment can be enshrined in the charter of the municipality (if we are talking about the city parliament) and other types of laws. The functions of the vice speaker may be approved by deputies of the representative authority. The removal of this person from official duties may occur due to their systematic non-performance. This procedure is carried out at the suggestion of the speaker proper and is discussed by the parliament. The range of issues that the deputy chairman of the representative authority oversees can be very wide. If we are talking about the speaker of the City Duma, then this may be, for example, interaction with some parliamentary committees that resolve issues of municipal importance.

Technical interpretation of the term

As mentioned above, speakers are not necessarily people. It can also be devices for reproducing sound. There are many varieties of the latter, and one of the main criteria for classifying columns is size. There is equipment designed for installation in large concert halls, and there are devices called “mini-speakers”. What is it? Nothing less than a miniature speaker: the smaller it is, the more valuable its consumer properties. It is very good if, with a minimum size, the sound quality of the device does not suffer. The weight of some columns of this class can be about 100 grams.

Mini speaker what is it

Examples of such equipment in the consumer market, of course, are. In many online stores and centers selling household appliances, you can buy miniature speakers. This is not a shortage - there are many companies producing such devices. It is convenient to take speakers out of town, on trips (including international trips, when every centimeter of a luggage bag is sometimes important). Modifications of these devices are different - there are wireless, compatible with SD card slots, there are those that can play MP3 files autonomously, without additional equipment in the form of a computer or player.

Speaker in the State Duma

State Duma Speaker is

The position of speaker is also provided for in the Russian federal parliament. The person occupying it presides in the lower house of the legislature. The speaker of the State Duma is a person who is called upon, first of all, to establish an inter-party dialogue and help colleagues find compromises in resolving legislative issues. These speaks of the greater scope of powers of this official in Russia than, say, in the United States (we said a few words about the features of the work of the speakers of Congress). Or, for example, in Great Britain, where the chairman of the parliament is (most often) the “moderator” of the hearings independent of anyone’s opinion.

Representatives of the State Duma themselves in an interview with the media indicate that among the tasks of the chairman of the lower house of parliament is the desire to justify the confidence of deputies. In Russia, the option is quite possible when the speaker of the State Duma is a non-partisan person. This is a rare occurrence for Western parliaments. In the system of power in developed countries, speakers are sometimes examples of ideological commitment dictated by party politics. There is a practice of distributing responsibilities between the chairman of the State Duma and his deputies.

Speaker instead of president

In politics, there may be cases when the president of a country cannot fulfill his functions for some reason. The head of state may be incapable of health, he may be convicted of treason, violation of constitutional norms. He may also be impeached.

Parliament speaker is

The president can resign quite voluntarily. In some countries, in case of the above situations, it is stipulated that the head of state is temporarily replaced by the speaker of parliament. This rule is enshrined, for example, in France.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34814/

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