Can the medicine be returned to the pharmacy? Non Refundable Items

Everyone can face the situation when he purchased a medicine, but then decided to return it back. In this case, such a procedure is prohibited by law. And therefore, a citizen will be able to get back the money spent only if he purchased a drug of poor or inadequate quality that does not meet all the characteristics indicated on the package.

Possible return

Almost every second person suffering from any disease and taking certain drugs is faced with the question of whether it is possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy. This may be due to various reasons: lack of funds, refusal to undergo a course of maintenance therapy, and improvement of health status.

can the medicine be returned to the pharmacy

The fact is that under the law it is simply impossible to make a drug return, because it is prohibited. It is for this reason that people working in a pharmacy refuse to take drugs back. Section 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, says that a citizen can return the goods if he finds hidden or visible defects on them. Therefore, referring yes to this legal norm, it is possible to return drugs if they do not meet the declared characteristics and if their use has expired.

Drug shortcomings

The first thing a person does when he purchases a medicine is to read his instructions. Of course, not all citizens do this. Therefore, the latter most often encounter an unscrupulous manufacturer, after which they begin to think about whether the medicine can be returned to the pharmacy?

Here it is worth paying attention to whether the purchased drug has drawbacks, which can manifest themselves in the following:

  • expired;
  • labeling defects (production date is not indicated, in addition, it may differ from that which is present on the other side of the package, there is no data on storage conditions);
  • the box does not contain instructions for use, or it may be from another remedy;
  • inconsistency of the description in form, smell, other characteristics;
  • the cover is not tight enough, does not close well or is completely absent.

return law

If one of these points finds confirmation, then you can safely go to the pharmacy and take the medicine to the pharmacist, because in this case the law on the return of the goods allows you to perform such actions.

Not allowed

In the event that a citizen has already purchased a drug that meets all the declared characteristics, but for some reason decided to take it back, it is worth remembering that this is impossible. Medicines for sale in pharmacies are included in the legislative list, which contains all goods that are not refundable. Therefore, the pharmacist will be authorized not to take the drug back.

Availability of cash document

Many people also wonder if it is possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy if they have a receipt. So, it is allowed to give this product back, but only if it is defective, otherwise its return is prohibited. Therefore, a person who has just made a purchase of a medicine and received a check should be aware of these rules so as not to waste his time in various proceedings with the pharmacy management in the future.

Some nuances

In some cases, you can still give the drug back to the pharmacy, despite the fact that the drugs are not subject to return and exchange.

One such example

A woman bought pills that are only available on prescription, but the pharmacist sold them without him. The citizen did not know about this and acquired them, but it turned out that they have a very large number of side effects. In this case, the seller of the pharmacy committed an offense because she had to demand a prescription from the buyer, but did not. A citizen has the right to demand that she be returned the money for the purchased pills.

non-refundable goods

If the request is denied to a person, then it is possible to inform the pharmacy management about this through a book of complaints and suggestions or to apply in person by phone. Also, do not forget that in such a situation, the law on the return of goods is on the side of the buyer, protecting his interests.

You can also exchange the medicine or demand money back if the pharmacy consultant made a mistake and sold the drug in the wrong form and amount to which the consumer needed.

Study carefully

It is not so easy to return goods that are not subject to return, even if the citizen has every right to do so. Therefore, it is advisable to study the entire instructions accompanying the drugs right in the pharmacy before making a purchase in order to immediately identify possible packaging violations or inconsistencies in the form of release.

Book of complaints

In the event that low-quality goods have already been purchased, you must contact the pharmacist directly with a request to exchange it or return the money. It is advisable to write a claim in the book of complaints and suggestions, while it is necessary to state the situation in great detail. In addition, you can threaten a pharmacy consultant with an appeal to a higher authority or even to a court.

To the question of whether it is possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy, it is necessary to answer yes, but it will take a lot of time and even money, because pharmacists very rarely meet their customers in such cases, since this group of goods is under state control.


In the event that a citizen is refused a pharmacy refund of money for a purchased drug that turned out to be of poor quality, or in exchange for another drug, you can contact the higher authorities.

Bodies designed to protect citizens from the distribution of substandard goods are as follows:

  • Roszdravnadzor.
  • Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Consumer society.

Is it possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy if there is a check

On the wall in any pharmacy there is information for consumers, which lists all the contact details of the manual, telephone numbers for appeals to authorities that monitor the observance of the rights of buyers. Despite the fact that the return of medicines in Russia is prohibited, in exceptional cases this can be done with the help of these authorities or through a court.


Before you ask yourself how to return the medicine to the pharmacy, you must carefully study Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as a list of those goods that cannot be returned. In the event that the drug has a violation of packaging, color, shape, or its shelf life has expired, it is possible and even necessary to carry out its return. To do this, you must write in writing to the pharmacy management with a statement, which is in free form.


Full name of the head________________


Name of consumer __________________



00.00.00 of the year I purchased the drug _________ (name), after which, when I arrived home, I found on it visible defects and damage to the package. In addition, he did not meet all the declared characteristics of ________________ (indicate which ones, as detailed as possible), in connection with which I decided to give it back and get my money back, since I am afraid to take it inside to treat the disease _________. Based on Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" I ask:

1. Terminate the contract of retail sale.

2. Return money in the amount of _______.

Date ____________ Signature ___________ (transcript)

drug return

In this situation, the heads of medical stores sometimes agree with citizens in order to avoid problems with the law, and make an exchange of the drug, which is much more common than a refund.

Many people are wondering if it is possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy if they have a receipt. Of course, this can be done even without a cash document, but if there is evidence. But if the check is preserved, then the money will be given back much faster. Therefore, it is necessary to save the cash document after the purchase of the drug.

If the pharmacy management did not provide a response to the application within five days, the person has the right to apply to other bodies. In addition, if a poor-quality drug was taken by a citizen and caused any negative consequences, then a person has the right to go to the police and demand the exclusion of goods from circulation.


The list of products that cannot be returned back to the seller includes medicines. Moreover, not only drugs, as well as other medical supplies are not refundable. These include syringes or contact lenses. It is difficult to even imagine a situation when a person used, for example, a dropper to drip drops into his eyes and brought it back, because it seemed to him of poor quality. In addition, medical devices cannot be returned because they must be stored under special conditions and at a certain temperature.

Therefore, a citizen who is wondering whether the medicine can be returned to the pharmacy must immediately understand that, according to the list established by law, this is prohibited. And only if the drug is of poor quality, it can be given back, but with some effort.

Return Claims

Before carrying unsuitable medicine to the pharmacy, it is necessary to describe in detail all its shortcomings that were noticed at first glance. It is advisable not to taste such a preparation in order not to get a side effect and any health problems.

non-refundable and non-exchangeable

The following points should be noted:

  • packaging violation, if, of course, there is (leaky cover, expiration date not indicated), you need to specify as much as possible;
  • lack of instruction (this neglect is common enough);
  • mismatch of the expiration date written on the cover of the drug with the one that is on the bottom;
  • mismatch in the shape and color of the drug.

In the event that all the items are detailed on paper and set out in a complaint to the head of the medical store, the likelihood that a citizen will be exchanged for the drug without any disagreement will be higher.

Arbitrage practice

When asked what medicines can be returned to the pharmacy in order to get the money spent back, many citizens are confused by other people and pharmacists. Because there are simply no such drugs, unless, of course, they are defective. Thus, buyers have to go to court to defend their truth.

Case Study

A woman with a stomach ailment consulted a doctor for help, and he prescribed her medicine to heal the ulcer. However, he noted that this drug is sold only by prescription, and you need to wait a while until it appears on sale. The citizen, not waiting for this, asked the pharmacy worker to advise her something of her ailment, which the latter offered her an expensive medicine in the form of tablets.

After the purchase, the woman came home and, having opened the package of the drug, found that one capsule was simply not enough. She turned to the pharmacy asking her to get an exchange for another medicine. But the pharmacist, referring to the fact that this is prohibited by law, refused her. In addition, it was not clear who carried out the autopsy of the tablets themselves.

how to return the medicine to the pharmacy

The citizen went to court. When considering the materials of the case, the court, on the question of whether it is possible to return the medicine to the pharmacy with an unknown fact of who opened the pill box, gave a negative answer. The drug was purchased in the proper form, and the shelf life did not expire. The court ruled to refuse to satisfy the claims of the citizen.

Based on this, it can be concluded that it is almost impossible to return the purchased drugs back. In addition, when asked whether the drugs are to be returned to the pharmacy, the answer will be positive only if the drug turned out to be of poor quality and expired.


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