English Channel Tunnel

The English Channel is a strait between two European countries - England and France. In 1994, the tunnel under the English Channel was opened - the greatest engineering construction. Its total length is more than fifty kilometers, thirty-eight kilometers are laid under water. The creation of this unique structure has a long history. In 1802, the French architect Albert Mathieu developed a project for the construction of a bridge, and a year later a similar plan appeared in England.

Channel Tunnel
In fairness, I must say that in those days it was not a question of the need for a tunnel under the English Channel, the construction of a bridge over the strait was discussed. It was supposed to be a huge structure, consisting of spans, five kilometers long, suspended on especially strong cables. The idea was rejected, experts were alerted by the scale of construction. Until this time, bridges of this size have not yet been built.

Until the mid-twentieth century, engineers and scientists of the two countries developed projects and plans. We seriously thought about building a tunnel under the English Channel in 1955. And not only thought, but also began construction, dug pits, but the energy crisis forced the construction to be mothballed for a long eleven years, when the two governments announced their intention to continue work. True, the agreement stipulated that on both sides only a private company could build a tunnel under the English Channel at their own expense.

Nine of the most worthy projects were selected and carried out throughout the year.

Channel Tunnel
conversation. A year later, the best project was selected. Initially, it was planned to lay two railway lines in the tunnel, and next to them a highway, but the idea to build a tunnel under the English Channel had to be abandoned.

The arguments were very convincing: a car accident in the tunnel is much more likely than a train crash, and its consequences can paralyze the movement in it for a long time. In addition, the mass of cars on both sides would lead to a gas contamination of the tunnel, and in order to get rid of it, the construction of a powerful ventilation system would be required.

Since everyone knows that a trip in a tunnel tires a driver, it was decided to dwell on a project written in 1960 and finalized in the 70s. Work began initially in England, and after three months in France. Huge specialized machines worked at a speed of one kilometer per month. The work was carried out at a depth of forty-five meters

English Channel
The completion of the construction of the railway tunnels under the English Channel occurred in June 1991. But the construction was not completed on this. It was still necessary to dig a service or operational tunnel, and in two to lay rails. As a result of the competition, in which more than 2000 companies participated, the order was received by Russian construction organizations.

The Channel Tunnel was officially opened in 1994. The ceremony was attended by Queen Elizabeth and French President Mitterrand. Under the English Channel, 3 tunnels have been built - 2 railway, on which trains run in two directions. The third is service: it performs operational functions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34824/

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