Why does geranium not bloom? How to feed geraniums to bloom

Varied in color inflorescences of room geranium pleasing to the eye. This African beauty appeared in Russia almost three hundred years ago. Over the years, breeders managed to breed a huge number of very different varieties, differing not only in shade, but also in the type of flower. There are terry, simple inflorescences, varieties with colored foliage.

In the process of selection, new types of geraniums appeared. Some gardeners have problems growing it. Most often, there is a difficulty with flowering. At such moments, experts are trying to find the answer to why geranium does not bloom, because this plant is easy to care for. When creating optimal conditions, the plant will delight you with beautiful flowering throughout the year.

Indoor geranium does not bloom


Many who are engaged in growing plants believe that geranium does not require any care, the main thing is to water it in a timely manner, and it will delight with its beautiful inflorescences. Finding out why geranium does not bloom, they find out that this plant is demanding on the conditions of detention. With the lack of a component, it loses its attractiveness.

Consider the most common reasons why indoor geraniums do not bloom. It can be:

  1. Incorrect feeding.
  2. Violation of watering.
  3. Wrong pot.
  4. Lack of transplant.
  5. Incorrect pruning.
  6. Violation of the lighting mode.
Why geranium does not bloom

Feeding Disorder

When wondering why geraniums do not bloom, few flower growers immediately understand the true reason for this.

Most often, the problem occurs due to a violation of the rules of plant nutrition. Pelargonium responds positively to the introduction of mineral fertilizers, which contain potassium and phosphorus and where the percentage ratio of nitrogen does not exceed 10%. Otherwise, the plant will only give foliage to the detriment of flowering. Top dressing is done according to the instructions on the fertilizer from March to September inclusive.

Watering violation

Geranium belongs to those plants that do not tolerate even a slight overmoistening. In search of an answer to the question why geranium does not bloom, it is worth evaluating the quality of irrigation. During the period of active growth, the flower needs moisture, but in such an amount that there is no overmoistening. Between watering, the soil is allowed to dry.

Stagnant water can lead not only to failure of the plant to form buds, but also to decay of the root system. As a result, you can lose geraniums. To prevent this from happening, watering should be adjusted.

Geranium pot

Almost always it is possible to fix everything and achieve beautiful inflorescences from the bush, if you know the reasons and what to do. Geranium does not bloom, but is everything ok with watering and top dressing? Perhaps pelargonium refuses to please with its splendor because of the size of the pot. Too much volume leads to the fact that the plant is actively increasing the root mass, trying to fill the entire available volume.

Florists with extensive experience in growing African beauties recommend planting several cuttings in such pots so that their roots quickly plaited the container. Only after that the geranium goes on to bloom.

Geranium does not bloom and stretches up

Emergency transplant

Proper care requires not only knowledge of how to water the geranium so that it blooms, but also the ability to properly transplant, choosing the right size tank. However, even experienced flower growers may encounter a problem when a plant refuses to bloom. In such cases, it is urgent to transplant it into new soil. The signal for a transplant is the absence of flowering and exposure of the lower part of the trunk.


If the geranium does not bloom and stretches up, then this indicates a lack of light. This plant comes from Africa, where the sun shines brightly: it loves to bathe in its rays. By placing the flower on the northwest or north side, you are depriving it of the opportunity to grow and bloom. Pelargonium will begin to reach up to find the sun and catch at least a little of its light.

Ideal is the location of the plant on the sunny windowsill. And you don’t need to worry if after a long winter the foliage becomes reddish - this is a normal reaction to direct sunlight.

Geranium does not bloom what to do reasons

To make the geranium bloom

Sometimes it happens that people ask why geraniums do not bloom, because the lighting has already been changed, the pot is correct, and top dressings are introduced, but it still refuses to blossom. In this case, “shock therapy” is carried out, which helps to create the most unfavorable conditions for flowering. As a result of this, the plant itself will want to create offspring in order to preserve itself.

In order for the geranium to blossom, do the following:

  • In winter, a plant is on a hunger strike. During this period, put the flower pot in a cool place and do not water it, do not feed it.
  • In early spring, cut geraniums, removing all unnecessary shoots, leaving only a couple of eyes. Of these, new branches will begin to grow.
  • In the summer, pelargonium is transplanted from a comfortable pot into the garden or the plant is taken out to the balcony.

The plant does not like when it is transferred from place to place. Therefore, in order to wait for flowering, do not rearrange the pot: it is recommended to leave it in one place. Also, do not rotate the plant. Geranium is a flower that does not tolerate changes in position with respect to light. If you turn it over, then it can dry the inflorescences or will not let them out at all.

How to water a geranium to bloom

Correct cropping

It happens that the plant does not bloom due to incorrect pruning. There are a few simple rules that you should follow. They will help to form a bush correctly, for which a flower will delight with its flowering.

The formation should begin immediately after the rooting of the cuttings. To do this, pinch the main shoot, because of which the growth of the main stem stops, and the side shoots begin to grow actively. This will help to get a lush bush, and peduncles will appear on each branch. During trimming, use only a well-sharpened knife.

Before work, it should be disinfected: calcined or treated with alcohol, or you can just boil it. In the process, you should not spare the branches, especially those that are located towards the center in order to prevent thickening. After trimming, all sections of the cuts are necessarily treated with charcoal.

In this procedure, all types of geraniums, except the royal one, are needed. This species requires special care.

How to water a geranium to bloom

Flowering royal pelargonium

When caring for royal varieties, you need to know how to feed the geranium so that it blooms, and also follow all the rules of care.

For lush flowering in the winter, the queen is given rest at a temperature of 12-14 degrees, and in no case should the bush be pruned. This variety does not need a large pot, like other species. She will feel more comfortable in a small area.

For irrigation, it is recommended to use boiled water. Do not get involved in them, since the royal pelargonium of their abundance does not tolerate and can rot. Once a week, the plant is fed. For this, mineral complex fertilizers in liquid form are suitable, which are diluted in a lower dosage than in the instructions. It can be any fertilizer intended for flowering plants.

When the roots of the pelargonium appear in the drainage hole of the pot, a transplant is necessary. To do this, pick up a pot a couple of centimeters more than the previous one. The soil can be made up on your own or you can purchase the finished mixture.

Following these simple rules, you can achieve long-term flowering of geraniums, and the bushes will be lush, beautiful, without bare stems. Do not forget to feed during care: good nutrition will help geranium to show itself in all its glory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34831/

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