Serious Sam 2: walkthrough, game description, tips and tricks

A literal translation of the name of the Serious Sam series of computer games sounds like "Serious Sam." In the Russian official version, this is “Cool Sam.” The genre of this series of computer games is a first-person shooter. The author of the main parts of Serious Sam is the Croatian company Croteam.

Spin-off games have various genres. Other companies became their developers. The protagonist of the games is Samuel Stone, nicknamed Cool Sam.

System requirements

To complete Serious Sam 2, you will need a computer with the following characteristics:

  • Vista / 7 or Windows XP operating system;
  • 550 MB processor;
  • 128 MB RAM;
  • with a 32 MB graphics card.

It is offered along with the game Serious Sam 2 Steam crack. The fact is that the original versions are developed using the English language. Moreover, they are equipped with the same localization. It will be needed for those fans of “Cool Sam,” whose native language is Russian. Convenience to users was provided by a team of authors. The crack has functionality that allows you to selectively translate either text fragments of the game or its components. The right to choose one or another transfer method is left to the player.

How to install Steam crack in Serious Sam 2? To do this, you will need to perform the following steps in sequence:

  • downloading a ZIP archive containing installation files and installing it;
  • selection of the necessary translation function;
  • activation of the installation file of the crack previously saved in the system folder of the game.

Can be used to play Serious Sam 2 co-op pirate. In this case, it is recommended that the non-original copy be downloaded from a verified site.

Possible problems

Sometimes users complain that the game “Cool Sam 1” is suspended. Developers recommend first of all to check whether the computer meets the system requirements. In addition, a PC always requires a set of special software. These are libraries, drivers, etc. All of them are necessary to ensure the normal operation of the computer.

If the game "Cool Sam 1" is suspended, then first of all it is worth looking at the drivers for video cards. Currently, they are produced only by two companies - AMD and nVidia. Having found out which of them is equipped with a computer, you should download the latest driver. After that, you will need to install the current libraries. This is the NET Framework and DirectX. In any case, they will be needed so that the game “Cool Sam 2” and other versions are not suspended. If, under these conditions, freezing still occurs, then it will be necessary to consider typical problems. They can occur when passing Serious Sam.

Plots of the first parts

The history of the game tells of the discovery by mankind of an artifact that was laid in Egyptian land by a powerful civilization that flew to us from the planet Sirius. With this discovery, people have been able to advance significantly in scientific advances. However, earthlings had to stumble upon a huge army of aliens led by the Mental, which destroys almost everything that meets in their way.

To fight enemies, scientists decide to use the found artifact, called the "Key to Eternity." With it, they send one of the people to the distant past. This person is Sam Stone.

In the continuation of the game called “Cool Sam 2: Advent”, the main character on a flying saucer is hit by a flying steam locomotive. The device that carries Sam into the past crashes. The hero finds himself in the jungle of Central America. When passing “Cool Sam 2: Advent”, he needs to make a journey into the past, having visited ancient Babylon, in the city of Teotihuacan, where the Mayan tribe lived, as well as in medieval Europe. In the end, the hero must receive the Holy Grail, which can help in the fight against the forces of evil.

The plot of the game "Cool Sam 2"

The continuation of the first two episodes is a story that tells us about how the main character went to Sirius, where he must once and for all defeat the Mental. While Sam was flying to this planet, the Council of the Wise contacted him. Its members told our hero that in order to defeat the Mental, it would be necessary to assemble a Medallion, consisting of five parts. This will make the villain vulnerable. The first of these parts is in the hands of the sims living on the planet M 'Digbo. He will find the second on the planet Magnor at the Zixie tribe. The third is located in the inhabitants of Chi-Che, whose homeland is the planet Chi Fang. The fourth part of the medallion is hidden in the clergy living on the planet Clear, and the fifth - in the Elves, it can be found on the planet Ellenier.

kamikaze parrots

Moreover, all these elements of the Medallion disappeared. The first of them was dragged away by the large monkey Kwong. The second element was stolen by the ominous Zoom Zoom. The third is swallowed by Prince Chan, the fourth is used by the magician Klirovsky for conducting rituals, and the fifth does not lose sight of the dragon Mental. Sam will have to collect all the parts, and then go to the companion of Sirius Kronor to save the fighters of the Alliance.

At the end of the game, after the protagonist survives many adventures, he will come to the Mental Fortress (the passage of “Cool Sam 2” necessarily includes this moment), and he will reveal the secret to him.

How it works?

Each game has its own zest. In one of them, it is amazingly beautiful graphics with detailed characters and magnificent landscapes, in the other - a plot worked out to the smallest detail and artfully twisted plot, and in the third - carefully thought out physics with a high degree of realism. In addition, there are games that allow you to think. Some are for strategists, economists, or heroes. And there are games for relaxation, and the Serious Sam 2 passage has exactly that character. The first “Cool Sam” was the same. Players loved him for his recklessness and straightforwardness. The path when passing Serious Sam 2 is quite fun, and literally full of parodies and jokes.

The gameplay itself is a constant shooting, between which humor is inserted. Sometimes jokes accompany the hostilities themselves.

On the screen, in its upper left corner, is a life counter. Before the passage of each episode, their main character is given three at once. If Sam "dies", then he will have to return to the very last of the "key points". But after life ends - all, alas. Game over. However, there is also a normal save system.

In addition to weapons, passing the game Serious Sam 2 at all levels are prizes. They bring us points. After their number reaches 10 thousand, you can get an extra life.

Monsters in passing the game Serious Sam 2 are not insidious. They just appear suddenly and sullenly pounce on Sam. One of the secrets of the game is to destroy the number of monsters noted by the authors. Only after that it will be possible to go further. It is worth noting that it is impossible to get lost in the game. Everything in it is quite simple.

The hero will have a meeting with all the bosses of Serious Sam 2. Only after defeating them will he be able to complete the task. The list of all Serious Sam 2 bosses is small. These characters are seven. Among them:

  • Kwongo.
  • Zoom Zoom.
  • Hugo.
  • Prince Chang.
  • Clearowski.
  • Cecil.
  • The last boss of Serious Sam 2 is the Mental Fortress.

Very nice and beautiful is the graphics of the game. At the same time, each of the levels is distinguished by its unique style. During the gameplay, video clips constantly appear that contain either another joke or a hint about the further passage of Serious Sam 2.


To destroy enemies, the main character can use:

  • circular saw that does not require any ammunition;
  • revolvers with laser target pointers;
  • "Strange alien contraption" ZapGun, which does not require charges;
  • a multi-barrel killer who shoots shotgun cartridges;
  • shotgun;
  • Uzi submachine guns;
  • six-barrel revolving machine gun;
  • rocket launcher;
  • grenade launcher;
  • plasma rifle;
  • a mentally unstable kamikaze parrot with a bomb;
  • rifle with a telescopic sight;
  • a cannon;
  • a bomb;
  • lemon grenades.

Planet M'Digbo

The passage of the completely “Cool Sam 2” will begin to be considered from the first level. Our hero, after listening to a brief briefing, falls into the jungle of the planet M'Digbo, from where his adventures will begin. All player actions will be directed and coordinated by a pleasant female voice, the owner of which is Netty.

We walk through the village of blue little Simba people inhabiting this planet. But our task is to find a local headman, a conversation with which will help to resolve the issue of seizing part of the Medallion stored in the jungle.

Sam shoots a scorpion

At this level, Sam will have the first meeting with many varieties of monsters, which will continue to come across to him on his way through the universe.

In search of the elder, we have to ride a sled dinosaur, go through a cave and run to the bridge along the river. On the way, the ubiquitous orcs, savages and lizards are trying to pounce on the hero. We fight back from them and pass along the bridge. It is here that the village is under siege. After defeating unclean evil spirits, we get into the house of the local leader. However, the part of the Medallion that interests Sam is not here. The leader reports that Kwong dragged her. What kind of creature is this, only the shaman knows. But he does not live in this village. We set off on a journey. In parting, the leader gives Sam a kladikov kamikaze parrot.

Move on. On the way you will have to fight with the orcs. Machine guns can be used here. Around we see a lot of boxes. Ammo and grenades are poured from them. After defeating the enemies, we continue to walk on a new form of transport - rollerball. It is a ball with spikes, inside which you have to work with your feet. Ahead there are white city walls. And here the simba offers a new transport, since our rollerball has already managed to crash. This is a jet flyer called Barracuda, capable of overtaking even a rhino. By the way, these animals should pay special attention. They are very powerful and powerful. And even if you dodge one of them, the rhino will certainly go to the next run. We dump the animal with a shot from a shotgun. But you only need to do this at a short distance.

At the walls of the city of Sam waiting for the first serious battle with an army of orcs, bull soldiers and rhinos. The most scary are giant spiders. For them it is worth saving as many rockets as possible. After defeating the enemies, we go into the gate. The streets of the city are filled with frantic bulldogs without muzzles and stale zombies. Passing block by block, we fight with them. The Uzi and a sniper rifle are useful here, which will also need to hit targets that appear on the far roofs.

We reach the residence of the shaman. But he is not there. The shaman, it turns out, is sitting in a jail. We clean the territory, literally crushing everything around. We release the shaman, who immediately begins to call Quonty. This creature, having taken part of the Medallion, turns out to be a huge unfriendly monkey.

As already mentioned, when passing Serious Sam 2 bosses will be several. Kwong is the first of them. Sam's available arsenal can only scratch this creature. However, a shaman comes to the rescue here. He has already prepared the catapults. Kwong is defeated. Sam gets the first part of the Medallion.

Planet Magnor

We continue to consider the passage of the completely "Cool Sam 2". We pass to the second level. And now we find ourselves in a swamp on the planet Magnor. Near the landing site of Sam lies a plasma rifle. She will help in the fight against the war witches recruited by the Mental. There are two varieties of them in the game. Among them are those who drive around in boilers. Others fly on brooms. The secret to defeating witches is using a shotgun. However, you have to shoot almost point blank. This applies to flying witches. Terrestrial to be struck with a rocket launcher and grenades.

Sam inspects the area

There are also many other evil spirits in the swamp. But we defeat her and find ourselves in an Aboriginal village located high on trees. This settlement should be the second part of the Medallion. But here, not everything is so simple. Orcs are attacking the village. We have to take up arms again and flee under fire to the other end of the village. It is here that the element of the Medallion is stored. On the way we enter into an air battle. But when approaching our goal, we see how the huge bee pulls the object we need. We are heading to her lair, the location of which was indicated to us by the leader. On the way we break through the fire of the Mental army and call the boss by phone. He is a huge bee Zoom-Zoom, which constantly hangs in the air.

We apply some secrets of Serious Sam 2. They allow us to escape from insect attacks. To do this, we hide under the objects scattered on the map. This is an old cage, colander, wineglass, etc. However, Zoom Zoom does not leave us alone. Periodically, she releases little bees. In order for this boss not to be able to improve his health, Sam needs to shoot flowers that grow in the meadow. After this, another part of the Medallion is in his hands.

Planet Tea Fang

Sam has to complete the following task. He finds himself on the planet Chai-Fang, which is under the control of the Mental. The ruler here is the terrible and cruel Prince Chan. And today is his birthday.

We get into the city. Balloons fly in the sky, smartly dressed people walk the streets. We see here and zombies, which are mordovorot painted under yakuji.

We thoroughly clean the territory and pass to the park, where the main crowd gathered. In order to get inside, you have to kill a large number of monsters, and then buy a ticket. Sam manages to do both. However, his cash reserves are too small. That is why the hero has to look for a trifle.

Once in the park, Sam opens a massive fire at flying grandfathers-masters of kung fu. And again you have to run past the crowds of clowns. However, these are not funny little men, but explosive suicides. They will have to shoot at a distance, receiving coins for victory.

However, while Sam got to the birthday boy, he, sensing something was amiss, flew away in a balloon. We have to go in search of him. Our path lies in the Chanolin monastery, which is a real fortress. But Sam defeats all enemies here. After passing through it, all the rooms become like an unwashed meat grinder.

When learning the secrets and easter eggs of Serious Sam 2, pay attention to the need to take the cannon there in the courtyard. And do not save on ammunition. This valuable tool will allow you to fight off a flock of rhinos.

We break through the last cordon and find ourselves at the residence of Prince Chan, who is the next boss. And here again, knowledge of the secrets and Easter eggs of “Cool Sam 2” will come in handy for us. They will tell us that it will be possible to defeat the prince only if you shoot not at him, but at the gong above his head. The latter begins to ring. From these sounds, Cangu becomes ill, and in our hands is the next part of the Medallion.

Planet Clear

This place is extremely unfriendly. Planet Clear is a scorched area where only lava, granite and ash are found. Mental, of course, had a hand in this. He flooded the planet with napalm, and now on it live the skeletons that the sorcerer Clirofsky resurrected.

Killing these aborigines is easy. However, there are too many of them. Moreover, the same skeletons, only with wings, cover this army from the air. The first part of our journey on the planet Clear is a continuous cross-country cross-country trip. Here we need grenades. They will literally scatter clerks, shot down in a dense crowd.

skeleton on a tree

After jumping over the pebbles sticking out of the lava, we approach the entrance to the underground city. Slowly making our way through the crowds of enemies and moving straight to the residence Klirovski. In addition to skeletons, other monsters are also found in the dungeon. These are, in particular, scorpions and semi-mechanical giant dinosaurs. But Sam, in this case, manages to clear the passage.

This level is not special. Of particular interest on the planet Clear is the boss for us. He is one of the varieties of "rechargeable" characters. That is why you should not spend ammunition on it. You just need to remove the “recharge”. It is a blue ray passing through a diamond. And if you look closely, you can find quite a lot of such minerals on the battlefield. And all of them are squeezed in bone hands. Sam will need to shoot at each of these diamonds. Only after that will the fingers be unclenched and the stone will begin to shine. After falling into all diamonds, it is necessary to unlock the one in which the beam is directed. This will close the circuit and leave Clirofsky without recharging. Now you can safely pick up the fourth part of the Medallion.

Planet Ellenier

At the fifth level, our hero has to get the last part of the Medallion. After that, he will be able to defeat the evil Mental.

Planet Ellenier is a green meadow with neat houses and beautiful castles. For quite some time the last part of the Medallion was kept here. But she, clearly at the direction of the Mental, was stolen by an evil dragon.

Sam lands on the tower of one of the castles. And then he has to shoot a cannon at enemies. After the victory, our path lies to the nearest village. Its inhabitants will definitely tell you where to look for the dragon. However, the castle is already full of enemies, and very unfriendly centaurs await near our hero’s tower. Here we decide to run, firing on the go. Sam is faced with the task of moving to the other side of the moat. However, the drawbridge mechanism does not work. What's the matter? Yes, just the hand of a monster was stuck in it.

We release the mechanism, pass along the bridge and find ourselves on the field. It is already literally teeming with monsters. Sam will be fighting almost all the time until he comes to the village. It will be necessary to fight off enemies on its streets. Grateful residents of the village show Sam the road that leads to the capital. But here, countless crowds of enemies await us, among which are armored monsters. To fight them, weapons of the largest caliber will be useful.

Cool sam shoots a monster

Having reached the city, we see that there are many Mental soldiers on its streets. So you can get to the castle only fiercely firing back. But getting into it is not so easy. That is why we are looking for an alternative way. He lies through the sewers. It is pretty clean, but there are zombies and clear. Shooting them, we get along the corridors to the large hall, in the center of which on the pedestal there is a golden figurine. And again attacks. After the monsters are defeated, we put the figurine on a secret mechanism that opens the door. Behind it is a garden. Netty tells us that in it we have to find five singles performed by the king of this area. However, clowns constantly interfere with searches. But Sam is doing his job. This allows him to make an appointment with the King. But at this time we learn that the dragon who stole part of the Medallion abducted the princess. Need to go in search of him in the area of ​​the flying islands. Here is the military garrison of the Mental. New to us are the harpies, which are the local Air Force. A good means of dealing with them is the minigun.

After passing the island we find ourselves on an air pier. Here we meet an elderly aborigine who takes Sam on board. After the destruction of enemy helicopters, we go down to the ground and go along the path. The dragon should be nearby. In the game, he is the next boss. It’s impossible to hit a dragon like that. To do this, you need to take one of the arcballists, which are located around the central platform. After jumping a little on the rocks, we cope with the task. The medallion is assembled.

Luna Kronor

Despite the fact that Sam completed all the tasks, his adventures did not end there. The next item when passing Serious Sam 2 is the Mental Fortress. Our hero has to fight this villain. But for this you need to solve the problem. And not even one. First of all, the Mental army is very large. Shoot it alone is unlikely to succeed. And besides, Sirius, on which the villain lives, is protected by a power shield, which is almost impossible to break through.

There is a moon near this planet. It is turned into a military base, where prisoners are kept and a laser gun is located. The first part of the plan that Sam has to fulfill is to release the people who landed on space fighters and went to fight on Sirius. After that, our hero will need to find a gun and shoot it at the shield.

Sam is looking for a gun

After the fighting, Sam manages to free the prisoners. He inspires them to battle with the Mental army, and he sets off in search of a cannon. Where it is, it is very cold, a lot of ice and snow. Our hero, dressed in a summer T-shirt, has a hard time. He freezes quickly. In addition, there is a sharp deterioration in visibility. The surrounding space as if clouds of hoarfrost. In order to escape from the cold, you will need either a burning barrel of diesel fuel, or a warm room.

In one of the hangars we find the control panel for the gun we need. Now Sam’s path lies on a high platform, on which he needs to wait for a spaceship. You’ll have to stand here, dodging enemy shots.

The spacecraft delivered us explosives. It is needed in order to destroy the mountain gates, behind which there is a laser installation. But even after the work is done, you should not relax. Sam will meet with the local boss, whose name is Hugo. This is a huge robot, which can not be hit with conventional weapons. In order to defeat this monster, you will need to run in front of it and, having jumped out of the hangar, head towards the helipad, where you board the helicopter. The robot will be able to inflict damage to the rocket. They are located on one of the gray areas marked with a green lighthouse.

Planet Sirius

So, we approach when passing Serious Sam 2 to the Mental Fortress. The space army is formed. Sam shoots a cannon and punches a hole in the shield. However, one hero succeeds in getting to the planet. Enemies manage to fix the shield without passing through the former prisoners.

monsters are advancing

Sam lands in the middle of the city. He gets out of his fighter and begins to act. However, the monsters managed to catch him and run to the Arena, which is a maze with obstacles. But our brave hero got out of this mess, going to fight with the Mental. So, in battles and in battles, all the bosses and all levels were completed in the game Serious Sam 2. It was not easy for our hero and the last battle. The number of participants approached all levels combined. The main thing is that Mental still got from Sam. And so it ended. However, this is not the last story proposed by the developer. Sam is waiting for new adventures.


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