Guide to the Juggernaut ("Dota 2"). Dota 2: guide to juggernaut

"Dota 2" is a game in which there is no universal recipe for victory. There is a huge set of diverse characters, each of which is equipped with useful skills. But at the same time, the game has a pretty good balance. That is, you cannot figure out which hero is the imba, select him and defeat everyone on the map. You will have to painstakingly study the smallest details of the abilities of a particular character, his weaknesses and strengths, and in battle to work out various tactical drawings for different situations. Therefore, you need to prepare for serious work. The Juggernaut guide will help you make it easier. "Dota 2" is a game that offers you a choice between a large set of diverse characters. With the help of this guide you can figure out how to manage one of them, what it has useful abilities, what characteristics it is worth paying attention to and so on.

general information

Guide to Juggernaut Dota 2

So, you have chosen Juggernaut as your character. What should you pay attention to first of all? A guide to the Juggernaut will help you figure this out. "Dota 2" divides the heroes into those who fight at close, medium and long distances. And if we are talking specifically about this character, then it is best used precisely in close combat. Moreover, at removal it will be generally ineffective. Therefore, consider him only as a close fighter. And if you are interested in other classes - choose a different character. The Juggernaut has a clear bias in attacks based not on strength but on dexterity, so you should not expect from him the characteristics of a tank: he will not be able to take all the attacks, he is more likely to make them. He can easily win almost any battle near one on one, and with competent pumping and smart use, he can deal with several opponents alone. How to make it accessible to you? A guide to the Juggernaut will help you. Dota 2 is a game in which nothing is impossible. You will need practice, as well as an understanding of all the characteristics, skills and abilities of your hero.

Juggernaut Story

Set on Juggernaut Dota 2

In order not to immediately tackle serious issues, it’s better to start with an abstract topic, namely with the character’s story, and then the substantive part will go on, where the guide to the Juggernaut will unfold. "Dota 2" offers you to study the story of any of the characters. It has almost nothing to do with the game, but fans of this project may find the story quite interesting and exciting. Moreover, it is always nice to know that your hero is not just a figure with a set of abilities, but a thoughtful character with his own character and past. So, this hero has his own name - Jurnero, once he lived on an island inhabited by juggernauts. But once he was expelled. However, this happened for the better: then the island sank, and all the juggernauts died - only he remained. He put on a mask that he never takes off - no one saw his face. Jurnero made his own blade and is constantly training, as he is the only custodian of the secret juggernaut ritual. Naturally, the appearance of this character will change. For example, depending on which set you choose on the Juggernaut. Dota 2, however, limits you to one thing - you also cannot under any circumstances see Jurnero’s face.

Hero type

stuff on juggernaut dota 2

Each character has its own type, to which the gaming community unofficially relates it. If we talk about Juggernaut, then it is worth noting that it can be attributed to two varieties at once - kerry and pusher. The first type is characters who in the early stages of the game are rather weak, but when developed correctly, turn into real monsters who are able to finish the game themselves in favor of their team. Here a lot depends on what items Kerry will wear, so you have to pick up a competent set on the Juggernaut. “Dota 2” in this case determines the class of the pusher, which does not fit very well with Kerry. The fact is that a pusher is a character who can quickly and effectively remove obstacles, such as towers or creeps, to move his team closer to the enemy’s base. And the problem here is that pushers are most useful in the initial stages. So how does juggernaut combine carry and pusher? It all depends on the correct development of the character, because at the beginning of the game he can have the characteristics of a pusher, and at the end - Kerry. Here it is necessary that at first the powerful assistant, preferably with the camp, accompany the Juggernaut. But it is worth repeating that things on the Juggernaut are also very important. Dota 2 can offer you heroes who are good in any set. But Kerry and, in particular, Juggernaut are characters who need a decent set of things.

Basic characteristics

what to collect juggernaut dota 2

But let's not discuss things at Juggernaut anymore: Dota 2 is a project in which skill plays a much more important role. It starts with knowing the characteristics of your character. It is with their help that you can determine the strengths and weaknesses. This character can safely forget about intelligence, which is very small at the very beginning and has an extremely small increase. From here follows the main problem of the Juggernaut - a small supply of mana. But with strength and, most importantly, with dexterity, he has no problems. Dexterity is immediately good, but an increase of 2.85 per level is a real treasure. Especially considering the fact that strength is growing by almost two points per level. Now you understand why this character is so good at close combat and can make a lot of noise with good leadership. It remains only to figure out how to pump his skills and what to collect. Juggernaut (“Dota 2” is still a fairly deep game and contains more than three characteristics) also determines your success with the help of secondary qualities. Some of them have an increase, some remain static all the time.

Minor Characteristics

juggernaut dota 2 photos

If you are interested in the secondary characteristics of the Juggernaut, then you should pay attention to his mana, as mentioned earlier. From 180 units, it rises to a maximum of only 870, in general, throughout the game you will experience a lack of it. Well, the rest of this character has only pluses: health grows well, damage is even better, the speed of movement is quite high. So this hero is very good even when looking at the characteristics, let alone the abilities that the Juggernaut possesses ("Dota 2"). Photos demonstrate considerable power of this character. Nevertheless, it is worth looking at its capabilities in action - it will be much more informative.

Blade Fury

juggernaut dota 2 story

Juggernaut's story is perfect for ability. "Dota 2" provides you with a complete immersion in the gameplay. All stories are quite logical, perfectly fit into the overall picture of the fictional world, and also have a connection with all the attributes of the character. But what are these abilities thanks to which this hero is so actively praised? The first skill that you should learn as soon as possible, preferably by the seventh level, is Blade Fury. When this ability is activated, the Juggernaut begins to rotate around its axis, causing damage to everyone around it. This continues for five seconds. But damage is not the main purpose of using this skill. As the juggernaut spins, it ceases to be susceptible to magic. This gives him a huge plus. So he can resist even magicians, which is not given to many short-range fighters. Any other character will look in a situation like a Juggernaut without a mask. Dota 2, however, does not limit heroes to one skill, so others should be considered.

Healing Ward

juggernaut without mask dota 2

This ability is useful to your hero only at the end of the game, and maybe not at all. With the help of this skill, the Juggernaut can create a special totem that heals all friendly characters that fall within its radius of action. In this case, the totem can move at a low speed in the direction given to it. He heals from 2 to 5 percent health per second, depending on the level of ability. But here it is important that he is killed with one blow, that is, if you can not provide him protection, it will be a waste of mana, which, as you remember, is very important for this character. Therefore, the usefulness of this skill is rather doubtful - develop it last and for special tactical drawings. You will probably be able to find suitable runes on the Juggernaut (“Dota 2” provides you with such an opportunity) to make using this ability more effective.

Blade Dance

A very useful passive Juggernaut ability, which should be pumped in parallel with the last reviewed and immediately after the Blade Fury. All its charm is that it does not even need to be activated, it does not need time to recover, but it gives a very useful feature. Your character takes 20 to 35 percent chance of dealing double critical damage. It is invaluable in any situation. And given that you do not need anything to activate, this ability must be pumped to at least level 3 to the tenth level of your character.


Well, the last skill, which is the most powerful, is Omnislash. And it is also incredibly useful and effective - when activated, your character jumps to the specified enemy and deals him a little more than 200 points of damage. But that is not all. If another opponent is in the radius of the ability, another leap is made with the same damage. This is repeated three times for the first level of ability, six times for the second and nine times for the third. An incredible feature that can discourage the enemy and give your partners the opportunity to attack.

Items for the Juggernaut

As for the items, here you should focus on those things that give an increase to the main characteristics, as well as damage and mana. Secondary are increases in health and speed of movement.


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