How many dimensions are there in the universe?

According to the traditional theory concerning what dimensions exist in the Universe, how many of them, a person lives in a three-dimensional world. There is height, width and length. Sometimes the fourth is called time. However, the question of whether there are other dimensions continues to worry mankind for quite some time. In this regard, new theories are constantly being born about this vast and unexplored Universe. As a rule, they are created in fantastic works.


This concept was created by writer Samuel Dylany. He took into account the idea of ​​many fantastic works on how a person leaves his world, transporting himself to other dimensions. He suggested that they could indeed be present in the real world. So, when a person experiences strange, alien sensations, hears something that is not in the surrounding reality, it can be part of another, parallel world.


This world, assembled from 2 dimensions, was first described in 1884. He was described by Edwin Abbott in his book. Its main character was a small square. In this world, the number of faces and angles indicates belonging to a particular social layer.

Visible and invisible

There is no sun in this dimension. But once every 1000 years, there is one person from the three-dimensional world. However, the local population does not believe in the existence of other worlds. This book is more like satire than science fiction.

Super Sargasso Sea

In search of answers to what dimensions exist in the universe, paranormal researcher Charles Fort described this parallel world. He stated that it contains all objects that disappear from the three-dimensional dimension. Sometimes they come back and disappear again. By this, Charles explained the presence of rain from animals, objects that are periodically observed throughout the Earth. Fort felt that this dimension was located between Britain and India.

L space

In his own way, he answers the question of how many dimensions exist on Earth, Terry Pratchett. L-space is a special library world. This is a great information field. Here are all the data ever marked on the media, as well as all conceived. Some of them are very dangerous, for this reason traveling through such a space requires compliance with certain rules. Only senior librarians know about them.


This concept is used in many fantastic works. Hyperspace is a tunnel through which a person can make movements to other worlds faster than the speed of light. The idea of ​​this as an existing dimension of the Universe was first expressed in 1634. Johannes Kepler wrote about him in Somnium.

The main characters planned to be on an island that was 80,000 km above Earth. Only demons could use it, using opium to immerse the heroes in sleep. After they transferred them to this island, using the force of acceleration.

Pockets of the Universe

Alan Harvey Guth was a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He, answering the question how many dimensions of space exist, put forward his hypothesis. It consisted in the constant inflation of the cosmos - it simply expands every moment, and more and more individual Universes arise, their own laws of physics operate in them.

Theory of 10 Dimensions

This theory proclaims a much larger number of dimensions than are known to man 3. At least there are 10. They affect the human world, despite the fact that its inhabitants do not see them, do not perceive them.

The fifth dimension is the parallel world. Sixth is the plane in which universes similar to this one are present. The seventh dimension is the worlds that arose under completely different conditions than the world known to man. In the eighth dimension, the entire history of the worlds is stored. The ninth contains worlds living according to other laws of physics than this dimension. The tenth includes all of these worlds. All their consciousness is not able to imagine.

In the Universe

Scientists data

Scientists are actively engaged in figuring out how many dimensions exist in the world. This is currently a rather mysterious question. There are only assumptions that other universes can be associated with any parameters. But today it is something from the category of dialectics alone.

Describing what dimensions exist on Earth, many researchers argue that other worlds must be either very small or huge. Indeed, it is precisely at such anomalous sizes for a person that distortions of the laws of physics occur. Time travel is possible - but only to the future, and not to the past. However, these statements of scientists also remain only at the level of theory. They are not proven by anything.

Scientific view

When someone thinks about what dimensions exist, as a rule, he means a parallel world with an alternative reality. It usually seems that it should exist parallel to the current world, but everything is different in it. But in reality, the role of other dimensions is somewhat different.

Dimensions are different facets of what is considered reality. From an early age, a person lives surrounded by three dimensions - length, width, depth. These are the axes X, Y, Z. Scientists only make assumptions that there are others.

Fourth dimension

Scientists claim that time is the fourth dimension. Together with other axes, it allows you to determine the position of the object in the surrounding world. The remaining measurements are difficult to describe, despite attempts by scientists to unravel and explain them.

Other measurements

Describing how many dimensions exist in the universe, scientists describe six more in addition to the traditional ones. If you follow the theory of strings, it is in them that lies the explanation of natural relationships. A person perceives only three of them, which means that the rest are too small.

Research history

A great influence on the opinion of scientists regarding how many dimensions exist in the Universe was influenced by the article by physicist Paul Ehrenfest of 1917. He listed in it evidence that the well-known 3 dimensions fully describe our world.

He noted that the orbits of the planets need the inverse laws of force. Otherwise, the planets would not have been able to follow in constant orbits.

The universe is not only cosmos. The mathematician German Minkowski once documented that Einstein's theory of relativity is best expressed in four dimensions. He suggested using both space and time for description. Einstein himself used the same concept to describe gravity.

For many years, scientists have tried to combine light as a natural force with nuclear, with gravity to create a unified theory of fundamental forces. The earliest approaches were inaccurate.

In the course of his research on this subject, Klein found out that the 5th dimension can hardly be seen. The space only looks three-dimensional. The following measurements are in a tiny loop.

Finding out how many dimensions exist, contemporaries of this scientist at the beginning of the twentieth century investigated internal dimensions. Throughout the century, attempts have been made to expand measurements, to find the following, including electromagnetism.

Creation of the universe

Toward the end of the 20th century, new theories appeared. So, the idea arose that the main component of nature is the strands of energy. Superstring theory became common in the 90s of the twentieth century. She answers the question of how many dimensions exist: there are 10 in all.

What happens in other dimensions?

Despite all kinds of attempts by science fiction writers to talk about how many dimensions exist and what happens in them, reality turns out to be somewhat more prosaic. A person does not perceive other dimensions. It is known that, once in the fifth dimension, a person would see a world that is somewhat different from his usual one. In the sixth plane of other worlds would be visible, which would begin just like the current world. If a person were able to master it, he would be able to be transferred to the past and the future. Including an alternative future.

The seventh dimension would open the way to other worlds that began with different conditions. In the previous ones, the beginning would always be one, but here it would be alternative.

In the eighth dimension, all possible stories would be revealed, they would have an infinite number of branches. Each has a different beginning. The ninth dimension would make it possible to compare all the histories of the worlds with different laws of physics and conditions. In the tenth person would be at the point where everything conceivable was covered. String theory explains the presence of these 6 dimensions.

If you read the scientific papers explaining how many dimensions exist, sooner or later the researcher will stumble upon the concept of “brane”. This is an object, a point particle in higher dimensions. Branes move in space and time. They have mass, and there may be their own charge.

Flew into space

Many scientists believe that it is possible to use a telescope to detect light from the early Universe, which existed many billions of years ago. Then it will become clear how additional dimensions affected the universe.

If string theory is one day proven, the whole world will recognize that there are 10, maybe more, dimensions. But it is not known whether it will ever be possible to visually present high dimensions.

Modern look

For the first time, he seriously thought that the fourth dimension is time, Einstein. It turned out that in the universe there is no single time. It’s not that it’s its own in Tokyo, but in Moscow is different, but that the clock will go on the moon in a completely different way than on Earth. It is relative. Time greatly depends on how fast the item moves. The faster it is, the slower the time will go. For this reason, the clock on the moon always lags behind. Space is closely related to time.

There is a theory of Saslo, according to which the Universe once, before such a large-scale expansion, was two-dimensional. It is based on the assumption that the other measurements at that moment were indistinguishable. Scientists believe that there is a certain quantum of space, less than which there is no. And it is likely that the rest of the measurements were simply in such a folded position that it was impossible to isolate them. Subsequently, they began to unfold.

Scientists research

Within the current Universe, it is obvious that 4 dimensions are not enough to describe everything that is observed around. It is noteworthy that Newton’s simple laws are enough to explain the simplest phenomena on Earth. While in the calculations used for space, scientists resort to Einstein's theory and four-dimensional mathematics. But even 4 measurements were not enough. At the moment, far from all the laws and forces driving the world are open. As a rule, a person sees a very small part of the universe.

For example, in the course of calculations, scientists are faced with the following questions. They determine the mass of stars that they see accurately, with gas between stars, planets. When summing this mass, a certain number is obtained. But if you substitute it into the formula of rotation, it turns out that the edges of the world move much slower than they actually move. Masses should be 10 times more. Thus, scientists see only one mass, and nine more were not found. This is dark matter. In addition, it is known that the universe is expanding. And thanks to what energy - it is not clear.

The most important problem of space exploration and other measurements is the desire of man to transfer the laws that work on Earth into the external environment, and as a result some dark matter appears. That is, from a particular person, he tries to deduce the big picture.

In the same way, small additional dimensions were introduced, which are there, but the person does not see them. From the early years of life, the human brain is very much limited to the perception of only three dimensions.

Although science fiction works often describe how it will one day become possible, through the study of subsequent measurements, to expand the space around, to enter enclosed spaces, in reality, as scientists note, this is impossible. At the same time, they do not exclude the possibility that he will be able to “bend”. For example, due to certain curvatures in space and time, a person will move from one point to another.


Now the shortest way is the straight line. But, having folded a sheet and having pierced it through, at the end point it is possible to be instantly. Probably, this one day people will do with space and time. In fact, the three-dimensional world is a similar flat sheet, which is quite "pierced". Scientists continue to actively move in this direction. So, people not so long ago learned to detect planets in other solar systems. Although people understood that stars possessed planets, they could not detect them.

However, the human mind developed to the point where it was able to see firsthand the planets located so far, to find out their composition, without appearing on their surface. At the moment, the human mind is actively working on the discovery of the distortions of time and space, dimensions.


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