What does the expression ā€œchinar planeā€ mean?

What does ā€œchinar chinaremā€ mean? This expression can often be heard in colloquial speech, and it is associated with a situation that develops according to all the rules. Details that this is a ā€œrite-planeā€ will be described below.

Let's turn to the dictionary

To understand the meaning of this combination, it would be advisable, first of all, to consider the significance of its constituent elements.

Court ranks

The word "rank" is ambiguous. Here are some of his interpretations:

  • In the Russian Empire, this is a degree indicating official position. It was established by the ā€œTable of Ranksā€, approved in 1722 by Peter I regarding all types of service: state (civil), military and court. After the revolution, they were abolished. Today in the Russian Federation there are cool ranks that characterize the suitability of officials for a certain activity, based on the presence of the required knowledge, skills and abilities.
Chin in the iconostasis
  • In worship, this is an approved course of action, the necessary sequence of prayers and rituals. In other words, this is the charter of the service, or the order. For example, there is the rite of wedding, the rite of sanctification and blessing of the icon. And also, when placing icons in the iconostasis, a certain order is observed.

Outdated value

Clarifying the meaning of the established phrase ā€œchinarā€, one should turn to the outdated interpretation of the word included in it. In pre-revolutionary vocabulary, the term "rank" was used in the meanings:

  • order;
  • system;
  • row;
  • sequence;
  • custom.

It has Proto-Slavic roots and comes from the noun čin, from which in the Old Russian language the noun ā€œchinā€, meaning:

  • rank;
  • position;
  • rule
  • order;
  • collection;
  • power.

Related to him are the verbs ā€œrepairā€ and ā€œcauseā€, meaning:

  • to commit;
  • do;
  • arrange;
  • produce.

They are associated with the ancient Indian verb cinį¹“ti, meaning:

  • disposes;
  • makes up;
  • collects;
  • builds;
  • imposes.

And also with the Avestan verb činvaiti - ā€œchoosesā€, ā€œseeks outā€.

Meaning and synonyms

Church rank

The expression ā€œchinar chinarā€ is a modification of another established phrase. It, like the one being studied, is considered by linguists as conversational. This is the "rite rite." In the latter, the word ā€œriteā€ is used precisely in the outdated sense described above. That is, in the sense of actions performed in the order that is established, approved, which should use.

In order to finally understand the meaning of the phrase ā€œchinar,ā€ it is worth considering the synonyms related to it, which are:

  • as appropriate;
  • just like others;
  • properly;
  • honor of honor;
  • properly;
  • as it should be;
  • rank by rank;
  • in all form;
  • like people;
  • right;
  • as usual;
  • according to instructions;
  • as needed;
  • as it should;
  • like others;
  • how to;
  • as expected;
  • humanly;
  • by conscience;
  • humanly;
  • Divine
  • according to sample;
  • accordingly;
  • according to the regulations;
  • according to all the canons;
  • in writing;
  • by rank;
  • by the mind;
  • in the image and likeness;
  • according to;
  • precisely;
  • by all the rules of science;
  • impeccably;
  • flawlessly;
  • you will not dig;
  • classically;
  • competently;
  • purely;
  • nothing to complain about;
  • with all oners;
  • quite correct;
  • legally.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34859/

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