Tour operators in Jordan: overview, selection of a tour

The Kingdom of Jordan is the real treasure of the Middle East! Turkey, France, Egypt and Bulgaria - all this has become boring even to the most sophisticated tourist. What can we say about gourmets who do not even look in the direction of these areas. Another thing is Jordan. Tour operators in this area do not work as often, but this is what plays into the hands of those who went on a trip to those marvelous places.

tour operators in jordan

A little background information about the country

Bordered by Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Israel, Jordan is successfully located in the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The formula of this state can be represented as follows:

  • Visa formalities + Israel - confessional feuds = Jordan

The constants of this equation are a rich excursion program, all the delights of the Dead Sea, excellent opportunities for therapeutic and recreational activities and diving, as well as snorkeling and endless expanses of the Wadi Rum desert.

This is a state with a thousand-year history. The cradle of world civilization - that's what tour operators across Jordan call this country.

Who will like it here

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Yes, almost everyone will be happy to travel to this amazing country. But the greatest pleasure is guaranteed to family tourists, since it is here that there are all conditions for an active holiday with children and blissfully doing nothing with them.

Tour operators in Jordan warn: this direction cannot be classified as an economy class. Holidays in one of the main cultural centers of the Middle East are available to tourists with an average and above average income. Tourists come here to rejuvenate and improve their own health, bask in the hot sun and spend several days in a row in SPA salons, known for therapeutic, wellness and anti-aging procedures.

A separate category of tourists is travelers who are passionate about the history and rich cultural potential of Jordan. Pilgrims from all over the world often come here to touch the greatest shrine of the world level.

Jordan: extremely interesting facts

tour operators in jordan

To believe that the country is amazing and unusual, several interesting facts will help:

  1. There is almost never snow here. When this nevertheless happens, the whole state comes off. The last time snow fell in 2012. A natural phenomenon coincided with a great holiday - Petra's Birthday (exactly 200 years have passed since the discovery of the lost city).
  2. The air here is just perfect for health. The oxygen level is 8% higher than in any other country. In addition, the concentration of bromine is increased here. Therefore, the air of Jordan is the best cure for stress and insomnia.
  3. The lost city of Petra is an amazing attraction hidden from the whole world. The pink city, carved in the rocks and surrounded by amazing landscapes, attracts a huge number of pilgrims from around the world. Rocks contain about 16 minerals.
  4. Interestingly, in Jordan, the number of olive trees is 4% higher than the number of inhabitants.
  5. Another natural wonder - the Dead Sea - one of the most unique reservoirs in the world. It is believed that the lake may completely disappear by 2035, since every year it grows shallower by 1 meter.
  6. The Red Sea is crystal clear water, amazing representatives of the underwater kingdom, as well as a real paradise for divers.
  7. The desert of Jordan - Wadi Rum - is under the protection of UNESCO. Her landscapes are often found in famous films. Here, not only the crew of Steven Spielberg can spend the night, but also ordinary tourists in tent cities.
jordan tour selection

The most popular offers of Russian tour operators in Jordan

In fact, in Russia there are not many travel companies that would offer fascinating travels in this amazing country. Of course, there are burning tours in their arsenal, but they do not allow you to completely immerse yourself in that mysterious and mysterious world. But I really wanted to!

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those tour operators in Jordan who can offer a sophisticated tourist a real adventure full of vivid impressions and unforgettable moments.

Jordan tour operator in St. Petersburg

Jordan Select Tours: Awaiting Exceptional

Selecting a tour to Jordan is not an easy task, therefore, an independent travel company offers to take advantage of the best offers from famous tour operators in Russia. In the arsenal of travel agencies there are many options for traveling in this wonderful country. Qualified specialists will be able to choose a unique tour in accordance with the wishes and preferences of customers.

So, for example, Jordan Select Tours is very pleased to offer several sightseeing tours to Jordan from tour operators who have proven themselves from the best side. It is worth getting acquainted with some of them.

Independent Tours

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In fact, this is an independent trip. A tour operator in Jordan with a departure from Moscow offers to independently plan a route. This does not mean that the tourist, upon arrival at the destination, will be left to his own devices.

An employee of a travel agency will kindly advise where to go, outline a minimum excursion program, and also make sure that the traveler feels safe throughout the tour. The company takes into account the requirements and wishes of each client. Perhaps for this reason, independent and cheap tours to Jordan are so popular.

Often, the company organizes specialized routes through the ancient state on national holidays. Such events allow you to feel the culture and identity of this country.

tour operator in jordan with departure from moscow

Cultural tours

Is it worth saying that Jordan is a state with a rich cultural heritage? Millennial history, unique monuments of architecture and history, picturesque landscapes and excellent opportunities for therapeutic and recreational vacations - all this makes this tourist destination highly popular.

Many are probably interested in the question of how much a tour to Jordan costs. It is definitely impossible to answer this question. Much depends on the duration of the trip, the tour program and the choice of a tour operator in Jordan. In St. Petersburg, for example, you can easily find a travel company that offers last-minute tours at a very attractive price. Tentatively - 40 thousand rubles for 7 days and 7 nights.

Pegas touristik

The giant of the tourism industry could not pass by such an exclusive destination. Today Pegas Touristik offers unique tours in Jordan with a flight from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities.

The price includes accommodation in a comfortable hotel, meals and a standard excursion program. As part of a trip from a famous Russian tour operator, a visit to the Dead Sea and the legendary β€œpink city” (by the way, Petra acquires a delicate pink hue only with the onset of the evening).

Why you should definitely visit Jordan

The Kingdom is proud of its many monuments of culture and architecture (many of them, by the way, are under the protection of UNESCO). The sights of Jordan are closely related to biblical subjects. The maximum excursion program will take only a few days (the territory of the country is not so big), after which you can completely surrender to the blessed idleness on the coast of the Dead or Red Sea.

The capital of one of the oldest states - the city of Amman - appears in a dynamic and modern look. Moreover, his age "according to the passport" is quite serious - as far back as the 13th century BC, he was known as the center of the kingdom of Ammon. Greco-Roman monuments concentrated in the Old Town remind of those distant times.

It is worth coming to the capital of Jordan only to see the dynamic pace of life of the Arab metropolis with its business centers, restaurants and cafes, shopping malls and art galleries built right in the middle of poor neighborhoods.

Peter, and that’s it.

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This is the so-called visiting card of Jordan. The "Pink City" was once the capital of the Nabatean kingdom. The unique creation of human genius - Petra is carved directly in the rock and deservedly bears the honorary title of a new wonder of the world.

The monumental building, unfortunately, has not been fully preserved. Today, tourists can see only 9% of what was before. Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters destroyed the ancient city, which seems to be elaborate scenery for the famous blockbuster about Indiana Jones.

The "pink city" seems unrealistic. Today, anyone can walk along a winding canyon, look at the palace of Al Khazneh, admire the monastery of Ad-Deir, as well as see other treasures of antiquity, of which there are more than 800.

The excursion program can be continued in Jerash. This is another ancient city that was once completely covered in sand.

Jordan beaches

pegas touristik

Aqaba is the only beach resort in the whole country. Here, crystal clear water, which is so attractive for divers, picturesque landscapes, ideal conditions for a relaxing holiday, as well as all the conditions necessary for recovery.

Local spas offer a great variety of health-improving procedures, which are based on the use of the healing waters of the Dead Sea. And in fact, tourists from there come rested and rejuvenated. It is known that the balneological centers of Jordan specialize in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and digestive systems, and also work in the field of gynecology and neuropathology.

What is left to add? Just that tour operators in Jordan work for good reason. This direction is not as popular as Turkey or Egypt, but this is another small plus.


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