"Stropuva" (boilers): reviews. Solid fuel boilers "Stropuva": prices

The technology of economical combustion is to create a simple but effective solid fuel device, but making the Stropuva boiler with your own hands is very difficult and dangerous to human health. Gas heaters, in turn, managed to amass opponents. This is largely due to their unsafe use. Some people prefer diesel and electric heating systems, but solid fuel boilers are much more economical.

sling boilers reviews

Varieties of boilers "Stropuva"

Today, the company "Stropuva" is able to provide a large selection of boilers that differ in their capacity. Among them there are universal models, as well as systems that work exclusively on wood. The solid fuel boiler "Stropuva" with a capacity of 10 kW can easily heat an area of ​​100 sq.m. At the same time, an indicator of 20 kW already makes it possible to service a room of 200 sq.m. The largest devices of this brand have a capacity of 40 kW for an area of ​​400 sq.m. To date, no one has managed to make an effective Stropuva boiler with their own hands.

boiler of long burning of a sling

Features of all boilers "Stropuva"

The main feature of all boilers "Stropuva" is their efficiency. This is due primarily to the fact that the fuel inside the cylinder burns out gradually and rather slowly. If you use firewood, then a full loading of the compartment will allow you to successfully heat the room for 30 hours. In turn, special fuel briquettes make it possible to not worry about heating the house for two whole days. However, the most commonly used is the laying of coal. From an economic point of view, it is considered the most effective. A full coal compartment makes it possible to heat the room for 5 days without any maintenance. The second advantage of all Stropuva boilers is their easy cleaning. Doing this is quite easy and quick in time. It is enough to open the loading compartment only once a month and remove all the ash from there. Drawings of the boiler "Stropuva" are shown below.

long burning boilers reviews

Consumer reviews of the boiler "Stropuva S7"

Data ("Stropuva") boiler reviews earned positive for its efficiency. Consumers note that the heating area of ​​this device easily covers 20 - 80 sq.m. It should also be noted that the volume of the furnace is only 150 cubic dm. Compared to other models, this is not so much, but does not cause any special inconvenience. Most often, the boiler is used to load firewood. This model is able to accommodate about 15 kg. The length of the wood is 30 cm. The volume of water in the boiler is 26 liters. Compared to other models, consumers noted that this is extremely small. The piping of the boiler "Stropuva S7" is one-piece. The efficiency is 91.6%, and the water pressure is only 2 bar. As in other models, the valve of this boiler can withstand a load of 2 bar. The maximum flow of heated water is approximately 0.2 cubic meters. in an hour. The cost of this model is 38,000 rubles.

solid fuel boiler sling

What do the experts say?

These boilers of long burning "Stropuva" reviews among experts also earned good. They note that the water temperature in the device, as in other models, is at the level of 70 degrees. The loading window is quite large. Also, experts noticed a fairly large distance from the bottom of the boiler to the chimney. The diameter of the chimney, in turn, is only 150 mm and during installation can cause a lot of problems. In addition, it should be noted the presence of an uncomfortable chimney cross section of 150 sq.cm However, the compactness of this device still pleased specialists. The height of this model is 1250 mm, diameter 450 mm. This is all with a total weight of 100 kg. Compared to other models, these are just excellent indicators. However, the kit of this boiler disappoints many. It has metal plates and a thermometer, but there is no clamp for the chimney. You have to buy it at the store separately. Also a minus of this model is a bad fan.

Consumer reviews about the boiler "Stropuva S10"

Data "Stropuva" boilers reviews are good. Consumers love this model for its great power. All this allows you to use it in a room with a total area of ​​100 sq.m. Also, many noted that the boiler furnace is generally comfortable and good in size. You can load firewood there very quickly. From the passport of the device you can find out that for this model firewood with a total length of not more than 30 cm is suitable. In this case, you can put about 15 kg of firewood into the firebox. However, this β€œStropuva” long-burning boiler (solid fuel) is universal, so coal can also be loaded into it. Consumers are a little saddened by the fact that the water pressure is quite high. However, the valve is not always able to cope with overloads. The maximum flow of heated water is only 0.2 cubic meters per hour. The water temperature in the boiler is standard at 70 degrees. Consumers also note that the loading window of the boiler has good dimensions, and this is good. All this allows you to very quickly load firewood and extract ash. The diameter of the chimney is small, and this is a little disappointing to people. The cost of this model is 55,000 rubles.

do-it-yourself rafter boiler

The opinion of experts on the model "Stropuva S10"

Experts note that, compared to the previous model, this long-burning boiler "Stropuva" has a much larger size. Its height is 1900 mm, and the depth is as much as 450 m. At the same time, it weighs 185 kg. The boiler equipment is quite extensive and pleased specialists. It includes metal plates and a thermometer. As standard, a fan is available for installation with a 1.5 bar blast valve. At the same time, the air distributor is not always included in the kit. The chimney clamp is in turn in the kit. Additionally, manufacturers apply a special grille for installation.

Also, these long-burning boilers "Stropuva" received good reviews because the heating circuit is ideal for processing the coolant. The latch works properly and does not cause difficulties. The telescopic lifting cable is incredibly strong. In this case, the coupling is securely fixed with a thermal valve. It should also be noted a fairly simple connection of the chimney to the boiler. The heating circuit for supplying a coolant has a rather large volume. According to experts, the inner window is securely fixed in the heating chamber.

Customer reviews of the boiler "Stropuva S20"

These "Stropuva" boilers reviews earned good for its versatility. It makes sense to install this model in a house with a total area of ​​150 sq.m. Consumers additionally note a large volume of firebox at the boiler. The loading compartment holds approximately 50 kg of firewood. All this is enough to continuously heat for 3 days. However, you can not use firewood longer than 35 cm, and this upsets many. The water in the boiler is quite a decent amount. Furthermore, the maximum permissible pressure value is 2 bar. The dimensions of this model are very large and disappoint buyers. Its height is 2100 mm, and the depth is 560 mm and that’s all with a mass of 231 kg. The price of this long-burning boiler "Stropuva" is 65,000 rubles.

solid fuel boiler long burning sling

Reviews of specialists

According to experts, the boiler efficiency is 91.6. % At the same time, the pressure preservation valve can withstand a load of only 1.5. bar, which is somewhat small. The flow of heated water is 0.5 cubic meters. per hour, and it pleases specialists. The loading window for this boiler is small. The chimney, in turn, has a cross section of only 250 sq.cm. Moreover, its diameter is only 180 mm. All this makes this model very cumbersome, according to experts. The kit of this device is very large. Among other things, there is a thermometer, as well as special metal plates. Also available is a high speed fan for cooling. An explosive valve and an air distributor are included as standard. It is very pleasing to have a convenient clamp for the chimney, which has good thermal performance. At the same time, the grill that comes with the kit is very difficult to install on such a large boiler. In addition, the difficult operation of the air damper should be noted. However, the regulation of the air supply is very smooth. Supporting reinforcement, in turn, is strong and able to withstand heavy loads. According to experts, the coupling for the thermometer is securely fixed. When the temperature rises sharply, the camera quickly turns on. The telescope for air supply is working properly. However, the distributor does not allow air to pass through well. The site for installing the boiler must be large.

Consumer reviews of the boiler "Stropuva S40"

Data "Stropuva" boilers reviews are positive. Consumers believe that this model is with a very high efficiency. In this case, one tab of coal is used economically. Ash cleaning, in turn, is very fast and without any problems. Doing it is worth at least once a month. According to customers, this boiler is environmentally friendly and meets all European norms and standards. The set of this model is very extensive, which pleases many. It includes a convenient thermometer and a large metal plate. There is also a reliable fan with a blasting valve. The air dispense from the kit is working properly. The chimney clamp is included in the kit and is very easy to install. Also, the standard set includes a small grill per valve. Consumers are pleased with the fact that the capacity of this boiler is enough to melt a room of more than 300 sq.m. The volume of the furnace among all the above models is the largest and is 500 cubic dm. At the same time, the camera is able to accommodate about 80 kg of firewood. However, consumers complain that the size of the chamber will not allow loading firewood longer than 40 cm. The burning time on one bookmark is quite large. Among other things, many people like that the pressure of the water in the boiler is always kept at a steady loss. At the same time, the valve is able to cope with heavy loads. The cost of this model is 88,000 rubles.

strapping boiler

What do the experts say?

Experts note that this solid fuel boiler "Stropuva" is simply huge and not intended for ordinary houses. Its height is 2100 mm, and the width is as much as 680 mm. At the same time, the weight of this unit is 315 kg. The chimney, in turn, has a diameter of 330 mm. All this will undoubtedly cause a number of installation problems. The loading window of the boiler, according to experts, is quite large. At the same time, the temperature in it is maintained at a standard level of 70 degrees, like other models. The flow of heated water is as much as 1 cubic meter. m per hour. The valve, as in the previous model, withstands pressure of only 1.5 bar. The set of this solid fuel boiler "Stropuva" has a lengthy length, which pleases most specialists. First of all, it includes a rather powerful fan. There is also a thermometer and a special metal plate for the valve. The blast valve provided is quite durable and easy to install. There is also a clamp for a very large chimney. According to experts, the air damper does not work well due to the large size of the boiler. Additionally, regulation of air supply suffers. All this exerts a certain pressure on the supporting reinforcement. However, the coupling for the thermometer is working properly. There is also a fairly large chamber for warming up the air. The telescope is securely mounted in it and does not take up much space. The fuel loading window is very durable and not afraid of mechanical damage, which is good news for specialists. The air distributor in the telescope is working properly. In addition to firewood, this model can be loaded with briquettes and a large sliver. At the same time, the window for cleaning the zone compartment is very convenient. From the reviews of specialists, it becomes clear that the site for installing the boiler should be very durable.


Since the "Stropuva" boilers are considered universal, they are equipped with a special lever for switching the camera. All this allows loading wood or coal with great efficiency. At the same time, there is a convenient window in the heating chamber for air supply. According to experts, the heating circuits are quite durable. Connecting chimneys to boilers "Stropuva" is simple. Also note the reliability of the couplings that are installed with a thermal valve. At the same time, the cables for lifting the telescopic pipe practically do not swing. The clamps in the "Stropuva" boilers are securely fastened, and the heating circuits for processing the coolant are very large, and this is good news for specialists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34882/

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