Binary Domain: walkthrough, cheats, mods and necessary system requirements

Many fans of good third-person shooters liked the Binary Domain game. The passage takes more than one hour and allows you to plunge headlong into the magnificent atmosphere of a fantastic action movie. Although the game, released in 2012, cannot boast of huge sales, a certain group of fans, the number of which is measured in hundreds of thousands, is still there. Therefore, the shooter deserves to be told a little more about him.

A little bit about the plot

The plot of the game Binary Domain takes the gamer to the not too distant future. It all starts at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Due to global warming, many cities located near the seas were simply washed away. And this is about 75 percent of large settlements! The death toll was measured in millions.

Chic fights

The government of many countries had to hastily move cities deep into the continents, erect them on safe hills in order to exclude the possibility of a repetition of the tragedy. However, manpower even with the use of heavy equipment was not enough to carry out huge amounts of work. It was at that moment that robots came to the rescue.

The best samples belonged to the American company "Bergen". Thanks to these robots, the United States became the only superpower in the world. Amada from Japan tried to sue Bergen over stolen technology. However, the latter received support from the government and easily won.

By 2040, the new Geneva Convention was adopted. It provided for a complete ban on the creation and use of "Empty Children" - robots that are apparently indistinguishable from humans. A special unit, the Rusty Brigade, was created, the purpose of which was to combat offenders.

In 2080, the Bergen headquarters in Detroit was attacked by one of the Empty Children. Fighters of the "Rust Brigade" are sure that behind the creation of the robot is Jedi Amada - the founder of the eponymous corporation. They are sent to Japan, where they must conduct an investigation and detain the offender. Actually, from this begins the passage of the Binary Domain. Heroes could not even imagine how dangerous this seemingly mundane task would turn out to be.

System requirements

Initially, the shooter was released in the version for gaming platforms. In February 2012, the game was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Only two months later, in April of the same year, the PC version went on sale. And the Russian voice acting Binary Domain and localization as a whole appeared in May 2012.

For its time, the shooter was quite demanding. The minimum system requirements needed to run the game included a powerful processor - Core 2 Duo at 2,660 megahertz. In addition, the required amount of RAM was 2 gigabytes. Finally, for stable operation and more or less high-quality graphics, a video card with at least the GeForce GT 220 with 512 megabytes of memory was required.

Disk edition

However, such requirements are quite easy to explain. The mechanics of the Binary Domain turned out to be quite complex and exciting. And the graphics did not disappoint even the most picky connoisseurs.

1-1 Hit and Run

Now we will briefly describe the passage of the Binary Domain in Russian, so that a player who has difficulties can easily overcome them.

After watching the introductory video, we carry out all the commands of Big Bo. In a conversation we agree with him, we go through training. Now the real game begins.

We go straight, climb over the obstacle - and straight into the bus. Big Bo will knock the door. Let's go ahead, get in touch with the major. We watch the video, jump down.

When we meet the enemy, we hide in a shelter and from there quietly destroy it. We will wait a bit until reinforcements arrive, which we also destroy. We shoot barrels on the way. Ahead we meet a group of opponents with the support of flying drones - kill everyone.

When we meet with a huge fighting robot, we simply run away - you won’t be able to finish it. Having reached the water, we jump there. We swim, holding the acceleration key, to quickly leave the territory protected by drones. The main goal is to get to the ship.

We use shelter

This ends the first chapter, but the passage of the Binary Domain is just beginning!

1-2 Hit and Run

Having reached the docks, we follow the partner. When he shoots up with a rope, repeat after him. Need to shoot a flashing red hook.

Moving upstairs, move on. We take a shelter position and command Big Bo, after which we clean the passage, go to the elevator and rise.

Having found the terminal, we acquire suitable equipment, for example, implants. We shoot the enemies, move on. We find the panel to control the container on the left, move it to the right, and then rotate it 90 degrees. Move it to the right again. If performed correctly, it will be possible to lower the container by holding down the desired button. We will kill the enemies and run through the resulting bridge. Talk to your partner.

We go left to the stairs, go up. We shoot from two waves of enemies - their level is growing, so that it will be harder to cope. Through a broken window, we look at a group of enemies led by a large robot. We send a partner to attack, go to the window and shoot the robots from here. We leave the room, press the lever, opening the gate.

We meet with a large white robot - no need to shoot at it, it still will not help. You need to find a panel to control the crane. We climb the stairs, hide behind the panel. When the robot attacks our partner, we move the container using the control panel and dump it on the enemy. We open the gate and move on.

1-3 Hit and Run

We watch several videos, roll down, dodging pipes. We break through the gates and see the enemy group - we destroy everyone. After a conversation with Big Bo, we jump through the gate.

We take the sniper rifle from the box and destroy the snipers, which are easy to spot on the laser target designators. The gates will open, from where the black robots come out - especially durable and fast. We destroy everyone and move through the tunnel. We open the gates and throw robots with shields with grenades. If they are not there, we quickly lean out, take a shot and hide again until we manage to kill everyone. When reinforcements approach the enemy, we run to the machine gun and shoot everyone. Go ahead and watch the video.

Powerful gun

We reach the ruins, go forward, find the highway. We will kill all the enemies, starting with the red ones and ending with the green ones. Watching the video.

2-1 Yearn for Refuge

We decide who to take on the task - Big Bo or Charlie. We go through the building, go out into the street, we buy in the terminal. We command to start the attack and make our way forward. Having reached the box with a sniper rifle, we take it and shoot snipers.

Seeing an armored personnel carrier in the middle of the street, turn left, go to the second floor of the building. We jump into the street at the intersection. We destroy the enemies, and when a large robot appears, we finally finish it. To do this, you need to enter the building on the left and climb up through the broken wall. Pick up grenades, throw at the enemy, and then wait for the enemy to be under the suspended wire and shoot at him. While the robot is stunned, we rise to the building on the right, jump onto the enemy. It’s not easy to stay here - you have to balance. We aim and shoot the enemy.

We speak with partners, we follow. We will open the gates in the left building, go in, rise and go straight. Watching the video.

2-2 Yearn for Refuge

Choose a partner - Rachel or Fey.

We go to the closed gate, but soon a robot will appear that will help to open them - it will deliver explosives, which the partner will put in the right place. We shoot when everything is ready, and go through the breach. Watching the video.

We run away from the arachnid robot without falling under the falling debris.

We talk with a partner, go to the roof and interrupt the robots. We go with the girl through the scaffolding. Let's open the gate, go into the building. The spider shoots rockets - we fall down, the battle begins. We collect grenade launchers scattered around and shoot the robots. You need to aim at the white armor. We damage the spider legs, it falls. We finish it and go into the dungeon.

2-3 Yearn for Refuge

Follow Yucca, watch the video. Choose the right partner - Charlie or Big Bo. Destroy the robots on the dance floor. We follow Yucca again so as not to get lost.

Go down, kill the enemies at the metro station. We go down further, we find the closed gate. Yucca will try to open them, and the hero will have to restrain the robots. The gates are open, you can go down further. Yucca will leave, and we need to take a jet ski and get out of here as soon as possible. The complexity of the route increases - mines and other obstacles appear.

With the wind!

Climb the stairs, and then down the other. We run for the partner. We take the grenade launcher - we shoot from it an iron raptor. It is necessary to disable all four engines.

Killing the robot, we approach the gate. Rachel will lay the explosives and take them away. Again, choose an assistant - Fail or Rachel. We pass through the sewer, shooting small robots. We reach the stairs and go up. Destroy a few more robots. We get to the elevator, go back. We kill the robots and go up the left stairs. Turn on the control panel at the very top. We blow up barrels near the aisle.

We go back, we meet with partners below. We watch a video near the elevator, we kill monkey robots. We get out of here by elevator, not forgetting to kill the robots that attacked the partner.

3-1 Bad Ground

We speak with Charlie. We go down the stairs. We kill drones from the machine gun. Destroy robotic cars.

Take a partner - Charlie or Big Bo. Using grenades we neutralize a large robot with rocket launchers. Do not forget to beat small ones. We open the door, go up several stairs. There are many enemies here - we are careful. Arachnid rollers are dropped from a helicopter. Fortunately, the management in the Binary Domain is quite good, you can easily interrupt them.

We cross the bridge under the fire of a machine gun and snipers. We get to the big bridge - we destroy the blue robots. We go through the loading shop through the bridges, neutralizing the enemies. We are waiting for the lift and get out of here. We pass through a room with racks and many spiders. We pass on and again rise on the lift. Moving forward on a trolley. If it gets stuck - shoot a red light bulb. We run through the corridor, open the door, watch the video.

In a room with test tubes, we destroy four devices, which stops the spread of gas - it can very well kill.

Gorilla-like robots

On the roof of the house, we destroy the enemies, waiting for a message from a partner, and then retreat.

4-1 Refuse and Resist

Continuing the passage of the Binary Domain from the mechanics, we watch the video and try to reassure the passengers. We go through the cars, simultaneously killing robots. Choose the right partner. We hold the line of defense, shooting flying drones.

We run along the roof of the vehicle, at the same time killing a couple of powerful robots. Next, open the hatch, go down. You need to shoot the red doorknob and open the door. We clean the territory from robots. We follow Kayn.

At the lower level we destroy snipers. We go forward, we are waiting for transport. We reach the top of the escalator, destroy the gorilla robot - shoot in the head.

We go along with the Marines, clearing the premises from enemies. In the loading shop we use cylinders to blow up robots. We go to different doors and choose a partner. Throw grenades of robots, go to the elevator and watch the video. We jump to the side - the robot will break the elevator door and crash into the shaft. We go to the warehouse and finish it from the turret. We go to the gate, watch the video. After talking with Fay we go left. We destroy the robot by shooting him claws. We sit in the truck and ride on it, shooting enemies, leaning out of the window. When they hit the truck, we run off as soon as possible - time is limited. When meeting a robot on a motorcycle, we shoot in a blue capsule under it, on the head and hands.

We make our way to the Amada Corp building. We destroy two robots, coming closer. We are leaving from here. We control robotic rockets, destroying various trifles and large enemies. We blow up the gate.

5-1 Intelligent Artifice

We go into the building, shooting enemies. Destroy the jellyfish. We kiss on the highlighted areas on the tentacles, and then climb them without stepping on electrified areas. We continue until the enemy dies.

We go upstairs. We destroy the assassin robots. We take partners, we go through the corridor. Turn on the terminal. We go left, turn on the terminal again. The boss comes - Gaussis. We mark on the luminous areas. We use partners to distract him and get where necessary. Watching the video. We find ourselves in the arena, fighting off with zombies, along with Shino and the policeman. We run through the dark corridor. We cover partners. We go further and down. Watching the video. The countdown went on - 15 minutes left. We will use the elevator and find ourselves on the roof.

Fight with Cerberus

Destroy Cerberus - shoot in the head and use grenades with spikes. We run to the satellite dish and shoot at it from a grenade launcher. We run away, shooting any obstacles. Next upstairs and a narrow corridor. We run along the collapsing bridge.

6-1 Denying Destiny

Watching the video. Destroy the robots. We go from room to room to the terminal. Faye takes Rachel hostage. Carefully aim and shoot. We finish the robots and run into the elevator.

Now you need to destroy four powerful robots - we shoot at the legs and arms. Finally, the most serious enemy in the game is a robot controlled by a major. He uses different weapons - grenades, smoke, shotgun, machine gun. We run between shelters, shooting the enemy. watch the final video. This is where the walkthrough for the Binary Domain game ends.

Short about cheats

There are no cheats in the game, as well as mods. But you can use the trainers to get the opportunity to resort to cheats. You can download them on the same sites where crackers for Binary Domain are laid out.

For example, Trainer 6 allows you to receive bonuses by simply pressing a button. After installation, you need to press 1 on the right keyboard to get an endless supply of life. 2 - for the stock of cartridges, 4 allows you to no longer recharge, and 5 - increase the number of credits to the maximum.

This is where the Binary Domain review comes to an end. Play good games and have maximum fun!


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