Classes on the development of speech in the middle group. Speech Development Lesson Analysis

Classes on the development of speech in the middle group are held with the aim of forming the child's correct speech skills in accordance with the age category. The success of the baby’s adaptation among peers, as well as further education in primary school, depends on the correct pronunciation and ability to express one’s own thoughts. It is the level of development of language skills that shows what level of mental and intellectual development a particular child has.

Why do we need classes for the development of children's speech?

speech with movements the middle group

The lesson on the development of speech with secondary preschoolers is held only in a playful way. This is due to the psychological characteristics of children of this age, as they think objectively. They have not yet formed perseverance and attentiveness. Children of middle preschool age are too emotional, so they are easily tired. Game activities must be age appropriate. The success of the training depends on how much the child gets into the gameplay, how much this event will become his own. In the process of the game, the baby uses all the basic mental processes. He hears, acts, sees, interacts with the world through a variety of gaming techniques. In the classroom, the child listens to the teacher’s explanations, answers the questions posed, learns to listen to the answers of other children. During the game, the kids do not notice that they are also learning.

The problems of speech development of middle-aged preschoolers

1. Situational speech - inability to build complex and complex sentences. In such children, speech turns are formed, as a rule, from sentences that consist of two or three words.

2. A small vocabulary.

3. Speech in which slang and non-literary expressions are present.

4. Bad diction.

5. Speech therapy speech disorders.

6. Inability to build dialogic speech, correctly ask a question, give a short or detailed answer based on the situation.

7. Inability to build a monologic speech: retell the plot of the story close to the text or in your own words, write a story description on a specific topic.

8. Inability to use logical justification in own conclusions.

9. The speech culture is not formed: the child cannot select the intonation, pace of speech, voice volume and other parameters in a specific speech situation.

How to develop coherent speech in preschoolers?

connected speech development classes

What do connected speech classes include? Coherent speech means the ability to accurately, figuratively, logically and consistently expound any information. Speech should be constructed grammatically correctly. Connected speech includes:

- Dialog. It requires knowledge of the language, provides live communication between children. Dialogue can be built in the form of separate remarks, conversations between participants, statements of the type “question-answer”. Classes in the development of speech in the middle group involve the formation of dialogue speech skills: the child learns to respond briefly and succinctly to the questions posed, enter into a discussion with the teacher and peers. In the classroom, the development of communication culture skills continues: children are taught to listen to the interlocutor, not to interrupt the speaker, not to be distracted, to include synonymous forms of etiquette in speech.

- Monologue. It is a coherent speech of one person, the skill is formed by five years. The complexity of such a speech lies in the fact that a child in middle preschool age is not yet able to program his own statement, express a thought logically, sequentially and continuously. Classes in the development of speech in the middle group involve teaching three types of monologic speech: reasoning, narration and description. At the same time, kids learn to describe the subject and retell small texts.

Speech with movements in the middle group

speech with movements the middle group

Speech with movements (middle group) allows you to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs with pronounced phrases. Many children of middle preschool age have inaccurate and inconsistent movements. Classes on the development of fine motor skills of hands allow you to raise the level of speech development , gradually learn how to coordinate movements with speech.

Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro has created a special healing technique for treating hands. According to his teaching, there are a large number of receptors on the fingers that send impulses to the central nervous system. On the hands are acupuncture points. By massaging them, you can affect the condition of internal organs. It is this teaching that formed the basis for the development of speech using movements. Experts have found that the accuracy and level of speech development depends on the accuracy of the movements of the small muscles of the hands. Montessori, in his book “Help me do it myself,” emphasizes: “If the development of finger movements is age-appropriate, then the development of speech is also within the normal range. If the development of motor skills of the fingers is behind, then speech is behind too. ” Such lessons in speech development in the middle group include:

- finger games (using tongue twisters, poems, physical exercises, finger gymnastics);

- work with groats (sorting out groats of different sizes, drawings on groats);

connected speech development classes

- applications (mosaic, tearing, from sticks);

- beadwork;

- lacing;

- work with paper;

- flowers made of woolen threads;

- pictures from an egg shell;

- hatching;

- contour of the figure along the contour;

- graphic dictations ;

- tasks of the type “finish the drawing”;

- molding using natural material;

- graphic exercises;

- drawing on stencils;

- work with water (transfusion of water with pipettes);

- construction of a well from matches;

- work with a hole punch;

- didactic games and exercises using natural, household material.

Speech correction classes

development of speech of children of the middle group

How is speech development carried out (middle group)? Classes are aimed at expanding the vocabulary, diction, the formation of the ability to properly use intonation and detailed answers, build evidence, make up a dialogue. For the development and correction of speech in the middle group, a set of exercises is used:

- Talking on the picture - it implies a story on the plot of the illustration. This task allows you to select words that are close in meaning (synonyms), memorize the meaning of words. For classes, special print media in which there are tests and a variety of exercises aimed at developing these skills are suitable.

- Tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings not only expand the vocabulary of children of middle preschool age, but also help coordinate the speech apparatus. Such exercises can correct speech defects when the child in the process of conversation swallows the end of words or, conversely, stretches the words during conversation.

- Games like "What does this mean?" or "Why do they say that?" allow you to select words that are close in meaning when explaining a particular concept. For this, it is recommended to use phraseological units, proverbs and sayings.

- The game "Journalist" allows children to develop dialogue speech skills. The child learns to compose questions for the "interview", to clearly and clearly state his thoughts.

How to analyze a lesson on speech development?

speech development analysis

An analysis of a speech development lesson is necessary not only for reporting, but also in order to understand which teaching methods are most successful and suitable for increasing the level of speech development in this particular group. In the process of analysis, the teacher can monitor how much time it took to learn new material, which of the children did not learn the material or did it at a low level. In the analysis process, you need to pay attention to such points:

- how much it turned out to motivate each participant to learn;

- how correctly everyone followed the instructions of the teacher;

- what moments failed;

- which methods and techniques were involved, which of them were inappropriate;

- whether the material was available;

- what is the general emotional climate of the occupation;

- what points you need to pay attention to in the next lesson;

- what skills and abilities need correction;

- which of the children needs to be given increased attention.

In what cases is the development of speech in children of the middle group (4-5 years old) not normal? When is a consultation with a speech therapist and a neurologist needed?

children's speech development classes

Consultation with a speech therapist and neurologist is urgently needed if:

- the child has a small vocabulary or speech is completely absent by 4 years;

- speech is obscure, based on a large number of gestures;

- the child stutters, stammers or has other obvious speech therapies;

- In the past there were injuries to the head, nasopharynx or oral cavity, which led to impaired speech or silence.

Timely contacting specialists will help to correct speech disorders, otherwise the child will not be able to speak correctly, he will be doomed to study at a specialized school for children with speech defects. Independently such violations do not pass.


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