Glamor is not just style!

Ask a few of your friends: “Glamorous - which one?” The answers will most likely amaze you with their diversity. In our country, this adjective is usually associated with blondes in pink, loose rhinestones, glossy magazines and dubious nightly activities. In fact, glamor is not only a fashionable trend characterized by a number of features, but also a whole lifestyle.

Concept history

Glamor is

In classic British English, the word glamor means "charm," "enchant." It is believed that in modern pronunciation it appeared in Scotland. For the ancient Scots, glamor is a spell that can bewitch, real magic. No wonder it was in Europe that the new style began to be called, characterized by luxury, accessibility only to a number of the elect and dazzling beauty. What is interesting: if in Russia glamor is often called something brilliant and tasteless, with a clear tinge of neglect, in many other countries it is still treated with due admiration.

Glamor style - what is it?

This is a unique lifestyle, accessible only to a certain segment of society or very rich people. Glamorous things do not have to be made of pure gold and loose diamonds. Look at the collections of famous designers: many pieces look quite ordinary and absolutely not extravagant. In its original form, glamor is a desire for an expensive and luxurious life, but without a fanatical demonstration of the value of things. Labels on designer clothes are hidden inside, and the outfit as a whole looks quite simple and incredibly stylish at the same time.

Collective farm glamor in Russia

Glamor style

Few inventions and fashion trends of Europe and the West take root in our state with a bang. As for fashion trends, this is a separate sad story. The Russians believe in advertising in almost any form, try to keep up with the latest news and be in trend. According to world stylists, it is bad for our compatriots and with a sense of proportion. For example, Swarovski crystals are very popular today - they really look interesting in jewelry. In addition, they offer to decorate clothes, accessories, mobile phones, as well as entirely laptops, tablets and much more. Even wealthy well-known ladies are sometimes sinful because they choose too many brilliant elements at once. Hence the rustic glamor is taken.

Everyone wants to be fashionable, but for the majority, material opportunities are more than limited. But this does not matter - in many stores for several hundred rubles you can buy "branded" clothes and "jewelry" jewelry. Do not forget about the fakes of expensive gadgets that are so popular today. As a rustic glamor style, it is characterized by an abundance of brand names in sight (fakes for the most part), a large number of shiny elements, crystals and rhinestones, emphasizing its imaginary wealth.

Is glamor a subculture?

Glamor rustic

Today, the adjective "glamorous" applies not only to specific subjects, but also to entire areas of art and lifestyle. This word is often called photos, films, as well as music. If we talk about lifestyle in general, glamor is a visit to a variety of parties, presentations and exhibitions. In addition, this style assumes a generally light and carefree attitude to life: secular talk about fashion and interesting events, easy waste of money, expensive food and drinks. Of course, we are talking about real, "high" glamor.

However, there is also a version for those who are limited in material means. Fans of collective farm glamor spend their money on weekends at local nightclubs and bars, rejoicing in their busy “social” life. They try to imitate well-known fashion photographers, mediocrely filming in the existing brilliance and surroundings on the cameras of mobile phones. Glamorous parties in the regions are often called standard discos with the music of past years and unreasonably expensive entrance tickets and drinks at the bar.

Is striving for a beautiful life good?

Glamor beauty

Such widespread rural glamor in Russia today should not be perceived exclusively negatively. In fact, there is nothing wrong with wanting to visit a nightclub on the weekend or to buy jewelry with rhinestones. The main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion and not to elevate your hobbies and tastes into a separate cult - this is precisely the problem of our society. Wrong style of glamor and glossy magazines. This class of media for women and teenage girls advertise expensive clothes and cosmetics, instead of instilling in their readers a sense of harmony and the ability to choose things that really suit them.

Summing up, I want to say that glamor, beauty and style are synonyms, if you adhere to the initial definition of this direction. All fans of the fashion trend will be useful to remember this.


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