WOW: Races and Classes

The game world of World of Warcraft has a host of a wide variety of inhabitants. Reasonable and wise representatives differ from each other not only in linguistic and class characteristics, but also in racial ones. The only true homeland for most creatures is considered to be Azeroth, but this is far from the case. Representatives of some races, such as the Draenei, came from completely different, alternative universes.

The two main warring parties in the world of Warcraft became the Alliance and the Horde. Among the parties to the conflict, five different races can be distinguished, each of which has strong differences and unique features.

Alliance: Humans, Worgen, and Dwarves

  • People

The first WoW race that will be familiar to ordinary players. Among people there are many diverse representatives that differ from each other in skin and hair colors, in height, size and other parameters. Their life cycle is very short, unlike other races, such as dwarves or elves. People have always been interested in magic, technology and art.

Race wow
  • Worgen

Representatives of the next race of the allies of the Alliance were lycanthropes werewolves. Just one mention of them can inspire excessive horror in the heart of the enemy. Worgens were added to the Alliance along with Cataclysm. Outside of battles, they can take on a human form, but during a battle, a wolf-like form always dominates in them.

  • Dwarves

These sturdy and hardy creatures resemble ordinary people, except that they are only greatly reduced in size. Most male representatives boast a long and well-groomed beard, while women do without any additional facial vegetation. The small size of the dwarves often play into their hands and mislead opponents.

Alliance: Night Elves and Draenei

  • Night elfs

The next WoW race also has a lot in common with humans. Night elves have a tall and thin physique, and their hair can be dyed in a wide variety of colors, from green to raspberry shades. They are the most dexterous and fastest creatures in the game. Perhaps the most noticeable distinguishing feature of all the Dark Elf representatives is their elongated ears. They help improve your hearing, which gives an advantage during night battles and ambushes.

Allied Races wow
  • Draenei

The Draenei race is very similar to its congeners, the demons of the Eredar. All representatives have blue skin and, which is not at all surprising in the WoW world, the same color of blood. In men, appendages of different lengths curl from their chins, and their foreheads are covered with protruding horn plates. In addition to these distinctive details, all male representatives also have a tail that continues the musculature. As for the Draenei women, they are very different from their opposite sex. For example, the shape of their horn plates resembles a crown, and the location of the processes is not the chins, but the ears. Both men and women have hooves on their feet.

Horde: Orcs and Undead

  • Orcs

This WoW race is filled with green-skinned, muscular warriors - that's exactly what almost all Alliance representatives say. However, even before the curse of the Burning Legion was cast, the orcs were wise creatures supporting progressive shamanism. Recently, the leadership of Thrall has led the race to achieve a revival of many traditions. Despite this, the Orcs are still driven by feelings of militancy and hostility towards members of the Alliance.

New races wow
  • Undead

The race, consisting of the darkest and most insidious creatures of the world, "Warcraft." At first glance, all undead look like simple zombies, but this is not entirely true. The fact is that their blood has been replaced by dark demonic magic, which gives superpowers the representatives of this race. Due to the fact that the physical bodies of the dead were previously alive, all undead borrowed almost all the abilities from one of the best WoW races - the human one. They are not immortal, which means that their revived form can be killed for the second and last time.

Horde: tauren and trolls

  • Tauren

Reminiscent of mythical minotaurs, these creatures have a human body and a bull head. All tauren are covered with a thick layer of dark wool, and their height and weight significantly exceed the parameters of most representatives of other races. The same goes for their strength and endurance.

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  • Trolls

The appearance of this race is very similar to how the night elves look. All trolls are endowed with high growth and well-developed muscles, their hands have three fingers, while their legs - only two. Representatives of this race prefer to move barefoot, which may be due to their status as born hunters. The skin varies in color - it can be either light green or blue, and even purple. As a rule, trolls put on bright clothes, dreadlocks braid, and also use in their speech the words typical of the peoples of Cuba and Jamaica, such as "Yo" and "Mon".

Horde: blood elves and goblins

  • Blood elves

The appearance of these elves is practically no different from the appearance of other representatives of the higher race. Among the distinguishing features, one can note the presence of bright and fiery hairstyles, as well as the predominance of red in the style of clothes. Blood elves are considered one of the Legion races in WoW, or in another way - the Burning Legion, which includes demons and other dark creatures.

  • Goblins

About these green-skinned, small and witty creatures, we can say that they do not speak openly for any of the parties to the conflict. Technically, they are still on the neutral side, but their sheer sympathy for the Horde says a lot.

wow races and classes

All goblins are distinguished by their ingenious mentality; they are interested in various mechanisms and trade. At first it may seem that this race is oversaturated with manic geniuses with a penchant for mechanics, but this is not so. Among goblins, there is a strict hierarchy order. Special cartels are controlled by merchant princes, under the command of which are the whole army and navy.

Neutral side

In addition to the Alliance and the Horde, there is another territory that those who do not want to take part in the main conflict of the races and classes of WoW prefer to occupy. For example, goblins. Despite the fact that many players attribute them to the Horde, this race still manages to remain neutral.

Pandaren - one of the most mysterious and ancient races of the world "Warcraft" can also be attributed to this. Before the Great Rift occurred, these creatures lived in the territory that covered the whole of Kalimdor. After that, the pandaren found for themselves a new house on a mysterious island, which was later called Pandareya.

Battle for Azeroth

wow legion race

At the last Blizkon event, a new large-scale update for Warcraft was shown - Battle for Azeroth. Players will have the opportunity to wander through additional locations of their beloved universe, which includes completely new continents and small islands. As for the races in WoW: Battle for Azeroth, here the developers promised to add even more fresh and unique content to the already known species.

Before the beta test began, we decided to share with our readers about what characters to expect in the new “Battle”.

About Additional Allied WoW Races

The addition promises not to set aside any of the factions. Together with the updated version of the game, users will have access to six subraces at once - three races for the Alliance and Horde.

The plot of “Battle for Azeroth” tells about how members of the warring parties went in search of new allies. Alliance factions managed to get Enlightened Draenei, Void Elves, and Black Iron dwarves in their ranks. As for the Horde, they were joined by representatives of Highmountain tauren, nightborne, and trolls from Zandalar.

wow battle for azeroth races

To gain access to the new races of WoW, you will have to tackle certain conditions. By the way, you can start now, even before the Battle of Azeroth is officially launched. Some races will open after completing special story missions, some - after reaching a certain level of reputation. More details can be found on the official Blizzard and WoW website.


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