Sports club "Patriot", Balashikha: photos, address, reviews

"Patriot" (Balashikha) is a sports center for children and adults. The club has professional trainers who train children in 18 areas of martial arts.


Sports club "Patriot" in Balashikha is a center for patriotic and sports education of youth. For youth, 18 clubs are organized, the main emphasis is on martial arts, such as army hand-to-hand combat, sambo, kickboxing, karate and others.

One of the most important areas of the organization’s activities is military-patriotic education. More than 20 thousand people at different times became members of the Patriot club in Balashikha. Many graduates entered military schools, more than 80 pupils took part in hostilities, a considerable number of former athletes serve in special forces Vympel, Alpha, etc.

The team of trainers consists of 22 professional athletes, among them there are masters of sports of international level, dancers in oriental martial arts, but the main thing is people who are passionate about the idea and love for children. Club "Patriot" in Balashikha operates at its own expense, cooperates with the Government of the Moscow region, the administration of his native city and contributes to the education of growing Russians.

patriot balashikha

Achievements and Activities

Sports club "Patriot" (Balashikha) is a multiple champion in army hand-to-hand combat in the Moscow region. Section participants won many awards in various competitions, 19 athletes received the championship title, more than 1,000 pupils became prize-winners of world and national competitions, almost 50 people have the title of master of sports.

Every year MOOMPO “Patriot” (Balashikha) initiates 15 large multifaceted sporting events on its territory, involving city residents in them, inviting athletes from other clubs in Moscow and the region to competitions. Also, the club loves to spend holidays - children's New Year's parties, games in open sports fields, etc. Today, more than 700 children are engaged in sections, including children from large and low-income families, for whom there are benefits. Free classes are attended by children of participants in local military conflicts and persons with disabilities.

club patriot balashikha

General impressions of the club

Sports and Patriotic Club "Patriot" (Balashikha) is a popular place for sports for children and adults. Positive reviews tell about a large number of sports sections, where boys and girls are admitted from a very young age. Work with children in the club is established at a high level, attention is paid to everyone, and those who show the best results help to achieve a professional level.

Parents believe that one of the advantages of the institution is the variety of sports presented - children can choose what they like. The cost of classes is generally lower than in other Balashikha clubs, which is also noted as a weighty argument. Matured students talk about their trainers as professionals who know a lot about their business. Many wrote that they were grateful to the club and coaches for excellent sports training, the ability to mobilize in difficult situations, health and discipline - all these qualities, according to the club’s graduates, were brought up in the Patriot in many ways.

Some citizens note that the emphasis on the patriotic component is rather a minus in the club’s work. Such assessments raise concerns about the excessive aggressiveness of the pupils, although there has not been a single example of such behavior. There are also concerns that engaging in combat sports from 5-6 years old is traumatic and fraught with threats to the health of the child.

patriot martial arts club balashikha

Oriental martial arts

Martial arts of the East are characterized by a harmonious approach to raising a child, involvement in the physical and spiritual components. Club "Patriot" (Balashikha) offers training in these types of martial arts:

  • Judo - how martial art took shape from the second half of the 19th century. Currently, two areas are developing - sports and classic judo.
  • Aikido is an art of defense, where students learn not only wrestling, but also acrobatic techniques.
  • Karate is a martial art, the main task of which is to minimize contact with the enemy, which is achieved by the ability to put blocks, deliver short strikes to certain points of the opponent’s body.

The studio accepts children from 5 years old, trainings are conducted by trainers with specialized education, extensive experience and sports degrees.


The Patriot Center (Balashikha) received reviews with positive reviews on oriental wrestling and gymnastics for the individual approach of trainers to each child. Parents note that the energy of the children goes into a creative direction, the children grow stronger, gain self-confidence, the daily regime is stabilized, which helps in all areas of their life.

sports club patriot balashikha

Negative reviews are not found, but there are doubts about the appropriateness of such classes in connection with the philosophical component of each sport. Some parents caused a negative reaction in one case when the pupils of the school handed out leaflets to one of the politicians during the next election campaign. Considering this a case of using children, they preferred to change the club for sports.

Traditional and army wrestling

“Patriot” is a martial arts club in Balashikha, the choice of sport for children and adults is extensive. In addition to the eastern types of wrestling, no less interesting activities are offered for development and improvement, and some, for example, army hand-to-hand combat, affect the further choice of a profession.

The following sections are invited to systematic classes and training:

  • Boxing is a sport that traces its history back to 688 AD and does not lose popularity and relevance today.
  • Sambo - self-defense without weapons. Three existing combat systems were developed by Soviet masters on the basis of eastern defense systems and adapted to national characteristics.
  • Grappling is a type of wrestling based on the techniques of all popular wrestling systems, one of the features is the minimum number of restrictions in the use of techniques.
  • Strength athleticism - a form of training aimed at building muscle mass, the formation of sculptural forms of the body, is the initial form of preparation for bodybuilding and bodybuilding.
  • Pankration is a classic struggle founded in Greece of the ancient period.
  • Kickboxing - a fight appeared in the 60s of the last century and is a synthesis of many martial arts, including kicks, the use of boxing gloves.
  • Army hand-to-hand combat is one of the popular sections where adults and children are happy to engage. The development of this sport is supported by the ARB Federation.
  • Mixed martial arts - the system consists of percussion and power techniques, taken from various ancient martial arts, is actively popularized around the world.

club patriot balashikha photo

Sport for everyone

The lack of the need to actively move in the conditions of a modern metropolis forces the urban population to turn to sport as their opportunity to not only put their figure in order, but also to normalize their physical and mental state. Club "Patriot" in Balashikha has for this purpose all the necessary equipment and spacious comfortable rooms.

The sports center offers classes:

  • Qigong gymnastics - includes a set of physical exercises, breathing and meditation techniques. Systematic exercises relieve stress, harmonize the internal psychological state and tone the whole body.
  • Gym - modern equipment and qualified trainers will help bring physical fitness to perfect condition, get rid of extra pounds and centimeters. The result of classes will be excellent health, beauty and grace.
  • Self-defense courses teach the basics of protecting yourself and loved ones from an attack by one or more persons. Training involves improving physical fitness, strengthens self-confidence, and helps get rid of fear. The courses are useful for everyone, including athletes who are trained in contact combat with one opponent.

club patriot balashikha working hours

Parent reviews

In the reviews, parents thank the club management for the fact that in difficult economic situations the organization did not close, but continued to accept children in sports sections, which saved many from the harmful effects of the street. The club’s activity on expanding offers was positively evaluated - new opportunities are opening up, with each year the choice of classes becomes more diverse.

Also, many people like that in summer the participants of the sections are invited to sports gatherings, organize trips to other cities for competitions - this increases the motivation for classes and new achievements, and excursions broaden their horizons. Parents note that children are happy to visit the Patriot Club (Balashikha). Photos from various events clearly demonstrate children's enthusiasm and a clear enthusiasm for the process.

There are no negative reviews about the club. Some coaches from competitive organizations pay tribute to the leadership of the sports center and believe that Patriot is one of the best clubs focused on working with the younger generation, where children are taught not only wrestling styles, but also mutual assistance, attention to adults and freedom of choice.

club patriot balashikha address

Helpful information

In the sports center, the main training load is realized during the school year, in the summer recording is performed in the section. In early September, parents and children are invited to the presentation of new directions, an additional set is announced in those sections where there are empty seats. Every year, the ranks of young athletes are replenished, many seek to get into the Patriot club (Balashikha). Organization address - Belyakova street, building 8.

For the convenience of adults and children, the work of the center is organized in such a way that there are no obstacles for productive training. From early morning until late in the evening, the Patriot Club invites you (Balashikha). Opening hours are from 08:00 to 22:00.


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