Professor Merzocide and his battle tactics

Gamers first learned about Professor Merzocide from World of Warcraft. He was introduced as the boss of the Scourge army in a location called The Wizard. To fight with an inanimate scientist, it was necessary to defeat two vile monsters: Tukhlopuz and Rotnomord. We will talk more about this in the article.

professor merzocide

Scourge Background

The first mention of the undead legions appeared immediately after the appearance of Warcraft 3 on the PC, when Lord Arthas encountered the plague-bearers of the demon Mal'Ganis, who spread the disease, turning the inhabitants of the Alliance into the walking dead. Of course, there was no question of any professor Merzocide at that time. After all, the formation of the legions of the dead took a very long time.

Gamers remember how the paladin Arthas, full of higher ideals, fell under the influence of Ner'Zul, whose soul particle was enclosed in the Blade of Ice Sorrow. Subsequently, Arthas's mind was clouded. The murder of his own father, the flight far north, and then the defeat of the army of Illidan, who tried to destroy the Throne of Ice ... All these events are damn familiar to fans of the Warcraft universe.

As a result, becoming the chosen warrior of Ner'Zul, Arthas led the legions of the walking dead, and later became the reservoir of the icy soul of the Lich King.

"For the LichKing!" - the well-known slogan of the Scourge fighters.

“Life for Ner'Zul!” - echoing gloomy adherents.

The story of Arthas cut short on the final movie of Warcraft 3, where, wearing a Lich King helmet, the character took his place on the Ice Throne, enjoying the piercing winds at the highest point in the world.

World of warcraft

The continuation of the history of the gloomy lord came out as an addition to the online game in 2008. The addon was called the Wrath of the Lich King (Wrath Of The LichKing), contained a number of changes to the original game: new bosses, locations, weapons, player classes (the Death Knight was added), as well as the ability to level up to level 80. Here it is mentioned for the first time about the Icecrown Citadel and the bosses that inhabit it.

professor merzocide passage

The path with the dead scientist

To get to Professor Merzocid, you first had to overcome the first quarter of the dungeon ("Storming the Citadel"), defeating some bosses: Lord Rebrada, Lady Mortal Whisper. Then the players participated in the battle on the ships, and then fought with Saurfang the Deadly.

The second quarter pushed the raid players face to face with the filthy spawns of Professor Merzocid - Tukhlopuz and Gnilomord. Killing them, you could fight with a scientist.

The battle with the evil genius

According to the rules of any multiplayer online game, the team must have a player who takes the main damage. Such a character is called a "tank." In order to defeat Professor Merzocid, the main “tank” must constantly distract the boss, while damage players (with high damage indicators) beat the enemy with everything they have.

The scientist does not use special capabilities to combat the "tanks", but deals normal damage of about 16-18 thousand. Periodically throws a flask at a randomly selected player, which, breaking, spreads into a puddle of mucus on the floor. The puddle is growing in size.

An additional “tank” should periodically drink potions from the professor’s table, which are marked with “drink me” markers for convenience. Having done this, the character turns into Mutilated Abomination (mutated abomination). The player assigned to this role must absorb the green puddles to prevent them from expanding and to prevent other players from beating Professor Merzocid.

The tactics of the battle is to eliminate the danger from puddles and to lure the evil genius from the basic composition of the “damageers”. But this does not end all the dirty tricks. About once every 20-30 seconds, the passage of Professor Merzocide is complicated, because he announces the beginning of a dangerous experiment.

The fact is that in the hall where the battle takes place, containers hang on the wall: one with green slugs, the other with rusty gas. The boss calls an additional bot: either a slug or a gaseous cloud, respectively. And here again you can not do without a player who got the role of Mutilated Adomination - the abomination should not only absorb puddles, but also slow down slugs or clouds.

The slugs pick a victim, and shoots a slowing beam at it. After that they accelerate and run towards the player. Upon reaching, they inflict a colossal amount of damage, which is evenly distributed among the raid members who are nearby. The abomination should slow down the slug, and the rest of the players should help to destroy it.

How can Professor Merzocid get through if he invokes the cloud? This is a little more complicated, because the haze hangs a “debuff” on the victim, which sums up and reduces the player’s characteristics. Approaching, it explodes like a slug, and distributes the damage to everyone nearby. The mutated abomination should again slow down the cloud, and the raid member who was not fortunate enough to become a victim, drop everything and run away from deadly gas formation.

professor merzocide tactics

And the battle continues again ...

The antics of a dead scientist do not end there. Periodically, the boss sprays a rusty cloud on the battlefield, putting all players in a daze. Damage in this situation is not inflicted on anyone, but the entire raid is immobilized. The boss runs to the table, drinks a potion and gains additional abilities: "Explosive with Choking Gas" and "Viscous Muck."

The latter, in turn, produces a crowd of slugs that move to the chosen victim. Naturally, the player should focus on the impending threat, so as not to be defeated.

A flask of gas is no less deadly - the cloud does 5,000 damage every second to everyone who falls within range, reduces the probability of hitting the target by 75%, and after twenty seconds it provokes an explosion that carries 15,000 damage. In this case, the "tank" should immediately distract the scientist in order to lead him away.

This is how the whole battle goes. Periodically, the professor grows additional limbs, increases growth and the boss becomes more and more like the disgusting clown Pennywise from the movie "It".

At hearthstone

Professor Merzocide from the harsh and hostile universe of World of Warcraft quietly migrated to the warmer and more comfortable atmosphere of the Blizzard card game along with the entire retinue of the Lich King. More recently, the add-on brought a new adventure into the game - Knights of the Ice Throne.

Cold reception is provided by all the same bosses, which were discussed above. Professor Merzocide in the cholesterol is found on the upper tier. The battle with him takes place in several stages, with each of which the scientist gains more and more powerful abilities.

Start. Crazy Science

Professor Merzocide at "Hartstone" begins the battle with thirty units of health and fifteen - armor. Constantly uses secrets, and impudently borrows them from various classes:

  • received a Focus Cotus, a Frost Trap, and a Dart Trap from a hunter;
  • stole the "Holy vessel", "The messenger" and "Vengeance" from the paladin;
  • the magician gave the professor "Conversion to Steam", "Ice Twins", "Anti Magic" and "Reflected Entity".

The ideally ended phase is when the player uses the "Secret Eater" (a rare card available to all classes, cost 4 mana) and retains the advantage on the board. It should be noted that the scientist does not use the secret "Explosive Trap", but this does not mean that the task is simplified.

You need to think in advance that there is a spell in your hand that can eliminate the abomination that appears at the beginning of the next phase. It is also worth worrying about maintaining the advantage on the board. If this could not be achieved, it is better to start the battle anew, because the further passage of Professor Merzotsida at "Hartstone" will be even more difficult.

how to defeat professor pest

Stage Two. “Crazier”

As already mentioned, a dead scientist calls on the monster Tukhlopuz with 3 damage and 5 health. The abyss deals three damage at the end of the turn to each creature of the enemy (i.e. the player). Therefore, it must be eliminated as soon as possible. And hidden from the first stage, the "Ball of Fire" (or something similar) will come in handy.

In addition, the Pest control takes up arms, its strength changes, and the cost of all weapons decreases to 1 crystal. Throughout the second phase, after the destruction of the abomination, it is necessary to “break” the professor’s weapon (for example, Acid Sludge Paladina will successfully cope with this task). You will also need to make profitable gambits and keep an advantage with the help of secrets. It is very important not to complete this stage until there is a spell in your hand that can take down six units of health at a time.

"Madness has no limits" - the final stage

As already mentioned, in the third stage there is nothing to do if there is not even a “Burning Torch” from the magician in the hand, for the scientist’s experiments have completely gotten out of control. He himself no longer looks like himself, and the Rotomord appears on the board with indicators of 4 damage and 6 health. How to defeat Professor Merzocida?

It is important to sweep this monster off the battlefield with one hit, as non-fatal damage helps summon legendary creatures. The situation is aggravated by the fact that all cards at this stage cost 5 crystals, and the professor also throws slime over the battlefield (almost like in World of Warcraft). Only now there is no one on the role of Mutilated Abomination.

The main thing is to kill Gnilomord, and then it remains to eliminate annoying slugs and beat the professor himself. After the scientist’s crushing defeat, the Lich King himself will appear and exclaim that this crazy genius is a wimp and he has the right place in the hunter's deck, and not in the Citadel.

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Cards for victory

The adventure of “Knights of the Icecrown” is unusual not only for its plot, but also for the extremely high complexity of bosses. Someone has been struggling for weeks to defeat Lord Rebrad, someone is having difficulty passing Professor Merzocide at Hartstone, and some player is already beating the Lich King himself.

Many guides will help those who have difficulty with the passage. Players who have already defeated this “icy Buchenwald” often share valuable advice. These can also be used in preparation for the battle with Professor Merzocide. Decks of cards are quite successfully formed using the link (from the guides) copied to the clipboard.

You just need to go into the game, go into the deck creation mode and click the "yes" button. The field on the right is immediately filled with cards, and the victory over the Pest (or any other boss) remains only a matter of time.

Deck example

There is no universal deck to deal with any boss. Each option is only the opinion of the specific player who made up the deck. Anyone can make their own addition. On the network you can find the “base of decks” and choose a convenient option. Often used to deal with the Merzotsid budget paladin deck.

professor merzocide hearthstone walkthrough

Code for the game: AAECAZ8FAA9G + gGFA9wD8APGBO4E + wTXBfEFgAbPBooHrwesCAA =.

The tactics are as follows: conscripted recruits are intensively used as cannon fodder for “smoking” secrets at the first stage. If there is a Devourer of Secrets - even easier.

At the second stage, if the scientist has "Eagle Horn Bow" in his hands, it is better not to remove the secret. It is likely that the weapon will change in the next move.

In the third phase, archers are used to remove annoying slugs from the battlefield.


It is worth noting that tips are not universal. The lucky ones will go through the boss immediately, and a little less fortunate will have to sweat. At the will of the almighty "random". In any case, you should pay attention to the cards that fall in the hand at the beginning of the first move. It must be creatures or spells with a cost of 1 crystal, capable of providing an advantage on the board from the first move.

Do not wait for successful combinations and hold cards in your hand. After all, the enemy is cunning and treacherous. One unfinished creature on the first turn will be able to drag two along on the second - to beat three, remaining in the minority, is very difficult at the beginning of the round. Professor Merzocide is a very difficult boss, therefore you must not allow him to prevail.

Efforts will not be without reward. The update brought new interesting maps to the game. Now for each character, a unique card has appeared that appeals to the dark side of power. If you recall Warcraft 3, Lord Arthas killed Lady Sylvanas and turned her into a monstrous Banshee. New cards from the ice pack have a similar property.

professor pesticide hearthstone

Previously, only the warlock Gul'dan could be content with this, summoning demons. Now this is the property of every class.

Good game!


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