ATP: what is it and what does it eat with?

This short word can be found on posters and signs, pages of print media and the Internet. SPS ... What could a letter combination read the same in any direction mean? It turns out that he has more than enough values. We give only the most famous definitions of the word.

The brainchild of Gaidar and Nemtsov

So what is ATP? Perhaps the most recognizable object hiding behind this abbreviation is the Union of Right Forces. From the electoral bloc created in 1999, which united the Just Cause coalition, the Voice of Russia and the New Force movements under its wing, a political party grew in 2001. The founding fathers of the Union of Right Forces are Yegor Gaidar, Boris Nemtsov, Anatoly Chubais.

ATP what is
From the very first days of the existence of the Union, Irina Khakamada was a member of it (until 2003, she held the post of co-chair). In 2008, SPS leaders announced the dissolution of the political union.

Party in the former Yugoslavia

Since we were talking about politics, it would be unfair not to recall another meaning of the PCA, though not Russian, but foreign. In the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, the successor to Yugoslavia, which broke up in 2003, there has been a Socialist Party of Serbia created by Slobodan Milosevic since the beginning of the 1990s. From 1990 to 1997 The Union of Right Forces occupied the leading lines of elective ratings, and since 2001 it has passed into opposition.

Armor-piercing weapons

If the question of what the PCA is, arose while viewing printed material on army subjects, then most likely we are talking about a self-loading pistol Serdyukov. This type of weapon, developed at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering, was adopted by the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2003.

What is ATP
The pistol got its name by the name of the designer Peter Serdyukov, who was engaged in the creation of this type of weapon in collaboration with Igor Belyaev. High store capacity and the ability to hit complex targets are the distinguishing features of ATP. What is piercing a bulletproof vest or reinforced car skin from a distance of 50 meters? Serdyukov pistol copes with this task perfectly.

mobile connection

Today, any of us cannot imagine our life without a cell phone. Base stations of mobile operators are integrated into a single Mobile Network, which also abbreviated as ATP. What are ultra-precise transceivers and sophisticated switching equipment, we do not need to know.

Meaning of the word ATP
The main thing is that this equipment provides reliability and continuity of communication, allows you to make voice calls and use Internet services, regardless of the current point of our location.

Transport service

Those who are even a little familiar with the work of urban and intercity transport do not need to explain what ATP is. The meaning of this abbreviation is the rolling stock service. Such units are included in the structure of tram and trolleybus parks, railway depots and subways. ATP employees monitor the condition of cars and cars, are responsible for their repair and modernization. The rolling stock service also performs a number of administrative functions: it monitors the observance of the Labor Protection Rules, draws up repair estimates, organizes training courses for staff, concludes contracts for the supply of new equipment, etc.

reference system

People who have to use various regulatory documents by their nature of service are probably familiar with such names as “Glavbukh”, “Garant”, “ConsultantPlus”. These electronic software products are classified as legal reference systems. Their databases contain current versions of legal laws, government decrees, decisions of state bodies.

What is the ATP value?
In addition, here you can get expert advice in the field of jurisdiction or accounting, get acquainted with the rules for filling out standard forms, request any information necessary for conducting modern office work.

Gamers dream

Video game fans know another meaning of the word ATP. This plain letter combination is deciphered extremely simple. SPS - this is the abbreviation for the name of the Sony PlayStation. Sweet to the hearts of millions of gamers around the world, the game console in Russia is affectionately called Sonya.

ATP is
The development of the Japanese company Sony first appeared on the market back in 1994 and has undergone several upgrades since then. Today, the PlayStation has expanded significantly. Using the console, users can go online, watch movies, listen to music.

Computer slang

This is how the words of gratitude are usually expressed on online forums and in game chat rooms: “ATP”. What is and how to understand it - no one has had such questions for a long time. It is clear that behind this reduction is hiding the traditional Russian “thank you”. Obviously, a gamer who is keen on a tense battle in virtual reality simply does not have enough time to write long words. A little distracted - and find yourself "wounded" or "killed." In a team game, it is often necessary to thank an ally or scold the enemy. Therefore, such short words appear.


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