Hot water in a private house: gas water heaters and boilers, calculation of the amount of hot water, a pumping system for the house, execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions

More recently, only urban residents could use hot water. Today, such communications are often mounted by suburban real estate owners. In low-rise buildings, the HV and HV systems can be assembled using different technologies. Owners of suburban areas, if they wish to have hot water and cold in a private house, will need, first of all, to choose the right pump, as well as the heating unit.

What equipment can be used

In order to provide a country house with hot and cold water, first of all, of course, it is necessary to drill a well in the area and equip the caisson. This work is in most cases entrusted to specialists. Next, you will need to purchase equipment designed to supply water to the building.

Boiler in a private house

There are many types of downhole pumps on the market today. Such equipment is usually selected depending on the flow rate of the well and its depth. It is believed that for short mines pumping stations are most suitable. Such devices absorb water during operation and supply it to the house. This type of equipment is installed in a caisson.

Long wells in private homes are usually equipped with submersible pumps that push water up. A feature of devices of this type is the presence of a protective casing. Such pumps, together with the supply pipe and power cable, are immersed directly in the shaft.

To supply hot water to a private house, the owners of a suburban area, among other things, will, of course, have to pick up a heating unit. Today, in many, even relatively remote from large cities, towns and villages, gas pipelines have been laid. Therefore, most often in private homes for heating water used equipment that runs on "blue fuel".

A good answer to the question of how to conduct hot water in a private house can be the following types of such units:

  • geysers;

  • boilers;

  • gas boilers.

The latter type of equipment is not only responsible for the uninterrupted supply of hot water in the building. And heating in a private house is provided in most cases using the same device. Such universal boilers are called double - circuit.

Geyser Selection

Most often, owners of private houses use such equipment to heat the water supplied from the well. Double-circuit boilers are expensive and somewhat difficult to operate. In addition, if such a unit breaks down, the residents of the house will remain both without hot water and without heating.

Boilers are cheaper than speakers, but in operation they are even less convenient than double-circuit boilers. Water in such units is not heated immediately, but for several hours. Columns also belong to flow-type devices. That is, the owners of the building who installed such a device can use hot water immediately after they open the tap.

Column binding

When choosing a gas column for supplying hot water to a private house, its owners should first of all pay attention to its parameters such as:

  • performance;

  • maximum allowable pressure in the system;

  • type of ignition.

From such an indicator as the maximum allowable pressure, it depends, first of all, whether the column will even be switched on if necessary. For suburban residential buildings, units are usually chosen for which this indicator does not exceed 1.5 bar.

The pressure of hot water in a private house should be large enough. This can be especially important when appliances such as showers, dishwashers, bathtubs are installed in the building. According to the regulations, for hot water this indicator should not be less than exactly 1.5 bar.

The performance of the geyser for hot water in a private house should be such as to ensure maximum ease of operation of the system for all its residents. People in the building should be able to use all plumbing fixtures at any time.

The ignition of this type of equipment can be:

  • manual;

  • electric.

The first type of speakers is considered not too convenient, because for their launch, the owners of the house each time have to click on the appropriate button. The advantage of devices of this type is generally considered only their non-volatility. Devices with electrical ignition are more expensive, but are considered more economical in terms of gas consumption and convenient in operation.

How to choose a gas boiler?

Do-it-yourself supply of hot water to consumers in a private house is possible using such equipment. When buying an aggregate of this type, in addition to performance, it is worth paying attention to such a parameter as the material used for the interior decoration of the storage tank. It is best to purchase units of this type with tanks for private houses, the surface of which, in contact with water, is protected by titanium spraying. The service life of such containers is significantly higher than that of those coated with enamel or glass porcelain.

The performance of such equipment directly depends on the volume of its tank. Currently, the industry produces boilers that can provide a home with 50-300 liters of water.

Choosing a double-circuit boiler

Such equipment is primarily selected according to capacity depending on the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room. After all, high-quality heating is a somewhat more significant factor than the uninterrupted supply of hot water to a private house. The owners of residential suburban buildings also choose gas boilers for domestic hot water, paying attention to the following parameters:

  • type of heat exchanger;

  • power control system.

Heat exchangers for such equipment can be:

  • separate;

  • biometrics.

The first variety of units is primarily distinguished by high cost. In such boilers, two types of heat exchangers are provided. One of them is responsible for heating water in the heating system, the other in the domestic hot water network. The main advantage of such units is the lack of scale even with prolonged use.

Gas boilers for hot water in a private house with biometric heat exchangers operate on a slightly different principle. Such equipment is cheaper, but it does not last as long as units of the first type. Water for domestic hot water and heating systems in boilers of this type is heated simultaneously.

The choice of pumping equipment

When choosing a station or a submersible unit, first of all pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • performance;

  • the pressure.

The first parameter for the pump, as well as for the heating equipment, should correspond to the water needs of the people living in the house. The pressure of such equipment is calculated by the formula:

  • H = (Tc + P + Vd) x1.15, where

Gs is the depth of the well, P is the distance from the mine to the house, Vd is the height of the water intake point, 1.15 is the resistance coefficient.

Calculation of the required amount of water

Thus, when choosing heating and supplying equipment when installing water supply systems, you should first of all focus on the needs of the residents of the house.

The calculation of the performance of the pumps is based on the fact that 1 person consumes 1000 liters of water per day. That is, for a family of 3 people it will be needed in an amount of 3 m 3 . Buy a pump, however, for this indicator should be with some margin. Indeed, in the building several cranes can be simultaneously open.

Private house water supply

When choosing heating units, of course, it is not the total water flow rate that is taken into account, but the required amount of hot water. In this case, everything will depend on the preferences and habits of people living in the house.

Calculation of the consumption of hot water for a private house is best done, of course, taking into account the norms of SNiP. This indicator is determined using complex formulas and special tables. However, on average, for 1 person in a building equipped with a shower, kitchen sink and sink, about 300 liters of hot water with a temperature of 55-57 ยฐ C should fall per day. Based on this, and you can make an approximate calculation.

What tools and materials will be required?

After performing all the calculations, you can proceed with the actual assembly of the HV and HV systems in the house. In addition to the heating unit and pump, for the installation of such a network, of course, it will be necessary to purchase pipes, through which in the future there will be circulation in the private house of hot water and cold.

In most cases, during the installation of HV and HV systems, polypropylene pipes are stretched. Pipes of this type can withstand a fairly high pressure, last a long time and are relatively inexpensive. The only drawback of the equipment of this variety is the difficulty in installation. Such lines are assembled using a special device called an โ€œironโ€. Of course, not every owner of a country house has the skills to work with such a tool. Specialist services can be quite expensive.

Also, when assembling water pipes, pipes can be used:

  • strong and durable metal-plastic;

  • strong but rust-prone steel;

  • copper.

The last type of highways is mounted mainly only in large expensive cottages. Copper pipes are much more expensive than any other. But at the same time, their service life is more than 100 years. In addition, copper is able to make water in contact with it more useful for the human body.

In addition to pipes, it may be necessary to purchase a collector to supply cold and hot water to a private house. Choose a comb, focusing on the number of plumbing fixtures in the house and the material of the manufacture of highways. The collector, of course, must first of all have the right number of inputs and outputs. For a country house, it is best to choose such equipment made of the same material as the pipes.

Combs are currently, unfortunately, quite expensive. However, if desired, such equipment can also be made with your own hands from the engineering corners and tees.

The coarse filter is another type of device that must be installed when assembling such systems in private homes. Hot water, as well as cold water passing along the highways of the building, of course, must be, among other things, also clean. The coarse filter removes particles of dirt, silt, etc. directly from the entrance to the house.

Also, if necessary, the building can additionally be installed:

  • iron remover

  • softener;

  • fine filters;

  • disinfectants.

Softeners in home water systems are used to remove excess salts from water. Thus, the owners of suburban buildings protect the household appliances used in them from scale formation and thereby extend its service life.

De-ironers in private homes are rarely installed. Installation of such equipment becomes necessary only in some areas. Devices of this type are used to remove excess iron from water, an excess of which can be harmful to the human body.

Of the tools for assembling the HV and HV systems, you may need, among other things:

  • gas and conventional keys;

  • โ€œIronโ€ or welding machine;

  • hacksaw;

  • drill;

  • level etc.

How to conduct hot water in a private house: project

Before proceeding with the installation of the HV and HV system, it is, of course, necessary to draw up its detailed design. When developing this document, first of all, you need to decide on the layout of the external and internal highways.

A street pipe from a well to a building in suburban areas is pulled into a trench dug below the freezing ground. Moreover, such highways are usually also additionally insulated. If such installation is not possible (for example, on a rocky site), special heating cables are used, which, depending on the variety, can be pulled inside the pipe or wrapped around it.

Street routing

The distribution of hot water in a private house can be carried out according to two main schemes:

  • from one pipe;

  • using the collector.

The first technique is usually used in one-story country houses of not too large area. The advantage of this scheme is the simplicity and low cost of installation. The disadvantages of wiring of this type include uneven water pressure in plumbing fixtures.

Collectors are most often installed in large cottages with a significant number of consumers. Such systems provide the same pressure in all devices installed in the house. However, during their installation it is necessary to use a very large number of pipes, which, among other things, can be quite difficult to mask.

Recirculation of hot water in a private house

In large suburban buildings, water supply systems can be equipped with a slightly different principle. Hot water in the highways at a time when no one is using the network, of course, stagnates and cools. Therefore, the owners of the house have to subsequently merge it for a long time.

To avoid such inconveniences, a recirculation pump and thermostatic valves are additionally included in the circuit. The equipment of the first type provides constant circulation of hot water in a private house from the boiler to consumers. Valves, however, block the flow when it reaches a certain temperature in one or another part of the circuit.

By looping hot water in a private house, this way you can make the use of the network much more convenient. However, in this case, the HV system, unfortunately, becomes completely volatile. That is, when the voltage drops in the mains, residents will not be able to use the hot water supply.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Water supply systems are being assembled in country houses in several stages:

  • the external highway is laid;

  • if necessary, a cleaning system is mounted;

  • a boiler or a column is installed;

  • connection of the supplying section of hot water to the boiler, column or boiler;

  • wiring of both lines is in progress.

In addition, as already mentioned, during the installation of hot water for recycling hot water in a private house, a special pump can be mounted.

Outlet Routing

When assembling the water supply system of a country house, a street pipe is pulled along the trench simultaneously with the pump power cable. When arranging the caisson in its wall, of course, provide an opening for this highway.

A pipe from the well is brought into the house through the foundation. The highway passes into the building in an insulating sleeve. At the entrance to the house, the coarse filter is the first to be mounted on the street downhole pipe. Then they can be installed in series: softener, fine filter, disinfectant.

Water supply from the well

Heater installation

Such equipment, of course, also needs to be installed correctly to ensure uninterrupted water supply for a private house. Hot water flows to consumers in a suburban building from a boiler, boiler or column. Such equipment may be installed directly in the building. In large cottages, units of this type usually have a separate room. In small private houses, boilers and columns are in most cases mounted in the kitchen. In any case, it is supposed to put gas equipment in the building in a room with a volume of at least 15 m 3 , which has a window with a window.

The method of installing such equipment depends on its type. Columns and boilers in most cases are hung on the wall. Double-circuit boilers are most often installed on the floor on a pedestal flooded in concrete or simply on a metal sheet.

When using gas heaters, a procedure such as installing a chimney becomes mandatory. Such pipes can be displayed on the street both through the ceilings and the roof, and through the walls of the house. When installing a chimney, the owners of a residential building must comply, including such requirements:

  • the pipe section must not be less than the diameter of the inlet pipe of the unit;

  • it is advisable to plug the chimney to prevent soot formation;

  • from the vertical pipe in all sections should deviate no more than 30 degrees;

  • at least one of the sections at least 1.5 meters long must be strictly vertical;

  • if the pipe enters the roof no further than 1-1.5 from the ridge, it must rise at least 50 cm above it.

In which cases does not require laying a chimney?

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Copper pipes

When using a parallel collector circuit, wiring begins to be done with the installation of a comb. Such equipment can be mounted in a niche in the wall or in a special cabinet. At the next stage, in this case, the HV pipe from the cleaning devices is connected to the inlet pipes of the collector, and the main for hot water is connected from the boiler. In a private house, further during the installation of such a system, branches to each plumbing fixture are stretched from the comb outlet pipes.

When laying the main and additional highways in both wiring schemes, it is supposed to use the building level. Pipes during installation of a water supply system of the first type can be mounted both open-ended and closed - in gates. In most cases, collector lines are hidden behind the building structures.

Rules for installing and connecting plumbing fixtures

Shower, kitchen sink, toilet and sink in a country house, of course, also need to be mounted correctly. The standards for the installation of such devices are as follows:

  • the toilet is installed at a distance of not more than 1-1.5 m from the sewer riser;

  • the distance between the bath and shower should be at least 70 cm;

  • the sink from the bath or shower is mounted with an interval of at least 30 cm;

  • sink and sink faucets are installed at a height of about 120 cm from the floor;

  • a distance of 60 cm should be provided from the surface of the floor to the upper rim of the bath;

  • the sink and sink are mounted at a height of 85 cm.

Hot water in the house

After the installation of the water supply system in the country house is completed, it is mandatory to check its performance. The detected faults are eliminated, after which the network is put into operation.


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