The Deepest Depressions on Earth: World Leaders

Faults in the oceans are considered faults of the earth's crust, which are distinguished by the highest pressure and darkness, through which it is almost impossible to see anything. The deepest depressions on Earth, which will be discussed later, have not been fully studied by man to date.

Mariana Trench

She tops the rating and is also known as the Mariana Trench. Its location is in the Pacific Ocean, near the Mariana Islands. The fault depth is 10,994 meters, however, according to scientists, this value can vary within 40 meters. The first dive into the Mariana Trench occurred on January 23, 1960. The bathyscaphe, in which were the US Navy lieutenant Joe Walsh and the scientist Jacques Picard, sank 10918 meters. The first researchers claimed that below they saw fish that looked like flounder in appearance. However, no photographs were taken. Two more dives were later carried out. It turned out that the largest hollow in the world has mountains at its bottom, which reach a height of about 2500 meters.

Biggest hollow in the world

Tonga Trench

This trench is only slightly inferior to the Mariana and it has a depth of 10882 meters. Its characteristic feature is the speed of movement of lithospheric plates, which reaches 25.4 cm per year (while the average value of this indicator is about 2 cm). An interesting fact about this trench is that at a depth of about 6 km there is the lunar landing stage Apollo 13, which fell here from space.

Philippine Trench

It is located near the Philippine Islands in the Pacific Ocean and ranks third in such a ranking as "The Deepest Depressions on Earth." The depth of the Philippine Trench is 10,540 meters. This depression was formed as a result of subduction and has not been fully studied due to the fact that the Marianskaya is of much greater interest.


The gutter is connected in the northern part with the above-mentioned Tonga and reaches a depth of 10,047 meters. A thorough study of it, which took place at a depth of about seven and a half kilometers, was carried out in 2008. During the study, rare living creatures were found, characterized by the original pink color.

immersion in the mariana trench

Izu-Boninsky Trench

The deepest troughs on Earth were primarily found in the twentieth century. In contrast, the Izu-Boninsky Trough 9810 meters deep by humans was first identified at the very end of the nineteenth century. This happened when determining the depth of the bottom for laying a telephone cable. Later it turned out that the trench is an integral part of the whole chain of depressions in the ocean.

Kuril-Kamchatka Trench

The depth of this depression is 9783 meters. It was discovered during the study of the previous trench and has a very small width (59 meters). On the slopes there are many valleys with ledges, terraces and canyons. At the bottom there are troughs separated by rapids. Detailed studies of it have not yet been conducted in connection with difficult access.

The deepest troughs on Earth

Puerto Rico Gutter

The deepest troughs on Earth are not only in the Pacific Ocean. Puerto Rico gutter formed on the border of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. Its deepest point is located at around 8385 meters. The hollow differs from others in relatively high seismic activity, as a result of which underwater eruptions and tsunamis sometimes occur in this place. It should be noted that the depression is gradually lowering, which is associated with the lowering of the tectonic North American plate.


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