Boris Pasternak - biography, life and work

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich, whose biography is presented in this article, is one of those few word masters who have been awarded one of the most coveted awards - the Nobel Prize.

boris parsnip biography

The biography of the poet

Boris Pasternak, whose photo is presented in the article, was born in Moscow in 1890. The poet's family was creative and intelligent. Mother is a pianist, father was a famous artist and academician. His works were highly appreciated, and some were even acquired by the famous philanthropist Tretyakov for his museum. Leonid Osipovich Pasternak was friendly with Leo Tolstoy and was one of his favorite illustrators.

In addition to the first-born of Boris, three more children later appeared in the family - the youngest son and two daughters.


Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, whose poems have not yet been written, from birth was in an amazing creative atmosphere. The house of his parents was always hospitably open for famous guests. In addition to Leo Tolstoy, there were composers Skryabin and Rachmaninov, artists Levitan and Ivanov, and many other creative personalities. Of course, meetings with them could not but affect Pasternak. Scriabin had the greatest influence on him, under the influence of which 13-year-old Boris had been seriously engaged in music for a long time and planned to become a composer.

Studied Boris Pasternak (the poet's biography contains this fact) is excellent. He graduated from the fifth Moscow gymnasium, in which Vladimir Mayakovsky studied two classes below. At the same time, he studied at the composer department of the Moscow Conservatory. He graduated from high school brilliantly - with a gold medal and the highest scores in all subjects.

Difficult choice

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich, whose biography will subsequently be replenished with more than one fact of a difficult choice, after graduation, he was forced to take the first, very painful decision for him - to leave the composer's career. He himself in his biography later explained that he had done so, since he did not have absolute pitch. Purposefulness and enormous capacity for work were already laid in the character of the future poet. If he started something, then brought to full perfection. Therefore, very fond of music, but realizing that he could not achieve the perfection necessary for himself in this profession, Pasternak, in his words, “wrested” it from himself.

In 1908, he entered Moscow University, first at the Faculty of Law, but after a year he changed his mind and transferred to the philosophical department. As always, Pasternak studies brilliantly and in 1912 continues his studies at the University of Margburg. He was predicted to have a good career as a philosopher in Germany, but he suddenly decides to devote himself not to philosophy, but to poetry.

The beginning of the creative path

He began to try himself in poetry late, in about 1910. The poems of Boris Pasternak of that period, according to the memoirs of Sergei Bobrov, the poet’s colleagues working together in poetry circles, completely childish in form, tried to contain a huge content.

A visit with the Venice family in 1912 and the refusal of the beloved girl make a strong impression on Boris. This finds expression in his first verses of that period.

Upon his return to Moscow, he begins to participate in the literary circles "Musaget" and "Lyric", speaking with his poems. During these years he was attracted by such trends in poetry as futurism and symbolism, but later he preferred not to be a member of any literary association, but to be independent.

poems by boris parsnip

The years 1913–1914 were rich in events for Pasternak in his creative life. At first, several of his poems were published, and in 1914 the first collection “The Twin in the Clouds” was published. But all this he considers so far only a breakdown of the pen, as he is dissatisfied with the quality of his works. In the same year, he met Vladimir Mayakovsky. Parsnip as a poet falls under his influence.

The birth of a poet

The creative process is a completely inexplicable thing. Someone creates easily, as if amusing himself, another carefully hones each phrase, achieving perfection. The latter also included Boris Pasternak. For him, poetry is not only a great gift, but also hard work. Therefore, only the collection “My Sister is Life”, published in 1922, he considers the beginning of his literary work. The poems of Boris Pasternak, included in it, were written in the summer of 1917.

Fruitful 1920s

The beginning of the 1920s was marked by several important events. In 1921, the poet’s parents emigrate to Germany, and in 1922 Boris Pasternak, whose biography contains many interesting facts, marries Evgeni Vladimirovna Lurie. A year later, their son Zhenya is born.

Creativity of Boris Pasternak during these years is fruitful - in 1923 a collection of themes and variations appeared and two famous poems - Lieutenant Schmidt and Nine Hundred and Fifth. They became a literary event of those years and were highly appreciated by Maxim Gorky.

Poet and Soviet power

The beginning of the 1930s was the time of Pasternak's recognition of power. His works are reprinted annually, the poet himself in 1934 delivers a speech at the first congress of the Writers' Union. He is actually called the best poet of the country. But the authorities do not forget that the poet had the courage to stand up for the arrested relatives of the poetess Anna Akhmatova, defended Mandelstam and Gumilyov. She doesn’t forgive anyone. Boris Pasternak did not escape this fate. A short biography of the poet suggests that by 1936 he was virtually eliminated from the official literary life of the country, accusing him of a wrong worldview and detachment from life.

boris parsnip short verses

Parsnip translations

It so happened that Pasternak as a translator is no less famous than as a poet. He is called one of the best masters of poetic translation. Who, if not he, a wonderful poet, could better than others feel the work of another creator?

Due to the negative attitude of the authorities in the late 1930s, the poet remained without earnings. His works are no longer republished, money is sorely lacking, and Pasternak turns to translations. In relation to them, the poet had his own concept. He believed that translation is the same independent work of art as the original. And here he approached the work with all his meticulousness, the desire to do everything perfectly.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, whose poems and translations were included in the gold fund of Russian and foreign literature, began to engage in translations as early as 1918. Then he was mainly engaged in the work of German poets. His main work began in 1936. He goes to the cottage in Peredelkino and works hard on translations of Shakespeare, Goethe, Byron, Rilke, Keats, Varlena. Now his work is valued on an equal footing with the original works.

For Pasternak, translations are not only an opportunity to feed a family, but also a peculiar way to realize oneself as a poet in the conditions of persecution and refusal to publish his works. We owe Boris Pasternak great translations of Shakespeare, which have long been considered classic.

War and post-war years

The trauma received by the writer in childhood did not allow him to mobilize to the front during the Patriotic War. But he could not stay away. After completing military courses, he goes to the front as a correspondent. Upon returning home to Peredelkino, he creates a cycle of patriotic poems.

The years after the war are a time of hard work. Parsnip translates a lot, as this remains his only income. In the post-war years, he writes little poems - all his time is spent on translations and work on a new novel.

For these years, one more titanic work of the poet is accounted for - the translation of Goethe's Faust.

"Doctor Zhivago" - the pinnacle of creation and favorite work of the poet

This book was the most important and favorite work of the poet. For ten whole years Boris Pasternak went to her. Doctor Zhivago is in many ways an autobiographical novel.

The beginning of work - 1945. At this time, the prototype of the main female image of the novel was the wife of the writer Zinaida Neigauz. After the appearance in the life of Pasternak Olga Ivinsky, which became his new muse, work on the manuscript went faster.

This novel is the poet’s main and favorite brainchild, it was created for a long time - 10 years. This is actually an autobiography of the writer himself, a true story about events in the country, starting from the beginning of the century and ending with a terrible war. For this honesty, Doctor Zhivago was categorically rejected by the authorities, and Boris Pasternak, whose biography stores the events of this difficult period, was subjected to real persecution.

It is hard to imagine how hard it was to endure universal censure, especially from colleagues.

In the Soviet Union, the publication of the book was refused due to the ambiguous view of the writer on the October Revolution. Novel appreciated only abroad. He managed to publish in Italy. In 1957, Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago saw the light and instantly became a sensation. This work in the West has received the most enthusiastic reviews.

1958 is an amazing date. Awarding the Nobel Prize is the greatest joy for the poet from the high recognition of his talent by the world community, and the real grief because of the persecution that renewed with renewed vigor. He was offered to be sent as a punishment from the country, to which the poet replied that he could not think of himself without his homeland. Pasternak succinctly and rigidly described all the bitterness of that period in the poem “The Nobel Prize”, written in 1959. He had to refuse the award, and for this verse, published abroad, he was almost accused under the article "treason to the motherland." Saved by the fact that the publication occurred without the consent of Pasternak.

boris parsnip photo

Boris Pasternak - short poems by the poet

If we talk about the early work of the poet, the influence of symbolism is strongly felt in him. Very complex rhymes, incomprehensible images and comparisons are characteristic of this period. Pasternak's style changed dramatically during the war years. Poems seem to acquire ease and ease of reading. They are easy and quick to remember, and it’s nice to just read them in a row. This is especially true of the poet’s short poems, such as “Hops”, “Wind”, “March”, “Hamlet”. The genius of Pasternak lies in the fact that even in his smallest poems there is a huge philosophical meaning.

Boris Pasternak. Analysis of the poem "July"

The poem refers to the late period of the poet. It was written in 1956, when Pasternak rested in the summer at the cottage in Peredelkino. If in the early years he wrote elegant poems, then later a social orientation and favorite topic of the poet appears in them - an understanding of the inextricability of the world of nature and man.

“July” is a vivid example of landscape lyrics. The title of the work and its theme coincide completely. What was the main idea Boris Pasternak wanted to convey to the reader? July is one of the most beautiful summer months, causing sincere admiration for the author. And he wants to describe his lightness, freshness and charm.

The poem has two parts. The first part creates an atmosphere of mystery - who is the guest who entered the house? Brownie, a ghost, a ghost that runs in, frolics and sneaks?

In the second part, the secret of the mysterious guest is revealed - this is the mischief-July, the month of mid-summer. The poet humanizes July, using for this personification: brownie, unkempt disheveled, a tenant visiting.

A feature of the poem is the author’s use of vivid visual images: July “tears off the tablecloth”, “runs into a whirlwind of draft”.

The personal life of the poet

Boris Pasternak, whose biography cannot be complete without a story about his family, was married twice. As a creative person living with emotions, he was an addicted person. Not so much as to stoop to banal betrayals, but he could not remain faithful to one beloved woman.

The first wife of the poet was a charming Eugene Lurie, a young artist. They met in 1921, and the poet considered symbolic for this meeting. At this time, Pasternak finished work on the story "Luvers Childhood," whose heroine was called Eugene, and as if he saw her image in the girl.

boris parsnip

Eugene became a real museum of the poet. Refined, gentle, delicate and at the same time purposeful and independent, it caused him an unusual emotional upsurge. In the early years of marriage, Boris Pasternak was probably the first time happy. At first, a strong love smoothed out all difficulties, but gradually the hard life of the poor of the 20s began to intervene more and more in family happiness. Eugene was not an ideal wife, she also wanted to realize herself as an artist, and Pasternak had to take on many family concerns.

In 1926, a long correspondence begins between him and Marina Tsvetaeva, which literally drives the poet’s jealous wife crazy. She does not stand it and leaves for Pasternak's parents in Germany. In the end, she decides to give up her desire to realize herself as an artist and devotes her life to caring for her husband. But the poet by this time is already getting acquainted with his second future wife - Zinaida Neigauz. He is already forty, she is 32 years old, she is married and has two boys.

boris leonidovich parsnip poems

Neuhaus is the exact opposite of Eugenia Lurie. She fully devoted herself to the family, was very economic. It was not that refinement that was inherent in the first wife of the poet. But Pasternak at first sight fell in love with this woman. The fact that she is married and has children did not stop him. Now he saw his life only with her.

In 1932, he divorced Eugenia and married Zinaida. After parting with his first wife, he all the years, until his death, helped her and his son and maintained relations.

With his second wife, Pasternak was also happy. Caring, economic, she tried to provide him comfort and peace, and was also a muse for the poet. In the second marriage, a son Leonid was born.

Family happiness lasted, as in the first marriage, a little more than 10 years. Parsnip increasingly began to linger at the cottage in Peredelkino and more and more moved away from his wife. Once in the editorial office of the magazine New World, he met Olga Ivinskaya, who worked there as an editor. She became the last muse of the poet.

Several times they tried to leave, because Pasternak did not want to leave his wife, she meant a lot to him, and the poet could not afford to do so cruelly with her.

In 1949, Ivinskaya was arrested and sent to camps for 5 years for communication with Boris Pasternak. And all these years he took care of her elderly mother and children, providing money. This hard time has not passed for nothing - in 1952 the poet ends up in a hospital with a heart attack.

After returning, Olga became the unofficial secretary of Pasternak - she conducts all his affairs, communicates with the editorial offices on his behalf, and reprints his works. Until the end of the poet's life, they no longer parted.

parsnip boris leonidovich biography

Last years

There is no doubt that the persecution that unfolded around the poet greatly undermined his health. The heart attack suffered in 1952 also made itself felt.

In the spring, in early April 1960, Pasternak fell ill from a serious illness. No one suggested that he had cancer that had already metastasized into the stomach. In early May, the poet realizes that the disease is fatal, and he will not recover. May 30, Boris Pasternak dies. All this time, his wife Zinaida was at his bedside, who will outlive her husband by 6 years and die from the same illness. The poet and his whole family are buried in the cemetery in Peredelkino.

The work of the remarkable Russian poet, writer and translator Boris Pasternak forever entered the world literature. His peculiarity as a poet is a picturesque expressive style and amazing poetic imagery.


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