Military training of reservists: who is it and how are they held

The tension in political relations with some countries of the world served as a kind of trigger for the start of modernization of the Russian army. The changes affected not only regularly operating troops, but also military reservists. Their management was not only gradually brought under the foreign policy situation, but radically changed the leadership of this type of troops. For a simple layman, such units as the Airborne Forces or the Marine Corps are better known, but many are vaguely aware of who these reservists are.

Stock Army Formation

Since the bill was drafted, on the basis of which a complete change in the structure and list of persons to be drafted will be made, many people began to wonder if they belong to this category. To begin with, it’s worthwhile to understand who the reservists are. These are persons who are not serving in the regular army of the country and who are in the "civilian population" who are subject to conscription in the regular troops when martial law is introduced. That is, these are those people who, at the start of hostilities, will be hastily mobilized and stand up for the Russian army.

Youth at the training camp

Who belongs to this category

The presidential decree on the persons to be called up for the gathering of reservists accurately describes all categories of Russian citizens who should prepare and keep abreast of all military news. So, subject to the appeal:

  • Former university students who have undergone special training at the department of military affairs at their own educational institution and received the rank of officer.
  • Women whose specialty is military accounting, especially doctors and nurses.
  • Those who have already been transferred to the reserve from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Citizens who, at the time of the call, were able to obtain a deferment or were sent to alternative civilian service.
  • The military, which were not registered upon dismissal.

The age at which it was no longer possible to call on a citizen suitable for the list items was also clearly agreed upon - 60 years. Reserves are mainly those who have already completed initial training in the Russian army.

Army exercises


The change itself in the training of citizens at the training camp of reservists is global and has far-reaching plans. To some, this may seem unrealistic. In the understanding of the state apparatus there is a clear statement of who these reservists are after the reform. It is these people who will become the very "universal soldier" who, if mobilized in the army, will be put into operation in the shortest possible time, while the losses will be zero. Based on this, we can assume who they are - reservists in the understanding of the "state machine".

Russian troops

The plans of the General Staff are not only this, the very essence of the reform is not even restoring order in the vast bureaucratic chaos of the army, but rather, even establishing contact between the existing military and those that are still in the rear. It is this approach that should bring the result in the form of a lack of reprofiling of personnel in the case of gathering reservists.

Roughly speaking, a new training system is being developed. When the reservists are called up for military training, a special kind of soldiers and officers will be trained. It will allow the composition to fulfill the tasks of both military and civilian directions.

Given the global nature of this particular reform, the time spent by reservists at military training should itself be increased. It is about this that discussions are being held now, the question of what age will be average in 10-15 years in Russia is especially acute. Unlike the countries of the West, in our country the average age is from 20 to 34 years, in the west 30-45.

Military training program

The political situation and the age of conscripts play a very important role in the compilation of the military training program for the draft of reservists. That is why the project is constantly changing, in addition, it is absolutely impractical to leave the same teachings in a very volatile modern environment. Also, the list of skills and maneuvers varies depending on the type of troops.

Fees and construction

Many changes are also associated with psychological and physical factors, because those who have already managed to break the habit or are not at all used to military service in the army, can not always correctly and the first time fulfill all the standards. The standards themselves are calculated based on the physical condition of the average healthy twenty-year-old guy, which does not always suit older people or those who lead the wrong lifestyle.

Dates and types

The charter of military service, currently in force, and the regulatory documents that govern it, allow us to distinguish several types of military-military-type meetings:

  • The gathering of officers is accompanied by a strong bias in the management process.
  • Testing skills and standards.
  • Training fees.
  • Ascribed.

It is the penultimate paragraph that is obligatory for the presence of citizens who fit the category of conservatives. Such fees are characterized by the practical part of training combined with the theoretical.

Who can avoid participating in military training

The only category for which military training is required to attend is contract soldiers, the only thing that can give amnesty is health. Other citizens may not participate in fees for the following reasons:

  • Over the past three years, training has already been completed.
  • A citizen is already an important employee of a strategic enterprise.
  • Human activities are related to teaching activities in universities of the country.
  • Other grounds for lawfully obtaining a deferral.
Build a soldier

Another important selection criterion is the age of the drafted, every year it is updated and adjusted. It is precisely those who fit the age criteria that will be called up for military training of reservists in the first place.


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